One, two, three, four and more generations studying God’s Word!
Community Bible Study Europe Blog
by Simon Baker
1y ago
Frank Kooiman grew up in a large Christian family where his father discipled his own twelve children by reading a whole chapter of the Bible after every meal.  The meal was simply not finished until the Bible was read and God was thanked for the healthy food and family fellowship.  Frank passed this mealtime Bible reading custom on to his own children who passed it on to their children.  Then Community Bible Study came into their lives. Frank is now a discussion group leader in his CBS Bible Study group on Wednesday evenings.  Ten men and women are studying the book of Acts more
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Pray for Ukraine!
Community Bible Study Europe Blog
by Antti Ronkainen
2y ago
Community Bible Study has been serving in Ukraine for many years. We have hundreds of CBS group members in the midst of the war. Please pray for them. Please remember also to pray for the CBS family on the other side of the conflict. They are suffering, too. A. Please pray for peace for Ukraine First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savio more
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Advice About Hard Bible Passages from the Bible
Community Bible Study Europe Blog
by Simon Baker
2y ago
Tim Gouw (2016), public domain Anyone who has spent time in the pages of the Bible knows that there are tricky passages between the covers. This can be discouraging, especially for those who are new to Bible study. Some have walked away from the Bible for this very reason. One of the marvelous things about the Bible is that in it, God speaks to many of the challenges we face—including difficult passages in the Bible itself. We will look at one such section of Scripture in this article. Hard Passages Exist It’s nice to have Scripture confirm our suspicions—there are passages in the Bible more
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Disciple your Grandchildren!
Community Bible Study Europe Blog
by Simon Baker
2y ago
The pandemic has changed my view of grandparenting and discipling!  My husband and I are missionaries in The Netherlands, but our seven grandchildren live in the North America. FaceTime makes it possible to talk to them occasionally but is limited: our worlds are far apart and their screen attention span is limited.  So then, how can we disciple your grandchildren when they live across an ocean? One day, I realised that I’m doing CBS online with adults who live far away from me even 9 hours’ time zone difference!   Why would I not do the same with my grandchildren?  I more
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Why Is Spoken CBS Effective?
Community Bible Study Europe Blog
by Simon Baker
2y ago
It uses the Bible as it is written with an emphasis on memorizing and meditating on Scripture. It is both in-depth and thematic in that it typically follows biblical characters and events as presented chronologically in Scripture. It’s a multi-sensory learning style, allowing participants to hear, see, and experience Scripture. It’s a powerful communication tool that crosses cultures and languages. It emphasizes Biblical application of the truth in each individual’s life. It’s a highly interactive teaching and discovery process allowing participants in a group environment to remember what the more
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Back to the Bible
Community Bible Study Europe Blog
by Simon Baker
2y ago
Margo had gone through three divorces so moved to another town.  There was a Christian book shop in this town and she decided to buy a Bible there. Her grandfather had taken her to a church service when she was a little girl. She remembered that she was happy being in the church so she asked the lady in the bookshop if she knew of any people that could help her understand the Bible. So Margo joined the Bible study group. We start every Bible study with a question to build community and get to know each other.  By the third week, Margo decided she was willing to think up a question fo more
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Community Bible Study Europe Blog
by Simon Baker
2y ago
I have been looking for the Bible study group for a while. There are very many Bible study groups and churches in UK – however I could not initially find the one that would really work for me!  Then I found Community Bible Study.  I liked the format of  CBS because from the original sign-up on the website, the whole study platform and resources were very helpful and clear. I was assigned to a Together group really quickly. The workbook gave me a clear picture of what would be done and when. The questions in the workbook were thought-provoking. The material in each study was of t more
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Fostering disciples!
Community Bible Study Europe Blog
by Simon Baker
2y ago
Marcus (R) with Peter My husband Peter and I had a wonderful marriage, 4 beautiful biological children and we wanted to help children that were not so fortunate to grow up in a peaceful and safe home. Seven years ago, a lanky beautiful 12-year-old boy, Marcus, came to live with us for 3 months. He was upset to have to go to a foster home and had run away the night before, but the police found him and placed him with us. He soon warmed up to his own room, a clean house, and his new foster parents. A few days later another boy was placed in our home, 2 years old, and the two of them got along more
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Bible Study? No thanks
Community Bible Study Europe Blog
by Simon Baker
2y ago
I was blown away! What, Bible study? It didn’t sound very exciting and my expectations were modest to say the least…  but I was blown away! My church, Eglise Imagin’, Nice, France started a thirty week CBS course on the Gospel of Luke on Thursday evenings. A dozen of us met regularly and everybody really got stuck in. We started around a table heaped with home-made goodies (apparently not all groups do that!). Everyone contributes both food and an eagerness to learn more about God and His Word – what a blessing! People felt free to share what they had experienced from reading the Bible th more
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Who is my Glory and Joy? 
Community Bible Study Europe Blog
by Simon Baker
2y ago
It was my turn to do the wrap-up talk.  As usual, I had answered my CBS questions, read the commentary in my CBS book and reread the passage several times.  Meditating on the words of the Bible are so good for me!  Psalm 1 and Joshua chapter 1 tell me that I will be ‘successful’ if I do that.  Pondering over the Word of God, his thoughts and now the written Word for us is so good, especially when you have to prepare a short teaching for your group! I thought deeply about the words For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at His coming?  I more
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