Quilt Roadies
Anna and G are hitting the road for the wild blue yonder...but, Anna can't leave her sewing room behind!! This channel will include travel destination information, beautiful scenery along the way, quilt shop tours, stitching & quilting tips and how to quilt on the road. You can also keep track of us on Tuesday and Thursday on www.wooliemammoth.blogspot.com and Wednesdays blog post,..
Quilt Roadies
1M ago
Progress, Plans and Piecing :) Links: https://www.fatquartershop.com https://www.pioneerquiltshop.com https://www.theprimitivehare.shop email: Wooliemammoth1@gmail.com ..read more
Quilt Roadies
1M ago
A quilting aerobic workout! Plus, my mom made the cover of my son's book :) Links: https://www.kickstarter.com/profile/1868610612/created https://www.fatquartershop.com/woven-hearts-quilt-pattern-free-pdf-fat-quarter-shop-exclusive https://www.fatquartershop.com/dainty-meadow-woven-hearts-quilt-kit https://www.suespargo.com email: Wooliemammoth1@gmail.com ..read more
Quilt Roadies
2M ago
Camping trip review, a visit to Corn Wagon Quilts and thoughts. Links: https://www.cornwagonquilts.com https://www.sistersonthefly.com https://www.redcross.org https://kathy-schmitz.myshopify.com https://www.etsy.com/shop/Sewingthegoodlife email: Wooliemammoth1@gmail.com ..read more
Quilt Roadies
2M ago
Stitching & tacking binding with a wonderful view and company! Links: https://www.quiltersquartersaz.net https://sedonaquiltgallery.com https://yazzii.com https://kathy-schmitz.myshopify.com https://www.etsy.com/shop/Sewingthegoodlife https://www.etsy.com/shop/AsTheYooFlies email: Wooliemammoth1@gmail.com ..read more
Quilt Roadies
2M ago
Catching up and hanging out with my sewing machine!!! Links: https://www.pioneerquiltshop.com https://www.cedarridgequilts.com https://www.fatquartershop.com https://primitivegatherings.us https://www.youtube.com/@UCDGdI7SKhRsXxMIfTwkTRlA https://www.youtube.com/@UC4K43x3QoEbH4rDfo8jiDtw https://www.youtube.com/@UCiz7m48i-q40Kgo2iKPBjVQ https://www.youtube.com/@UCi89EtmVxoNViyQDKXrx8YQ email: Wooliemammoth1@gmail.com ..read more
Quilt Roadies
3M ago
A Bit of This and That....September plans....take a deep breath! Links: https://www.pioneerquiltshop.com https://www.cedarridgequilts.com https://www.acornsandthreads.com email: Wooliemammoth1@gmail.com ..read more
Quilt Roadies
3M ago
Enjoying the memories of the girlfriend trip, the final quilt shop stop and plans for fall and winter quilting. Links: https://www.carriagecountryquilts.com/home https://www.fatquartershop.com https://www.youtube.com/@UC4K43x3QoEbH4rDfo8jiDtw https://www.youtube.com/@stitchywitch42 email: Wooliemammoth1@gmail.com ..read more
Quilt Roadies
3M ago
Quilt meet up at Pioneer Quilts + a walk around Quilting Mayhem in Snohomish WA Links: https://www.pioneerquiltshop.com https://www.quiltingmayhem.com https://www.laundrybasketquilts.com https://primitivegatherings.us email: Wooliemammoth1@gmail.com ..read more
Quilt Roadies
4M ago
A wonderful adventure with girlfriends with quilt shopping along the way! Links: https://www.theshiplapquiltshop.com https://www.youtube.com/@UC4K43x3QoEbH4rDfo8jiDtw https://www.youtube.com/@stitchywitch42 https://www.youtube.com/@TothePointwithKathySchmitz email: Wooliemammoth1@gmail.com ..read more
Quilt Roadies
4M ago
Clean Up on isle 1 of the Bee Hive! Winner winner chicken dinner! Plus lots of this and that! Links: https://www.fatquartershop.com https://www.soqs.org Email: wooliemammoth1@gmail.com ..read more