Own the morning ??
The Fit Dad Lifestyle Blog
by Leroy Faure
1y ago
Own the Morning ??? Let's talk about something that can truly transform your life Dads: owning your mornings. As fathers, we often find ourselves juggling countless responsibilities – from work and family commitments to keeping up with the ever-growing to-do lists. In the midst of this chaos, it's easy to overlook the power of the getting up earlier and capitalizing on the morning hours and how they can impact not just your day but also your physical and mental well-being. So, here's the deal: when you take charge of your mornings, you're not just setting yourself up for a productive day; yo ..read more
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Why do we fear failure?
The Fit Dad Lifestyle Blog
by Leroy Faure
1y ago
Why do most of us fear failure? Failure is one of the things that in turn makes us stronger. Sure in that moment we feel depleted and degraded. But nothing ever ends in that moment. The journey of fatherhood and life is always pushing forward. Failure can be the greatest source of education, motivation and clarification to what is meant to be. If you don’t fail, you never know. You never can adjust and you can never learn to right your wrongs. Failure is part of our life and almost every day we fail at something. But it never stops us completely. We adapt, we overcome and we keep pushing forwa ..read more
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Fatherhood is Tough
The Fit Dad Lifestyle Blog
by Leroy Faure
1y ago
FATHERHOOD IS TOUGH It’s also the greatest time of your life. Every single day you’re presented with an situation you have not ever been exposed too with your children. Their is no rule book. Every fathers journey is different. It’s not uncommon to go through 3 different emotions with your children within 10 minutes of each other. Both for yourself and them. They will test your patience. May send you grey. Won’t let you have a proper sleep for a while. Waste half the food you give them. Leave toys everywhere. Break stuff. Fight and argue with their siblings. Not listen. Piss the bed in the mid ..read more
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Competition as a Dad
The Fit Dad Lifestyle Blog
by Leroy Faure
1y ago
Legends. It’s human nature. We see someone successful and we instantly want what they have and start comparing our position to theirs. The issue with this is we fixate and highlight on their current heightened success point. The top of the spear. We want their success of today. Issue being Dads. We are examining it all wrong. By looking at that success and tip of the spear. We are somewhat hoping for a miracle, quick fix or lottery win to make it a reality. In hindsight we should be focusing on the journey that took them there. See to actually reach that position it probably wasn’t by ..read more
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It’s not the end of the world Dad ♥️
The Fit Dad Lifestyle Blog
by Leroy Faure
1y ago
So you fucked up, made a mistake, yelled at the kids, ate that fast food, missed that gym session, argued with the boss, missed the cut off at work etc etc. It’s done. Tomorrow is a brand new day. You have two choices. You can continue to carry on with the bad habits of today and bring the negativity into tomorrow. Or You can understand why it happened. Where it went wrong. Learn from it and realize that today is a brand new day. A whole new 24 hours to keep moving forward. 24 hours to make better choices. 24 hours to inspire, motivate and encourage the children more. Stop living in ..read more
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Comfort Levels
The Fit Dad Lifestyle Blog
by Leroy Faure
2y ago
I never enjoyed being another number.  School, work, military, sporting clubs.  I always wanted more for my self.  My goals were always to get to that next level.  Because average and comfort levels is not in my blood.  I think way to big all the time.  I have so much I am yet to achieve. But that leaves me hungry.  I have so much to learn.  Sometimes you need to let go of your old life to find your new life.  You need to go all in on that dream and vision you have for the next 5 years.  The road may be hard, tough and full of suffering and str ..read more
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What is the best fitness for Dads?
The Fit Dad Lifestyle Blog
by Leroy Faure
2y ago
What gym program do you recommend? ​Should I do boxing? ​ I only surf should I add in some of your fit dad workouts? I do crossfit a couple of times a week, but I feel I could be doing more. THERE IS NO PERFECT FITNESS ROUTINE THERE IS ONLY WHAT WORKS FOR YOU If your passion is swimming and you hate lifting weights then me telling you to go to the gym 5 days a week is going to be the worst thing you could do. Too many people get caught up looking for a quick fix. Stuck in the comparison game of before and after pictures and thinking that just because X got those results in that magical 8 week ..read more
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The reset
The Fit Dad Lifestyle Blog
by Leroy Faure
2y ago
Happiest I have ever been.    Mentally & Physically.    What happened?    What changed?    I took away all expectations of myself.    All pressures.    Allowed myself to relax. (Something I don’t do well, mind always racing)   Slept past the alarm more often than not. (Was always like clock work and routine)   Trained the least I have trained in a 30 day period for a long time. Even the month following a surgery or injury I would try train hard still. (1 gym session a week on average. 1 run and 1 fit dad academy workout ..read more
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5 things Fatherhood has taught me
The Fit Dad Lifestyle Blog
by Leroy Faure
2y ago
5 Things Fatherhood has taught me:   1: It is completely normal especially in the early days to have every emotion you can think of within an hour. Complete love, joy, happiness, frustration, anger, tears. Perfect example first few months with new born as a new father left alone. Laying there just staring at them complete happiness to them trying to feed, put to sleep and then crying, not taking to bottle and wanting mum and not being able to control the situation.    2: if you’re imaginative and plant an idea in your kids they will have just as much if not more fun with a stick ..read more
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Fear and Fatherhood
The Fit Dad Lifestyle Blog
by Leroy Faure
2y ago
Fear is typically the one thing holding us back in doing what we love, chasing our dreams and going big time with our ambitions. It's a different fear to what most people think. It's not a fear of this is dangerous, I'm so close to the edge, I am so scared. It's the fear of other people. Their opinions, the words they might write about you online, say about you at school pick up or make known around the work place. Unfortunately to many of us Dads let the opinion of others and that crippling affect of fear stop us going and doing what we really want. It's the whole devil on the shoulder. O ..read more
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