Will God Reward Our Acts of Kindness to the Lost?
What Christians Want To Know
by Jack Wellman
1w ago
We know God will reward each person according to their works on earth, but what about the good things we do for lost people? Will God reward us for doing good things to those outside the church? The Invisible Elect We know God will reward each person according to their works on earth (Matt 16:27 ..read more
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I Have Had Dreams or Visions Of Jesus? What Does It Mean?
What Christians Want To Know
by Jack Wellman
2w ago
Many people claim to have dreams or visions and want to know, are they from God and if so, what do they mean? What Do Dreams and Visions Mean? From my own experience, I have heard many who have had dreams and had visions of Jesus Christ, but what does this mean? Is Jesus trying ..read more
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Equally Yoked – Why Shared Faith Matters in Marriage
What Christians Want To Know
by Guest
2w ago
What does the Bible say about marriage, in particular, marriage between the saved and unsaved? Love and Faith What does the Bible say about marriage, in particular, marriage between the saved and unsaved? When dreaming about your ideal marriage, you probably think of a lifetime of love, partnership, and building a family. It certainly can ..read more
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7 Powerful Bible Verses to Memorize for the New Year
What Christians Want To Know
by Jack Wellman
2w ago
With a new year, why not learn new Bible verses? Here are 7 powerful Bible verses to memorize for this and every New Year ahead. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come – 2 Cor 5:17 When we are born again ..read more
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7 Great Bible Verses About Christmas
What Christians Want To Know
by Jack Wellman
1M ago
Here are 7 great Bible verses that get to the real meaning of Christmas. Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Notice that it is “the Lord himself” who will give the sign, and this supernatural ..read more
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Why Sharing the Gospel is Like Preaching to the Dead
What Christians Want To Know
by Jack Wellman
1M ago
Some see the preaching of the gospel to the lost is like preaching to the dead, but there is power in God’s Word to bring them eternal life. The Walking Dead Some see the preaching of the gospel to the lost is like preaching to the dead, but there is power in God’s Word to ..read more
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How the World is Becoming Like the Days of Noah
What Christians Want To Know
by Jack Wellman
1M ago
You can tell how the world is becoming more evil every day and departing further and further from God, so what’s this mean to the Christian? Days of Noah You can tell how the world is becoming more evil every day and departing further and further from God, so what’s this mean to the Christian ..read more
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Inspirational Bible and Christian Quotes That Will Inspire You
What Christians Want To Know
by Jack Wellman
1M ago
The Bible is full of inspirational verses, but others have inspiring quotes that just might inspire you. Inspiring Quotes The Bible is full of inspirational verses, but other people have inspiring quotes too that just might inspire you today, and now more than ever, we could use some inspiration. We all have those days where ..read more
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Why You Must Be Like Children Before You Can Enter the Kingdom
What Christians Want To Know | Christian Blog
by Jack Wellman
2M ago
Jesus welcomed little children into His arms and unless we be like children, we cannot enter the kingdom of God. Tattered and Shattered Jesus welcomed little children into His arms and unless we be like children, we cannot enter the kingdom of God (Matt 18:3). That’s what Jesus said, but we’ll cover what that means ..read more
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How Knowledge Can Puff Up the Christian
What Christians Want To Know
by Jack Wellman
2M ago
How does knowledge puff us up or make us prideful so we can avoid it happening to us. Puffer Fish How does knowledge puff us up or make us prideful so we can avoid it happening to us. It made me think of the Blowfish (family of Tetraodontidae) which are closely related to the Porcupine ..read more
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