Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center: Overcoming Barriers to Improve the Patient Experience
The Oncology Nurse
1y ago
Mayo Clinic, the largest integrated, not-for-profit medical group practice in the world, has been serving patients for more than 100 years more
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Hunterdon Regional Cancer Center: Committed to Providing Patients With High-Quality Care
The Oncology Nurse
1y ago
Hunterdon Regional Cancer Center, Flemington, NJ, is a community-based cancer center offering an integrative approach to care, with access to prevention initiatives and screening as well as comprehensive diagnosis and treatment more
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Breast Imaging Nurse Navigation at UCSF Health: Improving the Patient Experience
The Oncology Nurse
1y ago
UCSF Health is recognized worldwide for its high-quality, comprehensive patient care, informed by pioneering research and advanced technologies. It includes 3 UCSF Medical Centers, 2 UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals, the UCSF faculty practice group, Langley Porter Psychiatric Hospital and Clinics, UCSF Benioff Children’s Physicians foundation, and joint ventures with John Muir Health and Hospice by the Bay more
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St. Elizabeth Cancer Center: Committed to Excellence in Patient Care
The Oncology Nurse
1y ago
The St. Elizabeth Cancer Center offers cancer detection, diagnosis, and care—all under one roof. With an emphasis on precision medicine and genomic health, screening education and prevention, clinical research, and advanced, innovative technology, the center provides a seamless experience for patients with cancer undergoing treatment more
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Dana-Farber’s Innovative Colocation Model Addresses Disparities in Cancer Care
The Oncology Nurse
1y ago
Dana-Farber’s Cancer Care Equity Program seeks to reduce disparities in cancer care by connecting patients from diverse, low-income, and medically vulnerable communities to cancer prevention, diagnosis, education, and treatment services more
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Stanford Engineers Develop New Wearable Device to Monitor Tumor Size
The Oncology Nurse
2y ago
Stanford Engineers Develop New Wearable Device to Monitor Tumor Size more
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Ribociclib plus Endocrine Treatment Outperforms Chemotherapy in Advanced Breast Cancer
The Oncology Nurse
2y ago
Ribociclib plus Endocrine Treatment Outperforms Chemotherapy in Advanced Breast Cancer more
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Restrictive Diet May Not Be Necessary for Patients Undergoing HSCT
The Oncology Nurse
2y ago
Restrictive Diet May Not Be Necessary for Patients Undergoing HSCT more
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FDA News: October 21, 2021, and November 14, 2022
The Oncology Nurse
2y ago
FDA News: October 21, 2021, and November 14, 2022 more
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