Palo Verde Wellness Blog
At Palo Verde Wellness, we believe that our client's decision to enter recovery is the first step to long-term and overall wellness. At our treatment center, wellness is a state of physical, spiritual, and mental well-being. We have developed a holistic approach to healing the spirit, which can provide lasting recovery to our clients. With the help of behavioral healthcare and wellness..
Palo Verde Wellness Blog
1y ago
Holistic therapy has many proven benefits. This balance of alternative therapies, along with more traditional therapies, helps create a treatment plan that benefits the whole person – mind, body, and spirit. Successful treatment and recovery do not look the same for each person, so being able to offer different approaches to therapy and ways to manage emotions and triggers provides a better chance of an effective treatment experience and, ultimately, lifelong sobriety. Yoga therapy is one way to treat addiction in a non-traditional way.
Making the decision to get help for addiction is stressfu ..read more
Palo Verde Wellness Blog
1y ago
The best path to a successful recovery from an addiction to drugs and alcohol is to be the healthiest version of yourself possible. Nutrition and diet play a huge part in this. The reality is that most people battling a substance use disorder have a poor diet. The two tend to go hand in hand. Self-care, in general, is a low priority. A focus on nutrition counseling is important in a holistic addiction treatment program. Receiving the best care for addiction also means receiving the best care for your complete self. At Palo Verde Wellness, our nutrition counseling program ensures that you eat t ..read more
Palo Verde Wellness Blog
1y ago
Psychotherapy is one of the most established – and effective – forms of therapy when it comes to treating substance use disorders. It is generally utilized alongside other therapeutic modalities for the most comprehensive holistic approach to treatment and recovery. By attending a treatment facility like Palo Verde Wellness, you receive the benefit of an experienced treatment team – many of whom are in recovery themselves – that can design a unique and personalized treatment plan just for you. Treating the whole person – mind, body, and soul – provides the most comprehensive approach to therap ..read more
Palo Verde Wellness Blog
1y ago
Making the decision to seek treatment for a substance use disorder is a smart one. It can also be a very overwhelming decision. Going through the treatment and recovery process in manageable steps makes it less overwhelming. Many treatment facilities utilize the 12-step rehab program developed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Once you leave treatment and the experts who helped you get sober, you can continue to rely on the core principles of the 12 steps and practice them on your own as often as you need to stay on the right path. For questions about addiction treatment in Palm Springs and what i ..read more
Palo Verde Wellness Blog
1y ago
For many seeking addiction treatment, the idea of traditional therapy (or what they imagine when they think of therapy) is unappealing. This can also be the hurdle that keeps them from seeking the treatment they so desperately need for a substance use disorder. But imagine if you could work through your addiction, learn practical skills to deal with triggers, and take part in activities you enjoy all as part of your therapeutic experience? This is what experiential therapy is all about. It’s an opportunity to take advantage of a change in scenery and a change in how therapy is delivered. In fa ..read more
Palo Verde Wellness Blog
1y ago
An aftercare plan is crucial to a successful recovery from a substance use disorder. Just because you went through the steps and have gotten yourself in what you think is a good place with your sobriety doesn’t mean there is still work to do to stay sober. A sober living program offers a safe place to transition from treatment to independent living. The community of peers going through a similar experience and the help of professionals who have been in your shoes will better set you up to stay sober when you get back to living on your own outside of treatment.
The Palo Verde wellness team is h ..read more
Palo Verde Wellness Blog
1y ago
Relapse prevention is the key to any effective substance use disorder treatment and recovery program. Maintaining your sobriety is hard work – that’s just a fact. Being able to avoid the situations and triggers that put you at risk of relapse is something you need to work hard at being able to do. Palo Verde Wellness offers relapse prevention therapy in order to prepare you better to recognize triggers and have the tools to avoid and overcome these situations.
Lifelong sobriety is the goal, and our team wants to work hard right alongside you to get there. Contact Palo Verde Wellness at 866.913 ..read more
Palo Verde Wellness Blog
1y ago
In order to avoid the risk of relapse among those who have battled a substance use disorder, a well-rounded and customized treatment and recovery plan should be designed for every person who seeks treatment and wants to achieve lifelong recovery. Even after completing a treatment program, the risk of relapse is high. It’s not easy going back to your everyday life and avoiding the triggers that may have led to your addiction. This is why a holistic therapy approach is so beneficial to helping people better manage their sobriety once they leave a treatment facility.
One size does not fit all, an ..read more
Palo Verde Wellness Blog
1y ago
Prescription drug misuse is all too common in today’s day and age. Millions of people in the United States are battling an addiction to prescription opioids or opiates. This is highly due to the fact that they are more easily accessible than illegal street drugs, and they have a long history of being overprescribed by medical professionals.
The list of commonly abused prescription drugs is long and includes painkillers prescribed after an injury, stimulants to improve attention spans, benzos to treat seizures, and hypnotics to help people sleep. To learn more about prescription drug addiction ..read more
Palo Verde Wellness Blog
1y ago
Crystal methamphetamine, known as meth, is derived from amphetamines that stimulate the central nervous system. It causes dopamine to collect in the brain and create the “high” that many chase. Common street names for meth include crystal meth, crystal, and crank. Meth is a synthetic recreational drug made in meth labs and sold illegally. Meth use is rampant in the United States, especially among young people, because of its highly addictive nature. To get the help you need to overcome an addiction to meth, it’s best to seek professional help. Meth abuse has a number of long-term side effects ..read more