She Takes on the World Blog
The business and lifestyle blog for women entrepreneurs.
Natalie is an Emmy Award-winning media entrepreneur, creator of soulseconds.com, and mentor to women entrepreneurs at shetakesontheworld.com.
She Takes on the World
2y ago
I don’t know about you, but I had some –– and by some, I mean the vast majority! –– of my 2020 plans scuppered by a particular global pandemic. (And how fun is the word scuppered by the way?! I don’t get to use that one so often but it’s just so fitting for 2020. )
Eagerly anticipated, magical journeys to far-flung corners of the planet with my love?
Carefully researched, only-rarely-come-up personal development opportunities with top teachers?
The deliciously immersive, luxury retreat I planned to hold?
I’m almost positive that if you’re reading ..read more
She Takes on the World
2y ago
“2020 is going to be a year of travel and epic growth and adventure for Yossef and I.” → Something I actually wrote during the holidays last year.
The travel plans and workshops we were signed up for have of course been postponed, but it sure was a year of epic growth and adventure for us, as I’ve been reflecting on as we lounge on the couch in our coziest pyjamas.
That growth and adventure just didn’t come in the ways we thought it would! Like, instead of a long trek to get to a ritual cave I was going to visit in Thailand, I trekked into the caves of my own being to reclaim parts of myself ..read more
She Takes on the World
2y ago
For millennia, Masculine archetypes have been in power.
In relationships, in business, in entertainment, in government, in just about every institution and industry in our society, including in the personal development industry we are part of, there it is.
Not only have these industries, structures, and institutions been led by men, the methodologies themselves have been masculine in nature, relying on set rules, firm structure, mindset and clear direction.
There is a seismic shift underway though. Can you feel it? The Feminine is rising to usher in a new paradigm.
To me, this new ..read more
She Takes on the World Blog
2y ago
I believe that we all have a purpose within us that we’re here to express and share in the world. I like to call it our Magic & Medicine.
It’s an invisible package of unique gifts and an individual expression that is imprinted on our souls. It’s what we’re here to share with the collective, no one else can duplicate it, and it’s what this week’s episode of the Reveal podcast is all about.
In this episode I’m interviewed by my love Yossef Sagi. We do a deep dive into what “Magic & Medicine” is and how you can find your own.
Podcast highlights
2:35 – Find YOUR Magic & Medicine ..read more
She Takes on the World Blog
2y ago
You’ve got something amazing simmering inside you, am I right? It’s a best-selling novel, it’s an amazing course that’s going to change the lives of hundreds of people, it’s a movie script that’s Oscar-worthy.
The problem is that it feels like you never have enough time to dedicate to getting it done.
You DO have the time though. Trust me. I wrote two manuscripts last year, launched a new brand and program, and I still had time to live my life and travel the world for four months.
How did I do it?
With my favorite productivity-boosting ritual from my book The Rituals, Priority Powe ..read more
She Takes on the World
2y ago
“It’s only in looking back that we can connect all the dots. “ — Steve Jobs
One of the most beautiful ways you can transition into a new year is through ritual. Today, I’m sharing three of my favorite New Year Rituals with you to try out.
First, I take you through some of the highlights of my past decade by sharing parts of my journal with you. Journaling is a ritual that many great leaders and creators have had, and this is a perfect time to start a journaling practice if you don’t already have one.
Looking back on the wins we’ve already had gives us evidence of what’s possible moving forward ..read more
She Takes on the World
2y ago
I am so excited that my new book is here!
You probably know I’ve written three bestselling books for entrepreneurs over the last five years. Well, a couple years ago, after the launch of my last book, I was pretty burnt out. I took some space to recover and return to the places and the practices that ground me, tap me into my aliveness, keep me connected and super inspired to create.
During that healing process I received a download for the next book I was going to write: It was called The Rituals, and it would be a collection of the practices that are foundational in my life.
Tod ..read more
She Takes on the World
2y ago
Last week I sent out a big update about my decision to let go of She Takes on the World and launch nataliemacneil.com as the new digital home for my work. She Takes on the World was the last part of my old life and identity I was still clinging to. It feels scary, exhilarating, and very liberating for me to be embarking on this new adventure.
In the video below, my dear friend Alyssa Nobriga interviews me about this transformation, the pain I experienced, and how I finally let go and embraced what I was being called to.
Is there anything you are clinging to in your life? If you let it go, what ..read more
She Takes on the World Blog
5y ago
Do you ever find yourself torn between your many different passions? This is very common among entrepreneurs, and I’m here to deliver some good news.
You don’t have to choose just one of your passions to be successful as an entrepreneur. I know, feel free to exhale.
Multi-passionate entrepreneur.
Does that feel totally aligned with who you feel you are at your very core? Me too. This is a term coined by my fellow entrepreneur queen Marie Forleo back in the day, who is a multi-passionate entrepreneur that built an empire by following her heart and her creative passions.
She started out in busin ..read more
She Takes on the World
6y ago
No matter how much you get done a daily basis…
or how long your checked off to-do list is…
… procrastination is a challenge even the best and most organized of us face.
As a result, some of us end our days having not gotten done even close to the amount we were hoping – and this can affect our productivity going forward! Feeling defeated leads to a lack of motivation – and the vicious cycle continues.
I get it, I’ve been there too.
And guess what? You’re in exactly the right place — and today’s episode of She Takes on the World is for you.
Jim Kwik is back for the final episode of the Kwik Hab ..read more