Learning from people who stammer: what should we be researching about intervention(s)?
Redefining Stammering Blog
by Sam Simpson
1w ago
I have worked as a speech and language therapist with children, young people, and adults who stammer for many years and I have loved it. Being invited to explore ideas with people considering potential change in their life is a huge privilege, and as the one person in the room without lived experience of either ... read more ..read more
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The Power Threat Meaning Framework and the mental distress of stammering
Redefining Stammering Blog
by Sam Simpson
3M ago
I love to be jolted out of the way I see the world. To be given a new lens through which to look at things in the hope of discovering new patterns in the way the world works. I believe that the Power Threat Meaning Framework, the PTMF, offers a useful new way to look ... read more ..read more
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Dysfluency in Three Modes of Belonging
Redefining Stammering Blog
by Sam Simpson
1y ago
Stuttering pride is starting to mature. No longer a hushed whisper that might evaporate if spoken aloud, the social movement of stuttering pride has turned to root and flower. In this post I want to consider the growing stuttering community from the perspective of a gardener. Nietzsche, of all people, offers a starting point: “Woe to the thinker who is not the gardener but only the soil of the plants that grow in [her]!” (2012,  s.382). This advice is as true for a community as for an individual. Being gardeners of ourselves implies not only noticing the variety of life and the compositio ..read more
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New places on the map – how ‘Stammering Pride and Prejudice’ changed my work as a therapist
Redefining Stammering Blog
by Sam Simpson
1y ago
I have been a speech and language therapist for 30 years now working with people who stammer of all ages. I like the idea that everything I learned about stuttering and its therapy resembles a map. When I  listened to Sam Simpson’s keynote talk at the ECSF Symposium in Antwerp in 2020, it felt that this map had enlarged by a great amount of landmass that I had never been aware of nor travelled to before:  seeing the social model of disability applied to stuttering was a total game changer. For most of my professional career my residence on this imaginary stuttering map was on modific ..read more
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Redefining Stammering Blog
by Sam Simpson
1y ago
I have grown up smothered by a veil of shame, too scared to speak or even open my mouth. My stammer was “crippling” or “disabling” and it defined every inch of my being and my experiences. There was not only a lack of pride (I never dreamt that pride and stammering could be used in the same sentence) but a deep-seated feeling of inferiority. At school and university, I was excused from oral exams and once again, everything was done to pathologise and silence the stammer. Suddenly, attending an event that not only was run for and by people who stutter but also dared to celebrate it was overwhel ..read more
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Cluttering Interviews: A personal perspective
Redefining Stammering Blog
by Sam Simpson
1y ago
In June 2023 I took part in the  50 Million Voices practice interview event;  an initiative that does so much to unlock the talent of people who stutter by tackling the barriers created by workplace interviews.  I’ve been involved with 50MV since meeting Iain Wilkie and Sam Simpson when I was a mentor on the first  Stambition  program run by Action for Stammering Children in 2021.  This time, as agreed with the organisers, I was participating for the first time as a person who clutters. Although I’ve been dysfluent all my life, I always sensed I wasn’t a person wh ..read more
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Assessing the impact of childhood intervention for stuttering
Redefining Stammering Blog
by Sam Simpson
1y ago
What is the impact of childhood intervention on those who continue to stutter into adulthood? Many adults have shared their experiences in memoirs, on podcasts, in blogs, etc. and most of those experiences are stories of recovery – not from stuttering, but from the impact of earlier therapy. Parents can benefit from reading these accounts, but that’s a lot of searching and reading for a busy parent. My new book,  VoiceS Unearthed: The Impact of Childhood Intervention on Those Who Continue to Stutter, provides parents – as well as trainee and qualified speech and language therapists – a c ..read more
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The Stories Beyond Words project: creatively reworking and reclaiming time
Redefining Stammering Blog
by Sam Simpson
2y ago
Something serendipitous has welled up in my PhD research. An unexpected connection has sparked and fused. This connection is all about time, or rather its disruption, through usurping societal expectations of chronological time. It spans between my research area and the creative approach. This connection is opening up possibilities for thinking creatively around disfluency. The Stories Beyond Words project brings together a group of people with diverse communication impairments to co-create immersive audio-visual installations. These artworks aim to challenge societal preconceptions about non ..read more
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How do we think and talk about stammering? A stammering discussion group goes beyond words to explore art, attitudes, and activism
Redefining Stammering Blog
by Sam Simpson
2y ago
In Draft No 4, the great writer John McPhee describes how his English teacher insisted every piece of student writing began with a sketch of contents and structure. This is mine. In a few hundred words time, you can judge if I have kept to it. My English teacher was equally prescriptive but more prosaic: “define your terms”. So, here goes. Every third Tuesday, between September 2021 and January 2022, about a dozen of us met on zoom for an hour and a half. Some were people who stammered; others, speech and language professionals; some both; all of us keen to explore how we think and talk about ..read more
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The Accident of Stammering
Redefining Stammering Blog
by Sam Simpson
2y ago
Models and Metaphors   Bit by bit, humans make models of the world to try and make sense of it. This is as true for disability as it is for astrophysics or evolutionary biology. In my contribution to Stammering Pride and Prejudice, I outlined just four ways that disability has been modeled: “a cosmic sign in the religious model, a biological pathology in the medical model, a social oppression in the social model, [and] a political relation in the aptly named political/relational model” (2019, 12). The way that we think about disability matters because – to indulge in medical language – ho ..read more
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