O'Sullivan Legal Blog
We can help you determine your eligibility for a divorce, prepare paperwork, and serve notices to the other party on your behalf. Our goal is to simplify a complex process so you can get out of the marriage as quickly as possible and move on with your life. Our criminal law department is highly experienced in representing clients across a broad spectrum of matters ranging from minor to serious in..
O'Sullivan Legal Blog
2M ago
Enduring separation can be one of the most challenging experiences in life, both emotionally and financially. Understanding what you are entitled to during this period is crucial for ensuring a fair and equitable outcome. Whether you are parting ways from a marriage or a de facto relationship, being well-informed about your rights and the legal […]
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O'Sullivan Legal Blog
3M ago
Matters involving child custody and property settlements can be quite an overwhelming experience. Understanding how these two critical aspects of family law intersect is essential for ensuring the best outcomes for both parents and children. At O’Sullivan Legal, our expertise in family law in Sydney allows us to provide comprehensive support and guidance through these […]
The post The Interplay of Child Custody and Property Settlements: A Deep Dive with Sydney’s Legal Experts first appeared on O'Sullivan Legal ..read more
O'Sullivan Legal Blog
4M ago
A divorce can be a very stressful process. If both parties disagree, this can extend the process and cause additional headache. It is important to be mindful of the application start date when initiating a divorce. While you might be tempted to file for divorce as soon as possible, property and asset division is related […]
The post How long does it take to get a divorce in Australia? first appeared on O'Sullivan Legal ..read more
O'Sullivan Legal Blog
4M ago
Family law disputes are amongst the most emotionally taxing and legally complex issues individuals can face. Whether it’s a divorce, separation, child custody, or property settlement, the stakes are high, and the outcomes are life changing. In Melbourne, family lawyers play a crucial role in navigating these turbulent waters, ensuring that your rights and interests […]
The post Family Law Disputes: How Melbourne’s Family Lawyers Can Help Protect Your Interests first appeared on O'Sullivan Legal ..read more
O'Sullivan Legal Blog
6M ago
The end of a marriage brings with it a host of challenges, not least of which is the question of financial support. If you find yourself facing uncertainty about your financial future post-divorce, you’re not alone. Spousal maintenance exists to provide you with support during this transitional period. In our comprehensive guide, we will walk […]
The post Step-by-Step Guide: How to Apply for Spousal Maintenance first appeared on O'Sullivan Legal ..read more
O'Sullivan Legal Blog
7M ago
If you’re navigating the end of a relationship and need to finalise agreements legally, you might be asking, what are consent orders in family law? Simply put, consent orders are legally enforceable agreements approved by the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia that outline arrangements for parenting, property, and financial matters after separation. At […]
The post What Are Consent Orders in Family Law? A Comprehensive Guide first appeared on O'Sullivan Legal ..read more
O'Sullivan Legal Blog
11M ago
Separation cases are notoriously complicated and stressful, and they are made even more so when there are children involved – what are mothers’ rights vs fathers’ rights? Between visitation disputes and figuring out child support, it’s not a particularly pleasant task. Things can get even trickier legally when the parents are unmarried, especially when paternity […]
The post Guide to Parental Rights and Responsibilities for Unmarried Couples first appeared on O'Sullivan Legal ..read more
O'Sullivan Legal Blog
11M ago
Children, the most vulnerable members of our society, often need protection from the very people meant to shield them from harm. The matter of child abuse isn’t merely legal; it’s deeply emotional, affecting not only the immediate parties involved but reverberating through society at large. At O’Sullivan Legal, we go beyond the legal manuscripts and […]
The post Protecting the Vulnerable: Addressing Child Abuse in the Legal Sphere first appeared on O'Sullivan Legal ..read more
O'Sullivan Legal Blog
11M ago
During a separation or divorce, it is not uncommon for one parent to try to deny access or try to limit or prevent contact between the young one and the other parent. The parent denying access to a child in Australia may believe they are doing this for valid reasons. However, in most child custody […]
The post Denying Access to a Child in Australia – Is it Allowed? first appeared on O'Sullivan Legal ..read more
O'Sullivan Legal Blog
11M ago
Divorce is already a challenging situation, without losing your precious children as well. Custody agreements (and court orders) in Australia overwhelmingly give mothers primary care of the children, and many fathers are lucky to have every second weekend with their children. At O’Sullivan Legal, we work tirelessly towards helping fathers receive custody, or at least […]
The post Comprehensive Guide on Child Custody for Fathers first appeared on O'Sullivan Legal ..read more