Hi, Harrison here. I run RailsNotes. RailsNotes is a passion project of mine. I started writing here on RailsNotes to help teach people like you about Ruby on Rails, and its different parts.
6M ago
A short introduction to the rdbg/debugger extension for VS Code, plus a guide on how to set it up correctly to debug your Ruby on Rails applications. The VS Code extension takes 5 minutes to setup and it's great ..read more
8M ago
Work on Rails 8 is starting, so I dug through the official GitHub milestone to break down all the upcoming goodies for you. There's plenty coming, including Solid Queue, Solid Cache and Kamal becoming defaults, better support for PWAs, an official LSP, and more ..read more
9M ago
This short guide shows you how to use VS Code to edit secrets in your Ruby on Rails app when you run `rails credentials:edit`. I also include a handy `bin/credentials:edit` script to simplify things ..read more
9M ago
A handy reference for generating migrations in your Ruby on Rails app — I cover the basics like adding columns and tables, adjusting column types (and loads more), plus some tips and tricks ..read more
11M ago
ActionMailer makes it easy to attach files to your emails. In this article, I show you how to attach single or multiple files, set custom encodings and mime_types, and attach images as inline attachments to display in your email body ..read more
11M ago
In this article, I share tips for writing Rails ViewComponents, based on my experience building RailsNotes UI, and other projects. If you use ViewComponents in your Ruby on Rails apps, read this article ..read more
1y ago
In this article, I break down the difference between system specs and feature specs in RSpec and Rails, and walk you through refactoring your feature specs to system specs ..read more
1y ago
In this article, I share a handy Stimulus controller for adding tabs to your Rails apps. I also show you a different variation of the controller, and how to add it to your views. Plus, I've included a handy tip to avoid the annoying "flashing in" effect that can happen if you're not careful ..read more
1y ago
This article covers everything you ever wanted to know (and more) about previewing emails and ActionMailer templates in Ruby on Rails. I cover native ActionMailer previews, the letter_opener gem, MailCatcher and Mailhog. I've tested them all, and I cover how to use them, and their pros and cons ..read more
1y ago
If you're sick of typing rails console all day, or just want to learn about a cool Rails command, I've got something that you're going to like — the rails runner command ..read more