HERBCEO » Growing
Herb CEO is a community-driven resource center for professionals in the emerging cannabis and medical marijuana industry. Our blog provides insightful, actionable resources for those looking to start their own cannabis, CBD, medical marijuana, or accessories business.
HERBCEO » Growing
1y ago
For decades, cannabis growers almost always grow, for one thing, flowers! In the following article, I will discuss signs of identifying female cannabis plants as well as what you should do with your harvest of these flowers. If you are a first time grower it’s probably best to order some feminized seeds from a reputable seed bank to minimize your odds of having male plants “ruin” your crop prematurely via pollination. Cannabis may either turn out male or female in sex or worst case turn out to be a hermaphrodite plant, meaning it has both male and female plant features.  ..read more
HERBCEO » Growing
1y ago
Artificial lighting has revolutionized the agricultural industry, as it allow cultivators to grow their crops indoors. Advances in technology have given rise to cutting-edge, high efficiency light fixtures with LED bulbs, giving indoor plant growers endless opportunities to take control of their crops. There are several manufacturers that produce state-of-the-art light fixtures, and Mars Hydro is one of the most popular, as they’re hailed for offering a range of full-spectrum LED grow lamps. Of all the different options that Mars Hydro offers, their TS series is considered by many the be ..read more