Teaching Balance Blog
Teaching Balance is about incorporating mindfulness into your everyday life so you can truly embody these qualities. Through my blog posts, workshops, Mindfulness Membership, and personal coaching, I address the different challenges teachers face and how to use mindfulness to best engage with those challenges. I help hard-working teachers manage their stress, integrate mindfulness and..
Teaching Balance Blog
10M ago
December 2023 - Slowing Down
December can feel like a month filled with contradictions.
There are extra celebrations to attend and preparations to be done, while simultaneously the colder weather and shorter days beckon us to slow down, stay in, and do less.
I have complete confidence that you will find a balance that suits you, and as such, I would like to offer a gauge by which you can assess this. When you’re making choices about what to do and where to expend your energy, notice any moments where you start to feel guilty. Here’s the unexpected part -- the guilt is GOOD.
If you’re feeling g ..read more
Teaching Balance Blog
11M ago
November 2023 - Cultivating Gratitude
Sometimes I have a hard time focusing on the good things in life when I feel so deeply affected by the problems and strife in the world (personally, nationally, and globally).
One practical strategy I’ve used for years is called “Three Good Things”. A gratitude practice from Shawn Achor’s The Happiness Advantage, it helps me get into the habit of looking for positives instead of the scanning for and dwelling on issues (as our minds are evolutionarily conditioned to do).
I find that spending a few minutes doing this, either in writing or with someone else ..read more
Teaching Balance Blog
1y ago
October 2023 - Self-Embodiment
You know what is in your body’s best interest.
Whether it’s rest, hydration, movement or nutrition, we have the knowledge but often life gets in the way. We’re so busy, we forget to drink water. We’re so exhausted, we can’t imagine exercise. We’re so stressed, we can’t sleep. This problematic cycle often goes on until things become dire.
There is truth in the maxim, “If you do not make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.”
This isn’t about striving for some kind of fitness ideal. It is about honoring the one body you’re given ..read more
Teaching Balance Blog
1y ago
September 2023 - Self-Advocacy
It seems to me that conversations around healthy boundaries and self-advocacy have become much more normalized than they once were.
We hear frequent reminders that "NO is a complete sentence" and that we should "put on our own oxygen mask first."
I feel grateful that this cultural shift is occurring, particularly at this time when being an educator is continuing to be more and more challenging. So here is yet another reminder that prioritizing your own health, energy, and needs is actually a selfless act that meaningfully benefits others ..read more
Teaching Balance Blog
1y ago
Back to School Meditation for Teachers
It's that time of year again. For all who are getting ready to go back to school, (or are already back) I created a "very special" Back to School Meditation for Teachers.
The emphasis is on kindness and compassion for ourselves and others, and I invite you to give it a try. Also, please share it with friends who may find it of benefit, even if you don't consider yourself a meditator. :-)
[this post was originally published in August of 2017 ..read more
Teaching Balance Blog
1y ago
August 2023 - Be Gentle With Yourself
Welcome to back-to-school season!
Hopefully you're feeling rested, refreshed, and ready for the new year. Often we return to work with what I call the "seductive optimism of the new school year," and I would like to invite you to balance this with the realism of how demanding being an educator can be. When you are tempted to sign up for extra responsibilities, ask yourself if you will have the same energy and enthusiasm eight weeks from now.
Remember to be gentle with yourself, know that transitions are hard, and cut yourself some slack if you can't "do it ..read more
Teaching Balance Blog
1y ago
June 2023 - Rest & Relaxation
When I think about June, I think of the promise of pleasure.
Time spent outdoors in beautiful weather. Enjoying the sights and smells of lushness as everything blooms and flourishes.
Having the spaciousness to slow down and RELAX.
This is the perfect time for deep rest and for nourishing yourself with the bounty of all that summer has to offer.
Let's enjoy it ..read more
Teaching Balance Blog
1y ago
May 2023 - Letting Go
There is tired. There is teacher-tired.
And then there is May 2023 teacher-tired.
Knowing there is still work to be done, I would like to offer an invitation to lighten your load. What are some burdens you are metaphorically carrying right now? These may be your worries, disappointments, or regrets. Whatever form they take, can you set them down for a while?
You have enough to do between now and the end of the school year. Can you let them go and untether yourself from what may be weighing you down, either temporarily or even permanently ..read more
Teaching Balance Blog
1y ago
April 2023 - Cultivating Self-Awareness
It's about getting back into the driver's seat of your mind.
There are plenty of reasons to practice mindfulness meditation. But for me, there is one reason I keep coming back to the cushion.
My practice supports me in having more agency over where my mind goes and what my precious mental energy is expended on.
I'm not saying it is easy, or that it has turned me into a non-reactive mind-Jedi (if only). I am, however, better at noticing what's going on in my mind at any given moment and then guiding it in a direction that is more productive and less drain ..read more
Teaching Balance Blog
1y ago
March 2023 - Befriending Your Inner Critic
We are all familiar with that inner voice which can criticize, insult, and even bully us around.
As problematic as it is, consider for a moment that your inner critic sincerely thinks it is helping you. It believes it is protecting you and keeping you safe, however misguided that belief may be. See this part of your psyche as a child you love, but who needs you to be the adult and make the appropriate decisions.
Acknowledge this inner voice, let it know it's been heard, but that YOU know what's best and will choose to turn your attention and focus tow ..read more