Reframing the Unknown
Mind Coach NOLA Blog
1y ago
Most of my clients have achieved incredible success. Although the outside world sees them as high achievers, they often suffer from imposter syndrome. They feel that they do not deserve success because either it came too easily, “by sheer luck” they would say, or because they have masked the inordinate amount of effort, discomfort and even pain they endured to get there more
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Turbo Thinkers©️ at Their Best
Mind Coach NOLA Blog
1y ago
An interesting question arose at the World Congress on ADHD: How do we determine whom to treat and how to treat them? Many people believe that symptoms need to cause significant impairment in order to qualify for treatment. Fortunately, this view is changing. We deserve not only a better quality of life but also improved functional outcomes. more
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Turbo Thinkers© and Rainbows
Mind Coach NOLA Blog
1y ago
New research has conclusively shown that neurodiversity is a beautifully multicolored spectrum. At the World Congress on ADHD, groundbreaking findings were presented, highlighting the diverse array of genes that contribute to ADHD symptoms and related conditions more
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Studies Confirm What Coaches Have Long Known
Mind Coach NOLA Blog
1y ago
One of the Hot Topic Sessions at this year's World Congress on ADHD, titled "Living with Adult ADHD Every Day," presented the latest research that validates what experienced ADHD coaches have recognized all along more
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The Importance of Meditation
Mind Coach NOLA Blog
1y ago
For us Turbo Thinkers, a little bit of meditation can go a long way. I like to think of my meditation practice like sitting with a cute, curious, cuddly puppy. The puppy sits in front of us, then wanders away. It can waddle or pounce or spring, but it’s so cute! It’s in its nature to wander off. We gently pick it up and bring it back. It will surely wander off again, and we simply pick it up and bring it back. Such is the Turbo Thinker’s mind. It wanders off more
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The Power of Saying No
Mind Coach NOLA Blog
1y ago
In several of my sessions last week, my clients discovered the importance of communicating boundaries. Some are back in their childhood homes with their parents, some are visiting relatives, and others are expected to attend a plethora of holiday events while hosting a house full of guests. As Turbo Thinkers, we can get overwhelmed by these situations and fall back into automatic pilot, which feels like crisis mode more
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Getting Out of Your Own Head
Mind Coach NOLA Blog
1y ago
As Turbo Thinkers, we spend a lot of time living in our heads. Because of our super creative imaginations, we fabricate fascinating fables and alternate realities that are just so believable. In fact, we are sometimes like floating heads, with no connection to our physical bodies, as our minds race into the future and experience catastrophe, rejection, and pain in all sorts of ways. We fly through different scenarios of doom, like a Choose Your Own Adventure novel, only none of the endings are happy more
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Why a Growth Mindset is Necessary for Turbo Thinkers
Mind Coach NOLA Blog
1y ago
Woe is me, I have ADHD. I get it. Yes it’s hard...and? You've done hard things before. You can do them again. Yes. You may, at times, have been driven by the fear of consequence. But, if you think back to your most meaningful accomplishments, they were most likely driven by genuine interest and curiosity. Turbo Thinkers thrive on novelty, fun, and intrinsic motivation. They are turned on by just the right amount of challenge combined with a sense of intrigue more
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Turbo Thinkers Will Be the Ones to Succeed
Mind Coach NOLA Blog
1y ago
In a world being transformed by automation and artificial intelligence, Turbo Thinkers will be the ones to succeed. We are the ones who ask questions. Driven by curiosity and a lifelong love of learning, Turbo Thinkers explore from a global and even universal perspective. We also dive into details driven by intense passion. Our turbo thinking minds go both wide and deep. We are wonderers and wanderers, and we are the ones who drive innovation to change the world. In comparison, the ones who know answers are easily replaced by machines. more
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Innovation as a Turbo Thinker
Mind Coach NOLA Blog
1y ago
I’ve been reading a lot lately about the coming AI revolution. The thing that I keep thinking is… thank goodness for Turbo Thinkers! As technological innovation advances, we may be left to wonder, “What is the point? What is the purpose of being human when artificial intelligence develops into artificial consciousness?” Fortunately, this is precisely the environment in which Turbo Thinkers thrive more
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