My First Day Of Van Life
Off The Grid With A Kid Blog
by Bionca Smith
2y ago
After over three years of traveling full-time, we are officially starting our blog and sharing more pictures, videos, and stories that we haven't shared before. Our journey traveling the world on planes began in March 2017. We did not start #vanlife and vlogging about it until later that year when our brand "Off The Grid With A Kid" was formed on Instagram and YouTube. If you are new to the website, I'd like to encourage you to read our story in Good Housekeeping Magazine or meet us on The Tamron Hall Show and refer back to this blog for more depth about our experience traveling full time as more
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Single Mom Cancels Brick and Mortar School and Travels With Son
Off The Grid With A Kid Blog
by Bionca Smith
2y ago
In response to 2 Common questions, we’ve been getting ever since we left to travel the world full time 3 years ago: "Why Did You Homeschool Your Kid?" "What Program Do You Recommend?" If you’re reading this right now then you’re probably feeling how I felt three years ago. After trying two different schools by the time my son was in 2nd grade, I was fed up with the traditional way of schooling and I was tired of being exhausted, broke, and unfulfilled in life. My son's education was my #1 priority. I didn’t want to keep pulling my son out of schools, but I also did not want him to be in an env more
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I’m Not a Blogger, I Just Talk A Lot.
Off The Grid With A Kid Blog
by Bionca Smith
2y ago
Welcome to the official launch of my first blog! Whoop whoop! Before we go any further, “lettuce“ make sure this blog is appropriate for you. If the way I used the word “lettuce” just irked your soul; Bye Felicia! Disclaimer: This blog is not for the perfectionist, grammar police, or cynical mindsets. This is an evolving blog and continuous improvements will be made over time. This blog is for the fearful and the fearless individuals that want to break free from their current reality and create a new one or need a boost to just keep going. Whether you’re someone that needs inspiration to be more
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Off The Grid With A Kid Blog
by Bionca Smith
2y ago
This space is intended to highlight and thank the bloggers, podcasters, journalists, Tv Show Hosts and all content creators for taking the time out to feature our story this far. We thank you for the time, energy, and creativity that all of you have invested individually or with your team. Your work has helped us reach and inspire the people that we have always dreamed we'd connect with. We would also like to thank anyone that has ever shared our story on their social media platforms. We are honored to have captured your heart and connection. (Latest-Oldest)  Parents https://www.parents more
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Why We Love RVing In The Fall
Off The Grid With A Kid Blog
by Bionca Smith
2y ago
Tis The Season To Celebrate Endings and New Beginnings! Blog Written By ,@offthegridwithakid Sponsored By ,Camping World This post may contain affiliate links. By clicking on any of the links below, we may get a commission if you make a purchase at absolutely no additional charge to you. This helps offset the costs of running this blog & we greatly appreciate your support. Photo courtesy of Bionca Smith @offthegridwithakid During summer, the sweep of a cool breeze across one’s face and the sight of a leaf spiraling in the air instantly confirms fall is near. Most seasonal campers see summ more
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Single Parenthood: Life Before Homeschooling. An Ambitious Single Mother’s Story
Off The Grid With A Kid Blog
by Bionca Smith
2y ago
Life Before Homeschool and Full-Time Travel "I went from serving cocktails in a casino to being served in cockpits." How it Started Prior to living in California where we launched our full-time travel lifestyle almost 5 years ago, I was a cocktail waitress, and I put myself through college while raising my son in St, Louis Missouri. It was hard, but it stretched me in a way that made me get used to operating through stressful situations and doing things alone. Eventually, I dropped out of college and ventured into entrepreneurship. In 2015, I moved to California to pursue a corporate job that more
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How To Declutter and Become a Minimalist For Full-Time Travel? This is How We Did It!
Off The Grid With A Kid Blog
by Bionca Smith
2y ago
It took for me to put in my 30 day notice at my luxury apartment before I felt confident enough to start getting rid of things. I was excited before I submitted my notice, but when the reality kicked in that I was moving out I got butterflies in my stomach and my head felt numb. My excitement turned into nervousness as I walked back to my apartment with the understanding that I had to voluntarily get rid of all the opulent treasures I collected and took pride in. I grew overwhelmed and didn’t know where to begin decluttering because I never felt the need to get rid of anything in the first pl more
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5 Steps To Van Life & Full Time Travel
Off The Grid With A Kid Blog
by Bionca Smith
2y ago
How We Started From the moment I considered Van life within 30 days, I began living in a 1989 Ford camper van with my then 9 yr old kid. I only had two things to worry about and, those were "Where should we park at night and where to go next?". The first place we slept was in plain sight at a Mcdonald's parking lot across from their drive-thru. My son and I were excited, but I was nervous about sleeping there. I figured the worst thing that could happen was that we were woken up and asked to leave. Otherwise, our camper van was just like any vehicle in the parking lot waiting for its owner to more
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Good Housekeeping Interview: A Nomadic Single Mom’s Story
Off The Grid With A Kid Blog
by Bionca Smith
2y ago
#tbt Wow. As of March 20th, it’s has been 4 years since we left our old life to work, homeschool, and travel full time until further notice. It feels great to admit that after 4 years of being nomadic, l still don’t regret donating our things, homeschooling, working from anywhere, moving into a van, and moving on a whim as often as we please. We’ve had obstacles and excitement along the way and every single experience has been worth the sacrifice! This unconventional lifestyle isn’t for everyone, but we’ve definitely made it work for us! Living this way has helped our family reach our persona more
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Transparent Van Life Influencer Journey
Off The Grid With A Kid Blog
by Bionca Smith
2y ago
People are so quick to equate going viral to making money, but it doesn’t always work that way at first or sometimes at all. I would've never imagined that my strategic way of designing a lifestyle for my family to reach our goals would be so interesting to people and income-generating. If anything, I could've thought people would've believed I was crazy, but I didn't care because my son and I were happier than we were trying to keep up with the Jones years prior. Accepting The Role As A "VanLife" Influencer I'm known for being the first single mom to publicly share her lifestyle living, trav more
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