What Happens During Drug or Alcohol Detox?
California Care Recovery Blog
1y ago
If you are considering going to rehab, congratulations. That is a huge step in the right direction. Maybe you are already scheduled to enter rehab, but you want to do some more research on what to expect from detox. Detox can sound intimidating. Without proper care and supervision, detoxing from drugs or alcohol leads to ..read more
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Should You Cut Back on Drinking?
California Care Recovery Blog
1y ago
If you feel like you’re drinking too much, you might think cutting back is a good idea. Instead of binge drinking or drinking every day, just reducing your intake should be good, right? Maybe not. Drinking regularly is a common aspect of modern society. Even drinking too much is sometimes viewed as normal. With the ..read more
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The Hardest Parts of Recovery
California Care Recovery Blog
1y ago
Addiction recovery is never easy, and there are a lot of aspects of it that may seem impossible when you’re in the thick of it. Recovery is a unique process for everyone. Therefore, the most complex parts of recovery will vary from person to person. There isn’t any part of recovery that is easy. Every ..read more
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Solution vs Cause & Condition
California Care Recovery Blog
1y ago
Addiction is a disease that impacts a person’s brain and behaviors, leading to a lack of ability to control the use of drugs or alcohol. Understanding addiction, though, is much more than that. Addiction is a condition with a cause and solution. There are a lot of situations, experiences, and medical reasons why addiction becomes ..read more
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Is My Problem Addiction or Mental Health Related?
California Care Recovery Blog
1y ago
It is no secret that addiction and mental health go hand in hand. Many symptoms of both substance use disorder and mental illnesses are interchangeable. Even with similarities, they are also different for many reasons. That’s not to say they can’t co-occur. However, based on information from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, many people ..read more
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Is it Depression or Not?
California Care Recovery Blog
1y ago
Everyone goes through ups and downs. Sometimes you are sad, and that can last for a while. But depression and sadness are not the same things. Sadness is an emotion, while depression is a mental illness that affects more than 20 million people in the United States alone. You can feel extremely down in the ..read more
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The Relationship Between Anxiety and Alcoholism
California Care Recovery Blog
1y ago
Alcoholism and anxiety may seem like totally different experiences, but they are often linked more than people realize. Having anxiety can make alcoholism worse, and abusing alcohol can make anxiety worse. About half of people who experience a mental illness will also experience a substance use disorder and vice versa. What is Anxiety? Anxiety is ..read more
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How Long is Inpatient Rehab?
California Care Recovery Blog
1y ago
Inpatient programs treat individuals with substance use disorder (SUD) and related mental health conditions. Most people attend shorter 30-day programs, but some require long-term residential care. The severity of your symptoms and side effects will determine which program is best for you. Facilities like California Care Detox and Treatment use prescreen and admissions assessments to ..read more
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How to Explain Addiction to Children
California Care Recovery Blog
1y ago
Speaking about addiction, especially your addiction, is always difficult. It is even more challenging when talking to a child. Not only do you want your children to maintain hope and happiness, but you don't want to burden them with something so complicated, no matter their age. Addiction is an illness that affects every part of ..read more
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How Do I Know if I Need Medical Alcohol Detox?
California Care Recovery Blog
1y ago
Deciding whether or not you need a medical detox is not something to enter into lightly. Detox is often the first step in the recovery from drug or alcohol abuse. However, it is not always medically necessary. Medical alcohol detox is not the right decision for everyone. There are a lot of factors involved in ..read more
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