The Hawaii Education Association
The Hawaii Education Association (HEA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening excellence in education through the teaching profession. Since 1921, the Hawaii Education Association (HEA) has brought together teachers, professors, school administrators and supporters to spark improvements in education for all educators and students statewide.
The Hawaii Education Association
3w ago
The latest issue of our quarterly newsletter, Educator Connection, is here! This issue includes our 2024-25 scholarship recipients and find out about applying for TAAC grants and much more. Look out for your copy in the mail, arriving this week!
The post Educator Connection Q3 Newsletter Now Available first appeared on The Hawaii Education Association (HEA more
The Hawaii Education Association
3w ago
The Hawaii Education Association (HEA) recently awarded a total of $21,500 in scholarships to 17 individuals at various stages of their teaching careers, from high school graduates who are just entering college to experienced educators pursuing additional education to broaden their capabilities.
The post HEA Awards More than $18,000 in Scholarships first appeared on The Hawaii Education Association (HEA more
The Hawaii Education Association
3w ago
A single teacher can make a world of difference and transform the lives of so many students.
The post A Message from the President: Greetings from the School Zone! first appeared on The Hawaii Education Association (HEA more
The Hawaii Education Association
3w ago
Donate when checking out at any Foodland or Sack N Save during the month of September 2024.
The post Support HEA When You Shop for Groceries first appeared on The Hawaii Education Association (HEA more
The Hawaii Education Association
3w ago
Project Completion Form For Teaching As A Career Club Grant (2024-2025)
Grant funding description and results: Briefly describe the WORK implemented through this grant, the RESULTS shown from implementation, and any LESSONS LEARNED.(Required)
Contact Email Address(Required)
Name of School(Required)
Name of Club/Academy(Required)
Faculty Advisor First Name(Required)
Faculty Advisor Last Name(Required)
Faculty Advisor Email(Required)
School Phone Number(Required)
Please upload 2-6 color photos with captions showing your project/activities. Please note that photos may be used in HEA or Beta Zet more
The Hawaii Education Association
1M ago
Grant Application For Teaching As A Career Clubs (2024-2025)
Contact Email Address(Required)
Name of School(Required)
School Address(Required)
Street Address City Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Northern Mariana Islands Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode I more
The Hawaii Education Association
4M ago
The latest issue of our quarterly newsletter, Educator Connection, is here! This issue includes our re-elected Board members, HEA/Pi Lambda Theta-Beta Zeta Hawaii Chapter Awards Six TAAC Grants, for our upcoming three-credit PDE3 Course on Artificial Intelligence and much more. Look out for your copy in the mail, arriving this week! In this issue:
A New Milestone for HEA
A Message From President Joan Kamila Lewis
Congratulations to the Board Members!
HEA/Pi Lambda Theta-Beta Zeta Hawaii Chapter Awards Six TAAC Grants
Universal Design for Learning Session: Valuable Insights for All Educators
H more
The Hawaii Education Association
4M ago
HEA Offers Three-Credit PDE3 Course on Artificial Intelligence
Educators across Hawaii all value opportunities to learn about new, emerging subjects that can enhance their teaching. HEA recognizes their commitment to professional development and is now offering PDE3 credits.
More Value for HEA Members
This is a new, exciting step for HEA to offer more value for our members and other educators, and ensures a great return when they invest their time and energy in a course. Dr. Lynn Hammonds, HEA’s Program Manager, worked closely with the Department of Educat more
The Hawaii Education Association
4M ago
A single teacher can make a world of difference and transform the lives of so many students. In our role as educators, we can see the potential in students that they may not see in themselves. We can help students uncover and embrace what they have to offer and put them
on a positive path.
Promising High School Students
I am always amazed at high school students who grasp the impact they can have as educators and want to pursue teaching as a career. The TAAC projects that received HEA/Pi Lambda Theta-Beta Zeta Hawaii Chapter grants all showcase the enthusiasm our high schoolstudents hav more
The Hawaii Education Association
4M ago
Six deserving high schools recently received $200 Teaching as a Career (TAAC) grants from HEA/Pi Lambda Theta-Beta Zeta Hawaii Chapter to help support their students’ teaching aspirations. Congratulations to Farrington High School, James Campbell High School, Kauai High School, Leilehua High School, Maui High School, and Mililani High School.
Farrington High School, Teaching Pathway, Public Service Academy
Farrington High School senior teaching cadets developed a creative “Apron Story” project to inspire as many as 50 elementary students to read. The innovative team used props, acting a more