Low Tech Grandma Blog
This Low-Tech Grandma is feeling her way through the various technological gadgets and services. Gone are the days of rotary phones and manual typewriters. Now it's all about mobile phones, streaming TV, and Bluetooth keyboards. This blog is where she gets to write about the technological advances of yesterday. As she goes through and discovers things she writes about them.
Low Tech Grandma Blog
2y ago
Well, I must be moving up in the world. Li’l ol’ me is the recipient of a ransom email. Before I discuss it, let’s take a look at it. Here it is: From: Malani Melendez <tccamillo@coplana.com> Date: February 21, 2022 at 10:02:00 PM EST To: Me at one of my email addresses Subject: Successfully logged […]
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Low Tech Grandma Blog
2y ago
This might be a little over the top, but I purchased the Logitech Combo Touch, yet another keyboard. Why? Well, because I purchased yet another iPad. If you followed my transition from PC to iPad, you’ll know that the only complaint I had about the iPad Air was that I bought the wrong size hard […]
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Low Tech Grandma Blog
2y ago
How fast do you type? I learned how to type decades ago. I started to go into a long trip down memory lane sharing my typing experience over the years but fell asleep when proofing it. Who cares how and when I learned to type. The bottom line is, fast typing is a beneficial skill. […]
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Low Tech Grandma Blog
2y ago
This is a quick post inspired by my brother. I’ll call it the degree post. As my brother and I chat back and forth on Messenger talking about riveting topics such as the weather, you can imagine how many times we have to actually type out the word degree or degrees. Now, that’s not so […]
The post How to Create Keyboard Shortcuts on iOS and Android Devices appeared first on Low Tech Grandma ..read more
Low Tech Grandma Blog
2y ago
In December of 2020, I purchased an iPad Air 4. The goal was to use it as my main computer and to transition away from my decades-long relationship with Windows.The transition has been a bumpy ride. The ride wasn’t bumpy due to a flaw in the iPad. The ride was bumpy because my Windows brain […]
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