I'm Laura. In 2006, I made it my goal to run one mile without stopping. In 2008, I decided to attempt my first marathon. And in 2010, I broke the world record as the youngest woman to run a marathon in all fifty states - one month before my 25th birthday! Join me as I continue traveling the world and testing the limits of goal setting and productivity lifehacking, while still enjoying an..
9M ago
I read ten books in March, but six of them were novellas, so that’s more like five books – a little slower than usual, but the short novellas help cover that up! At 25 books cumulatively, that puts me exactly on track to hit my goal of 100 books by December 31. Of my ten books this month, I gave two novels and two novellas five stars – check them out for sure! 5 stars: Family Family, by Laurie Frankel: This book was PHENOMENAL! India Allwood grew up desperately wanting to be an actor – and now, she’s a Hollywood …
What I Read in March 2024 Read More ..read more
11M ago
I read another seven books in February, which I was thrilled with in a short month. At fifteen books cumulatively, that puts me exactly on track to hit my goal of 100 books by December 31. Great! And I had a solid mix this month of fiction and non-fiction, which makes me feel like I’m learning and not just relaxing ? 5 stars: House of Glass, by Sarah Pekkanen: Stella is an attorney who is assigned to serve as the advocate for 9-year old Rose, who seemingly witnessed the murder of her nanny Tina. Tina was having an affair with …
What I Read in February 2024 Read More ..read more
11M ago
I read eight books in January, starting off the year strong. Yay! I am still shooting for 100 books in 2024, and I’m hopeful that this year I’ll come a lot closer than last year. Here we go! 5 stars: Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection, by Charles Duhigg: This was absolutely fantastic. Researcher Charles Duhigg teaches a framework for recognizing three different types of conversations people have (“what’s this really about?”, “who are we?”, and “how do we feel?”), and then teaches how to match those and take the other person’s emotions and experiences into accou ..read more
11M ago
I read nine books in December; that average of 1.5 books a week is what I should have been reading all year, but because I was less prolific most months, I only closed out the year at 81 books. That’s one of my lowest book reading years in a while, and I wouldn’t have even gotten to 81 if it hadn’t been for Bookmas! I am still keeping my 2024 goal at 100 books, though, as I think it’s a good stretch goal… and hopefully December starts a trend of me taking more intentional time for reading, especially in my …
What I Read in December 2023 Read More ..read more
1y ago
Things have been a little nutty around here as I pack up my home and prepare to move to my dream home in the foothills this Friday! (I can’t believe it’s only 5 days away… I’m excited but there is still so much to do.) With all the stress of moving, I completely neglected to send a New Year’s party invite until Thursday, three days before New Year’s, but I was thrilled to still have about 20 dear friends join me to close out 2023 and ring in 2024. I guess everyone else was similarly ambivalent about committing to a …
New Year’s Party Menu Read More ..read more
1y ago
I read six books in November – holding steady at about 1.5 books a week, though I really ought to be averaging 2 a week to hit my goal of 100 books a year. And three this month were novellas, so not even full books. Maybe I ought to revise my goal for 2024? 5 stars: The Performance Paradox: Turning the Power of Mindset into Action, by Eduardo Briceno: The Performance Paradox describes the focus so many of us place on performing (and being perfect) vs learning and making mistakes, and argues that people and organizations should foster growth mindsets …
What I Read in November 2023 Read More ..read more
1y ago
Seven books read in October is just a notch up from September’s six, but still only puts me at 66 books for the year. I am not making up ground, but I am really enjoying what I’m reading? So there’s that. 5 stars: Love, Theoretically, by Ali Hazelwood: Elsie is an adjunct professor in theoretical physics who is barely making ends meet; she’s desperate for more money, health insurance (especially with her diabetes), and time to actually work on her research. She’s one of two candidates interviewing for a dream job at MIT, but she’s horrified to realize that one …
What I Read in October 2023 Rea ..read more
1y ago
I read ten books in August, which definitely helps me catch up on my goal of reading 100 books a year! That puts me at 53 books for the year, which is about two months behind, but it’s getting things back on the right track. I read a lot of lighter stuff this month, but Kara Goldin’s biography / business book was an awesome nonfiction read that was equally compelling to zip through. 5 stars: The Freedom Clause, by Hannah Sloane: The first chapter of this book was slow and didn’t draw me into the characters, to the point where …
What I Read in August 2023 Read More ..read more
1y ago
I had an incredible morning. It started with a glorious cool morning run with Sadie, which was certainly lovely. But when I got home, before I started work, was the best part of my day: I hosted a watch party to livestream several of my friends from Colorado State Penitentiary graduating cum laude from Trinidad State College. What an incredible, against-the-odds accomplishment with all the barriers they faced completing the curriculum while in a level 5 maximum security prison! ? I recorded the graduation, which you can watch here. At the very least, watch the first 15 minutes for an …
Trinida ..read more
1y ago
I read six books in July, which is closer to the pace I want to be going for my 100 book goal. That puts me at 43 books for the year, which is still way behind, but hopefully things are trending up. One book in particular (Do Tell) really dragged, and I’d like to do a better job of quitting books I’m just not enjoying. Life is too short and there are too many great books out there! To that end, I always welcome your comments and suggestions on what to read next ? 5 stars: The Five-Star Weekend, by …
What I Read in July 2023 Read More ..read more