Who do you most want to be?
Total Balance Blog
by Kate James
1w ago
Some years ago I worked with Annie, a woman in her late 60’s, who told me she wanted to be more courageous. “I don’t want to jump out of planes or learn public speaking,” she told me, “but I do want the courage to be more true to myself.” For as long as she could remember, Annie felt she needed to be ‘good’. Growing up on a large dairy farm in northern Victoria, her hardworking parents were gone from the house from dawn to dusk. As one of five children, Annie was rewarded for being quiet, compliant and for helping out with household chores. “To this day, I play into that. I’m always the person ..read more
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3 essential elements in a fulfilling career
Total Balance Blog
by Kate James
3M ago
According to a study conducted by Gallup a few years ago, only 20% of people can say that they genuinely enjoy their careers. It’s important to note here that when the researchers use the term ‘career’, it’s not only paid work that counts. The focus included all of the significant tasks that fill our days – parenting, caring, volunteering and unpaid work are as relevant as traditional careers. The authors of the study suggest that career satisfaction may be the most essential of all five elements discussed in their book, Wellbeing. Even if we’re happy in our social relationships, have good hea ..read more
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6 qualities to help you find a great business coach
Total Balance Blog
by Kate James
6M ago
If you’re feeling stuck in your business and unsure of what’s next, a business coach can help you gain clarity about your direction and find the confidence to take the right steps.  But with so many options available, how do you find a business coach who is right for you? In this article, we will explore six essential qualities to look for in a business coach to ensure you make the right choice. First and foremost, the business coach you choose should have the right experience and a proven track record of success in their own entrepreneurial endeavours. They should have the knowledge and ..read more
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Making time for self-care
Total Balance Blog
by Kate James
6M ago
I’m currently in Byron Bay, having just finished running a five day retreat. It’s been four years since we’ve been here and I had forgotten how truly restorative it is. It’s often not until we go on holiday or experience forced rest as a result of illness that we realise how much we’ve been rushing and pushing ourselves to get through the next milestone or objective. While you may not be able to get away on holiday or retreat right now, there are small steps you can take to become better at practising self-care, which is imperative if you want to avoid burnout. Here are some tips to help you&n ..read more
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Cultivating a positive relationship with yourself
Total Balance Blog
by Kate James
8M ago
Most of us are fortunate enough to have at least one person in our lives who is there to lend an ear, offer words of support and show kindness when we’re navigating a difficult time. And we happily do the same for them when they’re struggling. Unfortunately, we’re not as good at offering ourselves the same level of support and kindness, especially in our most challenging moments. Self-compassion is a powerful tool in helping to foster a more supportive relationship with yourself. It begins with noticing how you currently treat yourself, then taking gradual steps to transform your internal worl ..read more
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Embracing change: How a life coach can help
Total Balance Blog
by Kate James
10M ago
In an ever-changing world, navigating life’s transitions can be daunting. Whether it’s a career change, a relationship ending, or simply a desire for personal growth, embracing change can be challenging. That’s where a life coach can help you – a trusted guide who can help you navigate these transitions with grace and confidence. A life coach is not just someone who offers advice, but a professional who empowers you to discover your personal values and strengths, overcome obstacles, and embrace your future with greater clarity. With their expertise in personal development, goal setting, and mi ..read more
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10 steps to reduce stress & overwhelm
Total Balance Blog
by Kate James
11M ago
Over the past few months, I’ve had more conversations about stress and overwhelm with clients than at any other time in my career. It seems that life is unsettling for many people right now. Taking proactive steps to identify and address the sources of stress means we can regain some control and find our way to a greater sense of inner peace. Step 1: Conduct a stress inventory Before embarking on a journey to reduce stress, it helps to understand its origins in your life. Carrying out a stress inventory will help you to identify the key triggers that contribute to your stress levels. Take a mo ..read more
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Changemaker: Dr Rebecca Ray
Total Balance Blog
by Kate James
11M ago
Dr Rebecca Ray (who prefers to be known as Beck) is a clinical psychologist, author, podcast host and speaker. She’s also mother to Bennett, wife of Nyssa and until recently, pet parent to three dogs (sadly, she recently lost her beloved 13-year-old, Weimaraner, Henry). Beck and her family live in one of my favourite parts of the world, the beautiful hinterland on the Sunshine Coast. Beck has written six brilliant books on how to be happier, how to practise self-kindness, how to be brave, how small habits can help us create big change and how to set boundaries. Her most recent title, only just ..read more
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5 things to try when you can’t change careers
Total Balance Blog
by Kate James
1y ago
As a career coach, I spend a lot of time with clients helping them to work out their career direction. Some are people in senior leadership roles who feel that their lives are lacking purpose, many want to open creative businesses and others are professionals who have come through an extensive period of study only to discover that they don’t love the career they’ve chosen. If you met these clients, it’s very likely you’d perceive all of them as successful and high functioning. My guess is that their colleagues and acquaintances don’t even know that they’re struggling. They are intelligent, cap ..read more
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The upside of comparison
Total Balance Blog
by Kate James
1y ago
Comparing ourselves to others is a natural human tendency and while comparisons can often feel negative, they can also motivate us to create positive change in our lives. We know that what we see on social media is a fraction of the truth, yet we don’t always acknowledge that behind the thriving creative business, the happy family photographs and the exotic travel shots are the same kinds of adversity, hardship and everyday challenges that all of us face. And while it’s not something we view in a feed, we also know that deep down, the people we follow share insecurities and self-doubt, just as ..read more
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