The Democrats Are About to Set a Whopper of an Obamacare Political Time Bomb for Republicans
Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review
4y ago
Contained inside the Democrats' $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill is a political time bomb for Republicans.Included in the bill's long list of stimulus spending is a provision that delivers on President Biden's promise to strengthen the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare.Obamacare's big failure has been what it did not do to help––and actually hurt––middle class buyers of individual health more
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Health Care First Steps for President Biden and the Democratically Controlled Congress
Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review
4y ago
After four years of the Trump administration's undermining of The Affordable Care Act/Obamacare, what can we expect over the next few months from the new administration?On the regulatory side, not as much as you might expect.During the campaign Biden talked about building on the law's success in covering the people it has covered––primarily through the Medicaid expansion and for lower income more
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Report From Inside the Beltway––We Kept It!
Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review
4y ago
Wednesday was maybe the most embarrassing day in history for all of us as Americans. But, in the end, it was a day to be proud of.In 1787, Ben Franklin was walking out of Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention, when he was asked, “Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?”Franklin responded: “A republic, if you can keep it.”We kept it. Within hours of the mob's debacle more
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This is What Presidential Leadership Really Looks Like
Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review
4y ago
It's been so long since we've had it, I thought you would appreciate seeing what it really looks like: more
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What Does Kelly Loeffler's Health Plan Do to Coverage for Preexisting Conditions?
Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review
4y ago
I've been doing health policy for thirty years. I arguably know something about health insurance.For the life of me, I can't figure out what Kelly Loeffler is proposing under her health plan––particularly when it comes to current protections for preexisting conditions.   In 2017, Republicans proposed a plan that would have arguably given states the ability to reverse Obamacare's protections for more
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The Supreme Court Will Not Wreck Obamacare Because the "Plane Has Not Crashed"
Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review
4y ago
After hearing the Supreme Court's oral arguments this morning over the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), I can double down on my prediction the Court will not wreck Obamacare. If the conservative justices don't buy the plaintiff arguments, their attempts to destroy Obamacare will fail. Just two of the conservatives siding with the three remaining liberals would be enough more
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The Supreme Court Will Not Wreck Obamacare
Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review
4y ago
With the Supreme Court due to hear arguments this week on a case brought by a number of Republican state attorneys general that could throw out the entire health care law, and with conservatives now having a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court, there is great concern among ACA/Obamacare supporters that this could well mean the end of the health care law.The Obamacare case currently before the more
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What a Biden Win Means to Health Care
Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review
4y ago
Biden has won. Presuming the North Carolina and Alaska Senate seats remain in Republican hands,  the Senate will come out no better for Democrats than a 50-50 tie with Vice President-elect Harris being the tiebreaker. And, if Republicans win at least one of the two Georgia run-off Senate races, the Republicans will maintain control and the Democrats will not have the votes to move any partisan more
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Trump Claims to Be Able to Guarantee the Converge of Preexisting Conditions by Fiat
Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review
4y ago
For more than twenty years we debated ways to protect people from preexisting conditions limitations in health insurance. We finally got those protections when the Congress passed, and the President signed (and the Supreme Court upheld), the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare.So, after twenty years of national public policy debate and hard-fought Congressional and Presidential approval, how does more
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The Supreme Court Will Not Wreck Obamacare
Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review
4y ago
Now that it appears certain that the Republicans will approve a new Supreme Court justice in the coming weeks, there is great concern among Obamacare supporters that this could well mean the end of Obamacare.That concern is being amplified in the hyper partisan environment in the ramp-up to the election––it makes for good scare tactics.The Obamacare case currently before the court deals with the more
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