Transparent Cleaning Company Blog
Transparent Cleaning Company, a Christian-based enterprise in Colorado Springs, offers diverse cleaning services for homes and businesses. Their skilled team rejuvenates interior and exterior spaces, allowing clients to focus on priorities. They provide valuable cleaning tips and tricks for both commercial and residential customers, ensuring a pristine environment for all.
Transparent Cleaning Company Blog
1M ago
The DIY Guys drop some knowledge on mastering your moving process.
Image via Freepik
Smart Moves: How to Master the Art of Career Relocation for Lasting Success
Relocating for a career opportunity presents a unique blend of excitement and logistical
challenges. The prospect of a new role in a different location can be invigorating, yet the
practicalities of moving can feel daunting. To ensure a seamless transition, it is essential to
adopt a strategic approach that addresses both personal and professional needs. By
leveraging modern tools and resources, you can transform the relocation pro ..read more
Transparent Cleaning Company Blog
3M ago
New Title
$19 Cleaning Companies: Too Good To Be True?
You’ve seen the advertisements for them, on your social media, your TV, maybe you’ve even heard them on your radio. Companies that offer cleaning services for the low rate of $19. According to the ads, their cleaners will not only do things like clean your home, but they’ll also wash your dishes, do laundry, and even clean the windows. Afterwards, you, the consumer, are now probably thinking to yourself, “This sounds like such a great deal, it’s almost too good to be true! Is there a catch?”
Unfortunately I’m here to inform you ..read more
Transparent Cleaning Company Blog
4M ago
The DIY Guys bring some tips for starting a home-based business.
Image via Freepik
Expanding your home-based business often necessitates a larger physical space
to match its growth. Choosing the right home with the necessary features
becomes a strategic decision. This process requires careful consideration of
both current and future needs. Ensuring your new home meets these needs can
set the stage for continued business success. Transparent Cleaning Co. shares
more insights:
Infrastructure to Support Your Business Operations
When choosing a new home, check for vital infrastructure that sup ..read more
Transparent Cleaning Company Blog
1y ago
Making sure your home is protected against the elements can be a daunting task. One area that is often overlooked, but can have serious consequences, is making sure your gutters are clog-free. A way that can take a weight off your mind and make sure your home is protected from water-damage, mold build-up, and other damage from clogged gutters, is to install a gutter guard. At Transparent Cleaning Co., we decided to invest in installing only what we genuinely think is a worthwhile product for our customers: GutterBrush . Continue reading ..read more
Transparent Cleaning Company Blog
1y ago
When you set out to do maintenance on your home, consider factoring residential window cleaning into your upkeep budget. Aside from the health benefits of natural light , clean windows will also positively affect your home and energy bills. Here are a few of the positives you can expect from giving your windows professional care.
Read our tips here ..read more
Transparent Cleaning Company Blog
1y ago
Three expert cleaning tips
Cleaning around the house can be time-consuming and frustrating to stay on top of. Thankfully, there are some things that can make it a little bit easier. Here are a few tips we've picked up over the years that can help make cleaning your home a little bit less of a chore.
Use an automotive wax applicator pad to clean greasy spots off of glass or countertops. This is great for dog nose-prints, toddler fingerprints, greasy food remnants, and so many other things. Just apply some dish soap and water to the applicator and scrub the affected area, then dry with a c ..read more
Transparent Cleaning Company Blog
1y ago
Winter is Coming ... Our Friends at the DIYGuys are Here to Make Sure Your Home is Ready!
Whether you love or hate winter, one thing is certain: your home needs to be prepared. Not only can the cold weather itself affect many aspects of your property, but if a storm hits, it can cause severe damage that comes with a high price tag. However, preparing your home can help you avoid some of these serious problems. Transparent Cleaning Co. outlines some tasks to prioritize as you get your home ready for the cold winter months:
Take care of the lawn.
Before the first frost hits, make ..read more
Transparent Cleaning Company Blog
1y ago
Our friends the DIY Guys drop some knowledge for your home renovation.
Tips for Planning a Successful Home Renovation
Whether you're planning a simple update to your kitchen or a complete gut renovation of your home, there are some important things to keep in mind to ensure that your project goes smoothly. From finding the right contractor to set a realistic budget, careful planning is key to ensuring that your home renovation is completed on time and on budget.
Adding a Home Workspace
Create a workspace in your home that's designed for productivity and comfort! Invest in ergonomic fur ..read more
Transparent Cleaning Company Blog
1y ago
Have a Dog and Keep a Clean Home Without Breaking the Budget
We've teamed up with our friends, the DIY Guys again and CityDog Magazine to drop some knowledge on how to maintain your clean home with a furry friend.
Your pet is family, but dogs can contribute to a lot of mess in the home. Before you spend hundreds of dollars on regularly scheduled cleaning services or specialty products to keep up with fur, paw prints, scratched furniture, and stains, consider some money-saving tips from Transparent Cleaning Co. for keeping your home neat, clean, and odor-free .
Begin at Entry Doorway ..read more