Why Diet Deprivation Doesn’t Work: A Better Way to Lose Weight
Phase Two Fitness Blog
by Kathy Fluch
7M ago
For decades now, you’ve been told that cleaning out your refrigerator and pantry of tempting and unhealthy foods is the best, maybe even the ONLY way to lose weight and get fit. Yep, diet deprivation! I just read yet another article with the same message in a popular online women’s magazine. And since everyone says it, it must be true. Right?  Uhh… no.  I think most of this advice comes from a place of good intentions. It’s easy advice, and it makes sense, at least in theory. But not only does one specific method or strategy not work for everyone, depriving yourself of your favorite ..read more
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What Does It Take To Stay Motivated?
Phase Two Fitness Blog
by Kathy Fluch
11M ago
Are you ready to finally rock the body you’ve always wanted? Even if you’re over 50 and you’re tried to stay motivated for fitness but failed time and time again? You may have already tried every diet in the universe and promised that THIS Monday would be different a million times, but I hope to shed some new light on what it takes to actually STAY motivated (and if that’s even possible)… Many people believe motivation needs to stay high to reach their fitness goals, but that may be holding you back. If you’re struggling with constantly falling off the path, or just plain failing over and over ..read more
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The One Approach You Need to Master Your Food Cravings
Phase Two Fitness Blog
by Kathy Fluch
1y ago
Are you hitting a wall with nighttime eating? Unable to master your food cravings? Well, I’m not one who believes that finding something challenging means that you give up. Perhaps you haven’t found that one thing you need to in order to conquer your cravings for good. Lucky for you, I’m here to teach you all about not only understanding your cravings, but finally kicking them to the curb! Grab your emotional support drink of choice and dive on in with me, friend! First, what are cravings, and why can’t you seem to resist them? Cravings are simply a strong desire to use a particular substance ..read more
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4 Limiting Beliefs That Are Wrecking Your Weight Loss
Phase Two Fitness Blog
by Kathy Fluch
1y ago
You know what? There’s a whole lot of misinformation on weight loss in general, and certainly for weight loss over 50, which is why it’s easy to feel defeated when you feel like you’re doing everything “right” and still not getting results. Before I learned how to hack my own thoughts, I tried every diet and fitness program I could find. Expert #1 would say just eat less and move more! and expert #2 would say eat right for your blood type! Many people think that “just eat less” is the best way to lose weight because weight loss is, all things considered, about being in a calorie deficit. Othe ..read more
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The Secret to Lasting Changes in Your Health: A Guide for Women Over 50
Phase Two Fitness Blog
by Kathy Fluch
1y ago
As we age, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle becomes increasingly important for overall well-being. But, forming new healthy habits can be a challenge, especially when we try to make too many changes too quickly. Learn how to make lasting changes in your health. Achieving your fitness goals is never an easy process, but when you’re a woman over 50, it can be downright scary! It can also require a lot of determination, discipline, and motivation. Making your fitness journey simple and pleasurable can make all the difference. By breaking down your goals into small, manageable pieces and ..read more
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Healthy Habits for Women: The Ultimate Guide to Physical Activity Over 50
Phase Two Fitness Blog
by Kathy Fluch
2y ago
A Comprehensive Guide to Exercise for Women in Midlife Hi there! Are you a woman over 50 looking to increase your physical activity? If so, you’re in the right place! Exercise is incredibly important for your overall health and well-being, and there’s never a better time to start than now.  Whether you’re new to aerobic exercise and strength training, or you just have to go dig around for those leg warmers, the truth is that our bodies change as we age, and we need to adjust how we exercise accordingly. As women over 50, we face challenges when it comes to exercising. Whether it’s ..read more
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5 Weight Loss Myths Keeping You Stuck [Over 50]
Phase Two Fitness Blog
by Kathy Fluch
2y ago
We all fall prey to various myths and whoppers from time to time. But how many weight loss myths are tripping you up and keeping you stuck? Hey fellow over-50 gals, are you tired of the weight loss rollercoaster? Sick of staring at another plate of dry steamed chicken breast and a side of broccoli? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! Wave goodbye to the struggle, because I’m going to share with you 5 big weight loss myths that are keeping you stuck: eating too many meals believing that carbohydrates make you fat you think can’t eat all the foods you love tons of willpower is needed (and you’r ..read more
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How To Win the Calorie Counting Game
Phase Two Fitness Blog
by Kathy Fluch
2y ago
Calories have a bad reputation these days. But you can win the calorie counting game if you keep a few simple tips in mind. Poor calories. Consult just about any popular resource for weight loss and you’ll see that calorie counting: doesn’t work causes weight gain is pointless is bad for your health leads to restricting healthy food causes a bunch more problems Instead, you’re advised to tune into what your body needs, eat fewer processed foods, cook at home more, and my favorite, “think about how what you eat makes you feel.” OMG. CAN some, all, or any of the reasons calorie counting is ..read more
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Counting Calories Works No Matter What You’ve Heard [even if you’re over 50]
Phase Two Fitness Blog
by Kathy Fluch
2y ago
If you’ve been around more than 5 seconds, you’ve heard these before: Calories don’t count It’s hard to lose weight after 50 Diets don’t work Metabolism slows as you age Exercise doesn’t help You can’t lose after menopause Okay, not so fast! It turns out, as a matter of fact, just within the past few days that the “metabolism slows as you age” meme is not as cut and dried as we thought. If counting calories or losing weight in general when you’re over 50 confuses you, I’m here to cut through the noise and BS. Contrary to anything else you have read (yes, I said anything), calories do coun ..read more
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Train Your Brain To Lose Weight
Phase Two Fitness Blog
by Kathy Fluch
2y ago
Did you know you can actually train your brain to lose weight? Yes, you can. When it comes right down to it, the only reason we pursue anything is because of the reward system in our brain. If there’s no benefit, it won’t happen. If unhelpful thoughts are always getting in the way of your healthy goals, you need this! Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Results By signing up, you are subscribing to my email newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time! Yes, I want it! Loading… Thank you! Check your email for your free guide!  It’s as true when working for a paycheck as it is fo ..read more
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