Be Respectful.
Mighty M0use for Mental Health
by anitamanley
2y ago
By Anita Manley It’s been a while since I’ve posted. I’ve been busy enjoying my summer, taking care of myself and visiting family out west. I’ll write more about this in future posts. I’ve been thinking of writing this post about “respect” for a while now. I’m hoping it will help some people navigate difficult conversations about periods of illness. On the Mother’s Day weekend, 2022, an old friend of mine came into town and we went for coffee at my favourite coffee house, Little Victories. I was a bit anxious about our meet-up as he and his wife had seen me during my darkest times. Although I more
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Be Kind.
Mighty M0use for Mental Health
by anitamanley
2y ago
By Anita Manley Last weekend, we were so honoured and privileged to be invited to our friends’ “Guest Cottage” near Renfrew, ON, along the Ottawa River. Not only were we invited, but we received red carpet treatment the entire time we were there. Activities were planned, spa music was playing in the background, excellent meals were prepared and served, there was a hot tub and big screen TV outside so we could enjoy both at the same time. We went on a group kayak, did aerobic drumming and even danced in the rain!! Janet and Joe even treated everyone in the resort to a pizza party! Quite simply more
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Feeling all the Feels…
Mighty M0use for Mental Health
by anitamanley
2y ago
By Anita Manley In May of 2021, I wrote a blog about emotions. I think it is important to revisit this important topic. I think it is fair to say that with everything going on in the world these past couple of years, many of us have been feeling lots of emotions. Sometimes these emotions may even conflict. @unsinkablestories says: “Many people can feel confused when experiencing conflicting emotions at the same time, but please know that this is totally normal! The human experience is not that straight forward, and it’s ok to feel more than one thing at the same time.” @unsinkablestories conti more
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Things I wish I could tell my 25 year old self…
Mighty M0use for Mental Health
by anitamanley
2y ago
By Anita Manley I recently posted a throwback photo of myself on Facebook (see below). It really spoke to me and I started thinking, oh what I wish I’d known then. So, I decided to write a blog about it. I originally thought I would write 25 things, but the list grew larger. Here are 35 things, I wish I’d known when I was 25: Practice patience. (As my mother always said, “Good things come to those who wait.”) Practice self-love. Be kind and gentle with yourself. Get rid of the negative self-talk track going on in your mind. Hobbies are not a waste of time, they are wellness tools! Really! Rea more
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Taking Personal Responsibility.
Mighty M0use for Mental Health
by anitamanley
2y ago
By Anita Manley Several years ago, I was privileged to participate in a peer led group called  WRAP® (Wellness Recovery Action Plan). The concepts that I learned from this group, set me up with a strong foundation for my ongoing recovery. The 5 Key Concepts of this group are: 1)Hope 2)Personal Responsibility 3)Education 4) Self-Advocacy 5)Support I have written a bit about hope and support already. It is important to note that when talking about support, we mean both “giving and getting” support. It’s a two-way street. In this post, I’d like to focus on taking “personal responsibility” fo more
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Blue Monday 2022… “Let’s Dance”!
Mighty M0use for Mental Health
by anitamanley
2y ago
By Anita Manley Today is “Blue Monday”, the third Monday in January. It is called that, as it is thought to be the most depressing day of the year. Newsweek magazine says, “There are claims around this time of year that this specific day commonly coincides with the arrival of some of the year’s toughest psychological challenges. Issues can include a combination of particularly bleak winter weather, the post-Christmas comedown and being wracked with guilt over yet more failed New Year’s resolutions.” More on “Blue Monday” here. Today, in Ottawa, we had a blizzard or up to 40 cm of snow. Talk ab more
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Choosing HOPE for 2022…
Mighty M0use for Mental Health
by anitamanley
2y ago
By Anita Manley I’m not going to kid you, this last wave of the “super-spreader” omicron variant of COVID has really been difficult. I’ve been struggling. I’m sure that many others are too, as we welcome the New Year with anticipation, anxiety, fear and every emotion in between. I’ve started wearing a KN95 mask everywhere I go, since it has been said that the 3 layer cloth mask is not effective against omicron. My friend says, “all the stylish people are wearing them.” Folks are worried and want to stay safe. Yet, despite our best efforts, I know several people who have tested positive. Fortun more
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