3 Habits of Elite Athletes (Applied to Dog Sport)
Kathy Keats Blog
2y ago
[Check out my new podcast—The Kathy Keats Show, where I talk about high performance principles and mindset applied to dog sport and life! You can listen on Apple, Spotify and (soon) Google. If you want to be notified of new episodes, click here.] A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...oops, wrong story, it just feels like it was that long ago...  I was coaching at Clean Run Camp (at that time, the largest dog agility camps on the east coast) and during a break I stopped to watch the legendary Nancy Gyes do a bit of weave pole training with her amazing teammate Riot. (Yes, this was a ..read more
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Life Lessons From Simone Biles
Kathy Keats Blog
2y ago
Ever heard any of these? “Take one for the team.” “There’s no “I” in team.” “No pain, no gain.” “You’ve got to be mentally tough and play through it (i.e. injury, sickness, personal problems).” When you are injured, people are forgiving (at least for awhile). But if you step back for your mental health, you are branded a traitor, selfish, not a team player, mentally weak, a quitter—or worse. Those labels are false—an illogical, incomplete Hollywood illusion of mental toughness. And that messaging needs to change. It is a myth that blindly pushing forward through adversity is always the better ..read more
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Life Isn't a Game of Perfect
Kathy Keats Blog
2y ago
  One of the mental game classics for sport was a book written by Dr. Bob Rotella called 'Golf Is NOT A Game Of Perfect'. [1] It was one of the first books that really helped me to understand that mistakes are going to happen, and they don't make you less worthy. BUT... how you respond to and recover from those mistakes (or unlucky/unfair situations) matters. That's what illuminates your true character. Sport reveals character There's a great saying, "sport doesn't develop character, it reveals it". It's easy to look strong when everything is going well, but not so easy whe ..read more
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Motivation Meltdown? 3 Strategies From The Masters Of Mental Toughness
Kathy Keats Blog
2y ago
Ugh. It’s happened again. Your motivation has crashed in the face of overwhelming odds. You want to crawl under the covers and curl into fetal position. What were you thinking? What made you think you could write the next Game of Thrones epic fantasy or win a world championship in dog agility? This dream is paralyzing, out of your league. It feels hopeless, doesn’t it? Don’t give up. Your dream matters. You can get through to the other side. But you have to avoid one simple mistake. A mistake I made recently. Step through the barn door with me and I’ll show you… Shearing Day We’re ready t ..read more
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How To Be A Flawed Perfectionist (Without Getting Frustrated)
Kathy Keats Blog
2y ago
Ah… the tornado of perfectionism. The perfect golf swing. The perfect blog inspiration. The perfect puppy. The motivational stuff tells us to strive for perfection. We might not reach perfection, but at least we get further, right? But what about the frustration devouring you from the inside? How do you silence the inner beast that horsewhips you to be exceptional…or else? A magical place exists where perfectionism and peace live harmoniously. Ready to follow the yellow brick road? Test 1: Waiting on the wizard Many of us wait for the perfect situation. But waiting is the most insidious form o ..read more
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How To Stop The Sabotage Cycle
Kathy Keats Blog
2y ago
Crap… You’ve done it again. The same mistake that defeats you every time. Why do you keep doing it? You know better. You practice hard, you do the work. But when you are right on the edge of a breakthrough you sabotage yourself every time. Frustrating, isn’t it? It’s like being in a glass cage that you bang your head against. Trapped with a monkey that keeps harassing you. Would you like to finally get that monkey off your back and break out? You can, you know. Come on, make a break for freedom. Ready? You Believe a Lie Why the heck do you sabotage yourself anyway? It’s so stupid, isn’t it? Sa ..read more
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How To Turn Life Around (When Everything Sucks)
Kathy Keats Blog
2y ago
Impossible. No chance. Nothing is going right. Your confidence is shaken. You feel like a salmon swimming upstream against the current. Do you feel like you’re fighting a losing battle? Ready to give in? I’ve been caught in that riptide too. But I want to share some hope with you. Professional athletes use 3 simple mind hacks that you can use to turn things around. These hacks also work in art, business and life. Want to know what they are? Have you overcome something like this before? Wimbledon. 2016 quarter-finals. Centre Court. Tennis great Roger Federer was down 2 sets to love against ..read more
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Do You Need A Dream To Be Successful?
Kathy Keats Blog
2y ago
Blah, blah, blah. Dream big dreams. Follow your passion. Change the world. How can you possibly achieve anything without a courageous, reckless, impossible dream? But what if you don’t have a dream? Or it’s not audacious enough? Are you a hopeless failure? Destined to mediocrity and insignificance? In today’s culture, it’s as if you are flawed if you don’t have a big dream. Hogwash. Even Indiana Jones didn’t start his career searching for the Lost Ark. But how do you thrive without a big dream? Survival as the catalyst Very few people start with the clarity of a big dream. We like to think of ..read more
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How Sheep Deal With Bullies (And What You Can Learn From It)
Kathy Keats Blog
2y ago
No one likes to be bullied. Most people agree bullying is wrong. At least in principle. When we hear stories of bullying, maybe we empathize because we’ve been bullied too. Or we wonder why someone didn’t step in, how it could happen. Perhaps we imagine we wouldn’t stand up for it, that we would be the hero of our own story against a bully. So why does bullying happen? Why is bullying so prevalent? Unfortunately, the truth is bullying works. And in some small part of the human psyche, people perceive it to be leadership. Just like a dog that’s a bully can imtimidate other dogs. Some people per ..read more
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