Dump Stat Adventures
Dump Stat is from the odd minds of two dudes, Chris & Stephen, who swear that they must have dumped Intelligence during character creation at birth. Chris has been playing and DMing DnD off and on for the past 30 years, and Stephen has been DMing for 5 years. We strive to create compelling adventures that are easy and fun for the DM to run.
Dump Stat Adventures
1y ago
We review the latest adventure/sourcebook from Wizards of the Coast - ! Did we like this book? Do we think you should get it? These answers, and more, can all be found inside ..read more
Dump Stat Adventures
1y ago
We review the latest adventure anthology from WotC with the release of , but first we discuss the new D&D movie trailer release and what awaits us with the latest Unearthed Arcana and how we will probably, maybe, get Planescape… one day ..read more
Dump Stat Adventures
1y ago
Join us as we discuss the changes in , how the D&D community will be facing an edition war, and how to counter powerful player tactics that will make a GM’s head spin ..read more
Dump Stat Adventures
1y ago
We review the latest sourcebook from WotC with the release of , but first we discuss the latest news concerning OneD&D and the last products in 5e’s lifecycle ..read more