Free From Stutter Blog
My name is Andrey Denisenko. I'm passionate about helping people who stutter get free from stuttering. We can't change the genes, and we can't change the way we're wired, but we can drastically change the way we feel about speaking interaction. We can be truly present and enjoy it. We can drastically change the way we feel about speaking. We can be open, active, and positive..
Free From Stutter Blog
1y ago
Stuttering is an iceberg with speech impediments on top of it, that’s something we all see. And the body of the iceberg holds our fears, shame and desire to hide the impediment.
The first 2 massive mistakes we're making ("Sitting in the shell" and "Pretending to be normal") - that’s the core of that iceberg.
Now, it’s time to talk about the massive mistake we’re making when addressing the speech impediments, the very top of the iceberg.
The VIDEO: How to Stop Stuttering. Mistake #3 - trying to control your speech.
How to stop stuttering. Mistake #3 - trying to control your speech ..read more
Free From Stutter Blog
1y ago
Let’s face it, stuttering is not the best part of us. It’s painful and there’s nothing wrong with our desire to get rid of it and become fluent.
And we see other people around speaking fluently, with ease, we see these other people reaching their goals and dreams. The idea that comes logically is that we need to be normal to get there. So we want to be normal to be successful.
But wait a second. The truth is just the opposite.
The VIDEO: How to Stop Stuttering. Mistake #2 - pretending to be fluent.
How to stop stuttering. Mistake #2 - pretending to be fluent.
https://youtu.be/6kmh ..read more
Free From Stutter Blog
1y ago
Sitting in the shell is both an essential part of stuttering (fear of speech that is caused by stuttering), and at the same time, this is the biggest issue we're facing on the way to freedom from stuttering. So it causes stuttering back facilitating it.
The key point is pretty simple: the first step on the way to freedom from stuttering is getting outside the shell. And so it the second and the third and the last step as well. But we don't do it! And there's reason for it.
Let's try to unwind this riddle together.
The VIDEO: How to Stop Stuttering. Mistake #1 - Sitting in the Shell.
How ..read more
Free From Stutter Blog
1y ago
Some people ask: maybe I just need more confidence and then it'll improve my fluency. And I usually answer: yes, and then talk about stuttering techniques.
This interview has changed my perception. Stuttering techniques are great, but there's something more.
Our guest today is Danette Fitzgerald, New Haven NSA (National Stuttering Association) chapter co-leader, and we'll talk about confidence, and where it's coming from.
The VIDEO - Confidence: Interview with Danette Fitzgerald
Confidence: Interview with Danette Fitzgerald
Show Highli ..read more
Free From Stutter Blog
1y ago
Oftentimes people ask me, "Do you stutter?" or "Did you stutter?" or "Have you cured yourself completely?"
And I'm always a bit puzzled because to most of these questions there's no simple "yes" or "no" answer. So, if you really want to understand how stuttering works and how getting free from stuttering happens - stay tuned!
The VIDEO: Do I stutter or Did I stutter?
Do I stutter or Did I stutter?
So, first I want us all to realize that people who stutter (you and I) have a predisposition for stuttering.
That's not ..read more
Free From Stutter Blog
1y ago
If you're a person who stutters, but you can speak on your terms, all the struggle, tension, and stuttering anxiety go away. It's not quite stuttering as a condition any more.
The best part, by speaking on your terms you actually learn to make your own choices, do what you really think is right to do, you learn leadership skills if you would, you learn to live your life on your terms. Which is an amazing byproduct. This seemingly little speech improvement effort can bring a profound change into your life.
And it's much closer than you think.
So, how do you learn ..read more
Free From Stutter Blog
1y ago
In this blog post and video, we'll cover 17 stuttering techniques or strategies from the mainstream ones to not so traditional ones. I'll show and demonstrate them, and we'll try to understand each of them so that you could see what could be useful, helpful and beneficial for you.
And if you are using a technique that is not on the list, please leave a comment and let me know!
The VIDEO: Top 17 stuttering techniques
Top 17 stuttering techniques
This is an overview for you to get the idea behind each of the techniques, and get th ..read more
Free From Stutter Blog
2y ago
We might think about stuttering as a linear thing. I have a predisposition to stutter, so I stutter. That's it. I can hide it. I can accept it. I can try to manage it.
Well, it's a little more complicated. But let's try to make that complexity simple. I want you to be very clear how stuttering works and what we can do about it.
The Podcast: Understanding stuttering better
Stuttering Cycle
Stuttering is not a dot. It's not a linear thing either. It doesn't "just happen." Stuttering is an automated cycle that reproduces itself. So, let's see how ..read more
Free From Stutter Blog
2y ago
Stuttering is full of mystery. We don't seem to fully understand it. And that is intriguing.
Let's try to look behind the curtains and see what makes is so mysterious.
Let's uncover together the secret of stuttering.
The VIDEO: The secret of stuttering
The secret of stuttering
The biggest secret
The main idea I want to share with you in this blog post and video is that we, people who stutter, try to keep stuttering as a secret.
And this is the biggest problem we want to realize.
You see, keeping it a secre ..read more
Free From Stutter Blog
2y ago
Is stuttering (stammering) curable?
Henry Ford once said something like "if you believe you can or you believe you can’t - in both cases you’re right." It's the same situation with stuttering. If you believe that it’s not curable (maybe based on your own experience) then I would leave you in this belief. It’s true for you.
But if you believe there must be another way that leads you to that emotional state of freedom where you can speak on your terms and truly enjoy speaking interaction - then stay with me!
The VIDEO: Is Stuttering Curable? Is stuttering curable?
http ..read more