GC Wealth – the £bn tax avoidance scheme that could be fraud
Tax Policy Associates
by Dan
2d ago
We’ve been investigating a Belize company called GCWealth. It says its offshore trusts can eliminate tax on your assets, and prevent your spouse or creditors ever accessing the assets. And GCWealth claims that billions of pounds have been put into their schemes in the last fifteen years. Our experts believe GCWealth’s claimed tax, divorce and […] Source ..read more
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What to do if you received an HMRC stop notice from Property118?
Tax Policy Associates
by Dan
3d ago
Tens of thousands of people (including me!) just received this email from Property118, attaching a rather scary HMRC “stop notice” (PDF version here, or click on thumbnails below): We all received the email because we once downloaded an ebook from the Property118 website. What should you do if you’re in this position? Nothing. If all […] Source ..read more
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Property118 – more hopelessly wrong tax advice for landlords
Tax Policy Associates
by Dan
1w ago
We have previously reported on a high profile unregulated firm called “Property118”, which promoted a series of landlord tax avoidance schemes. HMRC took action, and Property118 has resorted to asking their clients to make donations to fund their appeals. Despite this, Property118 continues to promote tax avoidance that doesn’t work and will land its clients […] Source ..read more
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Half the British public doesn’t understand income tax – new data
Tax Policy Associates
by Dan
3w ago
Updated polling evidence from Tax Policy Associates and WeThink shows that half the public doesn’t understand a basic principle of income tax: the way that tax rates apply to income above a threshold. Half of voters believe that, once you hit the higher rate threshold, the 40% higher rate applies to all your earnings. The […] Source ..read more
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A tax reform agenda for tomorrow’s Chancellor
Tax Policy Associates
by Dan
3w ago
At a time when the UK’s finances look fragile, the new Chancellor would be forgiven for thinking the only purpose of changing the tax system is to raise Government funding. There is, however, another purpose: to fix those elements of the UK tax system which stand in the way of growth and those elements that […] Source ..read more
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Another HMRC mistake lets the UK’s most notorious tax avoider off the hook.
Tax Policy Associates
by Dan
3w ago
We wrote last month about Paul Baxendale-Walker, the former barrister and solicitor who helped create the “loan schemes” that cost the country £billions and caused misery for tens of thousands of people. HMRC say his schemes avoided £1bn in tax. His advice was negligent, and he eventually ended up struck off, bankrupt, and convicted of […] Source ..read more
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HMRC’s failure to close the small business tax gap costs £15bn/year
Tax Policy Associates
by Dan
1M ago
Over the last seventeen years most of the tax gap fell by two-thirds – a remarkable achievement. But a deep dive into HMRC’s new tax gap statistics shows HMRC has lost control of small business tax. About a third of corporation tax due from the sector is not being paid. The small business tax gap […] Source ..read more
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The Post Office – reckless with postmasters’ personal data; abusing data privacy to protect itself
Tax Policy Associates
by Dan
1M ago
The Post Office recklessly published the names and addresses of 550 wrongfully convicted postmasters. But it takes a very different attitude to its own data privacy, running frivolous GDPR arguments to cover up its corporate failings. This is how the Post Office protected the data privacy of the 550 wrongfully convicted postmasters: But the Post […] Source ..read more
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HMRC errors let the UK’s most notorious tax avoider escape a £14m penalty
Tax Policy Associates
by Dan
1M ago
Paul Baxendale-Walker is probably the UK’s most notorious tax avoidance scheme promoter. He’s the former barrister and solicitor who helped create the “loan schemes” that cost the country £billions and have caused misery for tens of thousands of people. HMRC say his schemes avoided £1bn in tax. His advice was negligent, and he eventually ended […] Source ..read more
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What are marginal rates? And why do they matter?
Tax Policy Associates
by Dan
1M ago
We keep talking about marginal rates, but rarely stop to explain exactly what they are, and why they matter. Here’s a short explainer, to accompany our interactive marginal rate charts. The marginal rate is the percentage of tax you’ll pay on your next £1 of income. It therefore affects your incentive to earn that £1.. […] Source ..read more
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