Nerdy Book Club Blog
If you love books, especially those written for children and young adults, then you are an honorary member of The Nerdy Book Club. Nerdy Book Club was designed to give us a home to share that love of reading with others as well as to organize voting and announcing winners of our First Annual Nerdies Book Awards.
Nerdy Book Club Blog
6d ago
It was nearly midnight in the little village on the north shore of Loch Ness, but the sun still hung stubbornly in the sky. The loch’s placid surface was a blue-grey mirror. Seagulls cawed noisily overhead, interrupting the otherwise silent night. I checked into my tiny roadside cottage, decorated in kitschy Loch Ness Monster décor ..read more
Nerdy Book Club Blog
1w ago
In my informal, lifelong study of horse girls, which is widely accepted to be a gender neutral term within the community, I have found that we horse girls are usually born, not made. I wrote Presley and the Impossible Dream for all the horse girls who, like me, weren’t born into horsey families and had ..read more
Nerdy Book Club Blog
2w ago
“Some time or another, we all experience that feeling that every day is the same, the same people and places, the same conversation, the same food – and wonder about what if it wasn’t?” I’ve spent nearly half my 38 years living in the house where my picture book Sunday takes place, in a small townhouse in ..read more
Nerdy Book Club Blog
3w ago
The seed for Safe Harbor was planted one cold, blustery winter day when I spotted a lone seal on a beach in Rhode Island. By the time “my” seal (which was quite well as it turned out) returned to the water, my sixth novel for young people was starting to take shape. I could see ..read more
Nerdy Book Club Blog
3w ago
I became a writer by accident, and I owe my writing career to my students. Before I fell into writing, I spent seventeen years as an elementary school teacher and reading specialist. When I wasn’t teaching in the classroom, I led book clubs for middle school and high school students. I cowrote my first novel ..read more
Nerdy Book Club Blog
1M ago
This year has been a challenging one for readers of all ages. Increasingly, an onslaught of book bans, scripted reading programs, budget cuts, and other restrictions seem to limit young people’s access to books and deny them opportunities to connect with reading. In many schools and libraries, educators and librarians fear legislative mandates that seek ..read more
Nerdy Book Club Blog
2M ago
My two-year-old grandson Ezra loves to laugh. His irresistible giggling brings joy to my heart and a wide grin to my face. Together we read and laugh and share the joy books bring. Few things please me more than humor, whether through children’s books, via smart sitcoms and movies, or through laughter that brings catharsis ..read more
Nerdy Book Club Blog
2M ago
When I was little, my family did not travel far and wide for vacations. But my parents made every extra coin count when it came to buying books and affording the library membership. The long established British and Rotary club libraries in Bengaluru—my hometown in India—were too expensive. So my dad took me on his bicycle ..read more
Nerdy Book Club Blog
2M ago
Trans and queer and nonbinary kids, little or big: this book is for you. You are never alone. Every birthday can be a celebration. Because the world wants you. Because everyone who loves you and everyone who will love you wants you to be you, to grow ..read more
Nerdy Book Club Blog
2M ago
Growing up, my house was filled with books. They were everywhere and especially piled up next to my mom’s favorite reading chair. My mom absorbed books like she needed them to survive, much like food. Watching her read was like witnessing someone in their element, completely at peace and yet utterly engaged. It was through ..read more