VMs or Containers ?? How do i choose between these 2 options ?
Blogs, Ideas, Train of Thoughts » Kubernetes
by rajeshsgr
1y ago
In the world of modern IT infrastructure, the choice between containers and virtualization can be a daunting one. Each technology offers unique advantages and trade-offs, making it crucial to have a clear decision framework to guide your choice. This blog aims to help you make an informed decision that aligns with your specific needs and ..read more
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How do you pass arguments to a POD in Kubernetes ?
Blogs, Ideas, Train of Thoughts » Kubernetes
by rajeshsgr
1y ago
In Kubernetes Pod YAML files, the "command" field tells the container what to do when the pod starts, and the "args" field gives it any parameter or augments needed. This sample java project, takes 2 number as an argument and shows the output. In case of a docker image, the way to pass command and ..read more
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How do you list all the PODs and containers in your Kubernetes cluster
Blogs, Ideas, Train of Thoughts » Kubernetes
by rajeshsgr
1y ago
To list all pods and containers use the below command kubectl get pods -o=custom-columns=POD:.metadata.name,CONTAINERS:.spec.containers[*].name To list all pods and containers in a given namespace use the below command kubectl get pods -o=custom-columns=POD:.metadata.name,CONTAINERS:.spec.containers[*].name -n <<namespace>> Output of the above command will show PODs and the containers against it in a tabular format. Details on what are ..read more
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What are the alternatives for Kubernetes ?
Blogs, Ideas, Train of Thoughts » Kubernetes
by rajeshsgr
1y ago
The alternatives can be categorized into these 4 categories Container as a Service (CaaS): Options in this category are services like AWS Fargate and Azure Container Instances. These cloud services manage the complexity of managing containers at scale and eliminates the need for managing or running Kubernetes. Managed Kubernetes services : Popular choices in this ..read more
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What are secrets in Kubernetes & how do you use it ?
Blogs, Ideas, Train of Thoughts » Kubernetes
by rajeshsgr
2y ago
A Secret object in kubernetes contains sensitive data such as client secret, password, token or a key. Secrets provide a way to store these sensitive informations separately from Pod definitions or container images. Since these secret objects can be created independently from Pod, there is a less risk of these information being exposed during the ..read more
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Setup of spring boot application & initialization of PostgreSQL database on Kubernetes – PART 2
Blogs, Ideas, Train of Thoughts » Kubernetes
by rajeshsgr
2y ago
In the PART 1 of this blog series, we deployed a PostgreSQL database on minikube. In this part, we will deploy spring boot application . I have mentioned in PART 1 , how to dockerize and upload the order service to docker registry. The application.properties of the service , will get the details of database ..read more
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Setup of spring boot application & initialization of PostgreSQL database on Kubernetes – PART 1
Blogs, Ideas, Train of Thoughts » Kubernetes
by rajeshsgr
2y ago
How to deploy a containerized spring boot application , with PostgreSQL as database on minikube. This post will also share details on how to initialize the database with tables and data during the initialization process. Will use a spring boot application order service with a REST endpoint to fetch customer details GET /customers It uses ..read more
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Pods & Containers in Kubernetes
Blogs, Ideas, Train of Thoughts » Kubernetes
by rajeshsgr
2y ago
A pod is a group of one or more containersA container is a package with software and all its dependencies required to run the application bundled together.Containers are grouped as pods and they are the smallest execution unit in KubernetesKubernetes work with pods.All the containers in a pod run in a shared context and are ..read more
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Kubernetes Namespaces & Kubens
Blogs, Ideas, Train of Thoughts » Kubernetes
by rajeshsgr
2y ago
As you start deploying Pods, Deployments, Services etc. on the kubernetes cluster, these objects will grow exponentially and maintaining them becomes a challenge.For example, different teams cannot create services or deployments with the same name or listing of all the pods will take time as the number of pods grow.Namespace is a kubernetes object that ..read more
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Kubernetes Cluster & Process Flow of a POD creation
Blogs, Ideas, Train of Thoughts » Kubernetes
by rajeshsgr
2y ago
Kubernetes in a production environment will have a collection of clusters.In this kind of setup, generally one of the server will be a master node and rest of the nodes will be worker nodesMaster node does not run any workload and is in-charge of distributing tasks to the worker nodes. You can run workloads on ..read more
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