How to enable PowerShell in Github Codespaces?
Code to Live
6M ago
Are you the one stuck with the below issue? Unable to find the PowerShell in the GitHub codespaces terminal. PowerShell is not available after installing the extension in the GitHub codespaces. Not comfortable with Bash. See the below image, the PowerShell option is missing in the CodeSpaces terminal and you're going to learn how to enable it now.   Fig 1. Github CodeSpaces - PowerShell missing No worries. You can enable the PowerShell in the GitHub codespaces because many of us have done it already. 1. Go to your GitHub repository   Fig 2. Github repository - dev container2. Ope more
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Failed to load API definition error in Swagger for ASP.NET Core
Code to Live
7M ago
There are various reasons cause the swagger to fail to load the API definition and you will get the error shared in the below screenshot. The below are the possible reasons, Swagger misconfiguration Controller methods without HTTP verbs (HttpGet, HttpPost etc.) Same class name etc…   Fig 1. Failed to load definition error in Swagger Solution: The Swagger can be launched by adding the ‘/swagger’ after your API URL which doesn’t show the error details causing the Swagger to fail to load. http://localhost:{PortNo}/swagger/index.html If you navigate to ‘swagger/v1/swagger.json’ page you w more
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Adding Swagger to ASP.NET Core Web API Project
Code to Live
7M ago
1. What is swagger? Swagger is an open-source set of rules and specifications. It is used for API documentation and testing the API endpoints. Swagger UI generates documentation based on the Swagger specification and provides an interactive UI for testing APIs and experimenting with different parameters and options. 2. How to enable the swagger in .NET Core or .NET 7/8? Go to the startup.cs file or program.cs file Add the Swagger services under the ‘ConfigureServices’ method. Add the following middleware under the ‘Configure’ method i.e, Swagger and Swagger UI. Build and run the API. Go to ht more
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The visual Studio component cache is out of date, please restart Visual Studio.
Code to Live
7M ago
Problem statement: You may receive the following error when you try to open the New Query window in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio connected to the Microsoft SQL Server instance.   Fig 1. The visual Studio component cache is out of date, please restart Visual Studio. Solution: Option 1: Open Run or Press the Windows key + R. Type %temp% Delete all the files from the temp folder. You can open the New Query window in the SSMS, which will open without any issues. Option 2: Run the ‘Disk cleanup’. Select the C:\ drive. Make sure the ‘Temporary Files’ checkbox is selected. Clic more
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IHeaderDictionary does not contain a definition for Referrer and no accessible extension method Referrer accepting a first argument of type IHeaderDictionary could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference
Code to Live
7M ago
1. Problem statement ‘IHeaderDictionary’ does not contain a definition for ‘Referrer’ and no accessible extension method ‘Referrer’ accepting a first argument of type ‘IHeaderDictionary’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference? Referrer is missing in the ‘IHeaderDictionary’ when using the .NET Core or .NET projects. 2. Context A request header is an HTTP header that can be used in the HTTP request to pass additional information. The header can be sent from the client, and the same can be read from the server to retrieve the information. The way of reading the more
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Using static files in ASP.NET Core
Code to Live
7M ago
INDEX Context Static files WWWroot folder Enable the static files in the ASP.NET Core project Reading static files 1. Context Using static files in an ASP.NET Core project from the wwwroot folder using the IwebHostEnvironment’ interface inside the controller or service 2. Static file The static files are the assets of the project, like HTML, CSS, JS, images, Excel, etc. 3. WWWroot folder The static files are stored in the wwwroot folder in the project directory. The web root folder, i.e., wwwroot is the base path of the public and static resource files like Javascript (.JS), stylesheet (.css more
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How to Access the HttpContext in a Class Library in ASP.NET Core?
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7M ago
INDEX Context Using the IHttpContextAccessor Accessing HttpContext via Dependency Injection Accessing HttpContext via Dependency Injection in a static class Considerations 1. Context In ASP.NET Core, the HTTP context cannot be accessed directly in the class library because it is a transient object that is available in the context of an HTTP request. 2. Using the IHttpContextAccessor You can use the HTTPContext in a class library by injecting the IHttpContextAccessor to your class via the dependency injection from your startup class. Once you have injected the IHttpContextAccessor service int more
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Recursion in C#
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7M ago
INDEX What is a recursion? Simple recursion Example: Power Example: Factorial Download samples 1. What is a recursion? Recursion is the process of calling the same function repeatedly until it meets the break condition. It is similar to the loop in that it will call the same function as the loop to iterate the counter and end the iteration after it meets the condition. function x(){ .... x(); } 2. Simple recursion Simple recursion to demonstrate recursion in C#. It will iterate the number by decrementing a number and break the condition once it reaches the number = 0. 2.1 Code using S more
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Multidimensional array in C#
Code to Live
7M ago
INDEX What is an array? What is a multidimensional array? 2d and 3d arrays Examples 1. What is an Array? Arrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable instead of in  separate variables. It can be single dimensional, multidimensional, or jagged. 2. What is a multidimensional array? It is an array of arrays and has more than one dimension. The most common is a two-dimensional array, i.e., 2D. 3. What is 2D? A 2D array is a matrix that consists of rows and columns. 3.1 2D array with an int data type without specifying the index int[,] arrayNumbers = new int[,] { {1, 2 more
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The visual Studio component cache is out of date, please restart Visual Studio.
Code to Live
9M ago
Problem statement: You may receive the following error when you try to open the New Query window in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio connected to the Microsoft SQL Server instance.   Fig 1. The visual Studio component cache is out of date, please restart Visual Studio. Solution: Option 1: Open Run or Press the Windows key + R. Type %temp% Delete all the files from the temp folder. You can open the New Query window in the SSMS, which will open without any issues. Option 2: Run the ‘Disk cleanup’. Select the C:\ drive. Make sure the ‘Temporary Files’ checkbox is selected. Clic more
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