We reveal 15 interesting history, temperament and characteristic facts...
Mastiff Guide
1y ago
By nature are they diggers? Here's why they dig and how to fix it... Mastiff? or maybe a mix ..read more
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With size comes power, so which Mastiff is #1 Most Powerful?...
Mastiff Guide
1y ago
Should you dare leave a Mastiff alone with baby? Tips to protect baby. Hint: It's size related, but there's more ..read more
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Why do they live such short lives? 
Mastiff Guide
1y ago
Should you dare leave a Mastiff alone with baby? Tips to protect baby. Hint: It's size related, but there's more ..read more
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These 6 Mastiff breed characteristics reveal their good & bad...
Mastiff Guide
1y ago
Which ones drool more? or slobber less? Here's the ..read more
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Mastiff Guide
1y ago
Is it in their genes? Was it bred into them?  The answer can be as big as their size ..read more
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What To Know About Mastiffs
Mastiff Guide
2y ago
We answer the Top 44 questions most asked ..read more
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Mastiff Puppy Vaccination Schedule
Mastiff Guide
2y ago
..read more
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