The dilemma of paying a ransom: Should you make ransomware payments?
NordVPN » Malware
by Ugnė Zieniūtė
17h ago
Ransomware attacks are an increasing threat to both individuals and organizations. Ransomware is a type of malware that infects and encrypts your files, leaving you unable to open them. The attackers then demand a ransom payment in exchange for a decryption program. So should you pay the ransom? Let’s discuss how you should respond to ransomware demands. Should you respond to ransomware demands? Most law enforcement agencies advise victims not to pay when faced with a ransomware demand. These agencies argue that giving in to threat actors justifies their extortion tactics, encouraging them to more
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¿Qué es un ataque ransomware y cómo eliminarlo?
NordVPN » Malware
by Ilma Vienažindytė
17h ago
El ransomware es un tipo de malware muy conocido en el sector de la informática. Consiste en un código malicioso que infecta dispositivos de terceros, para posteriormente pedir un rescate a cambio del código de descifrado. De no acceder al chantaje, el usuario pierde el control de su equipo, con el robo de información que esto supone. Es una situación en la que nadie quiere verse. Comprueba qué es ransomware y cómo funciona, así como los medios con los que cuentas para protegerte. ¿Qué es ransomware? } description={ } /> Cómo funciona el ransomware El modus operandi del ransomware se caract more
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Wiper malware: What is it, history, and prevention
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by Ugnė Zieniūtė
1M ago
Viruses and worms may be the best-known types of malware out there, but other types of malware can also do a lot of damage. Wiper malware is one of them. Unlike ransomware, which holds files for a monetary ransom, and denial-of-service attacks that disrupt networks, wiper malware is used to delete or irreparably damage files. This makes it one of the most devastating types of attacks possible. In this article, we’re going to take a deep look at what wiper malware is, how it works, the damage it has done, and ways to protect yourself against it. What is wiper malware? Wiper malware is named aft more
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Så blir du av med virus i mobilen
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by Fredrik Gjerde
1M ago
Även om experter är överens om att det generellt sett är väldigt ovanligt att en Android-mobil eller iPhone drabbas av virus så finns alltid risken att våra enheter smittas av annan skadlig kod. Om du faktiskt råkat ut för ett virus, eller mer troligt andra typer av malware, finns det ett par viktiga åtgärder du bör vidta omedelbart – som att rensa dina cacheminnen, radera misstänkta appar och eventuellt återställa din enhet. Läs mer om virus i mobilen och följ stegen i den här guiden om din enhet har infekterats. Tecken på att du har virus i din mobiltelefon Hur vet man om man fått virus på m more
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by Nozomi Nishimura
1M ago
コンピュータワームは、一度拡散を許してしまうとデバイスを混乱させてしまう可能性がある危険な不正プログラムです。この悪意のあるマルウェアは、非常に感染力の強いことで知られており、気づかないうちにお使いのデバイスのシステムに侵入し、情報漏えいやパソコンの乗っ取りなどさまざまな被害を引き起こします。今回はワームによる被害を防ぐためにその種類や対策について解説します。 ワームとは? ワームとは、ネットワークを介して脆弱性を見つけることでユーザーのデバイスに侵入し、個人情報を搾取したり、システムに過剰な負荷を与えるなど、サイバー攻撃に使用されるマルウェアの一種です。ワームの意味はミミズや幼虫などを表す「worm more
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Viruses on Chromebook: How to check for and get rid of them
NordVPN » Malware
by Irma Šlekytė
2M ago
If you’re a Chromebook user, you’ll be glad to know that your device has one of the most secure operating systems on the market. However, no device is immune to all viruses and malware, especially the ones that spread via phishing. Improve your online security by checking your Chromebook for viruses and removing them as soon as possible. Can Chromebooks get viruses? Yes, Chromebooks can get infected with viruses or malware if there is a breach of the system’s security when you fall for a phishing scam, install malicious apps and extensions, or practice unsafe online habits. Otherwise virus inf more
Visit website virus: Simple steps how to remove it
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by Monika Grigutytė
3M ago
If you’ve ever attempted to convert videos and download audio from YouTube, you may have heard about the converter. However, most YouTube converters are untrustworthy online tools, and using them poses a risk of infecting your device with malware. Learn what precisely a virus is, how to remove it from your device if it gets infected, and how to avoid malware hidden behind the converter’s website. What is the virus? A virus is a concept rather than a particular type of virus. is a website that allows you to convert YouTube videos and audio. Though th more
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Keylogger: Definition, Erkennung und Schutz
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by Werner Beckmann
3M ago
Keylogger sind bösartige Überwachungsprogramme, die alles aufzeichnen können, was du auf deiner Tastatur tippst. Sie können deine Passwörter, Bankdaten und andere sensible Informationen sammeln. In diesem Artikel erklären wir dir, wie Keylogger funktionieren und wie du dich vor ihnen schützen kannst. Was ist ein Keylogger? Ein Keylogger (auch Tasten-Rekorder genannt) ist Software oder Hardware, die dazu verwendet wird, die auf einer Tastatur gedrückten Tastenanschläge aufzuzeichnen und zu protokollieren, oft ohne das Wissen des Nutzers. Während die Technologie an sich legal ist, werden die mei more
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Google redirects to Bing? Learn why it happens and how to stop it
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by Aurelija Andriekutė
3M ago
Many people like surprises, but few like to be tricked or shocked. So when you use Google to look something up and end up on Bing’s search page, it can be confusing and even scary. Is it a simple glitch or a setting gone awry, or did a virus infect your device? In this article, we will discuss why Google might redirect to Bing, learn about the Bing redirect virus, and provide practical advice on how to detect, remove, and prevent it. Why does Google redirect to Bing? Don’t just take sudden changes in how your device or browser acts as a given. Why would Google, a giant in the search engine wor more
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How to remove the “Congratulations, you’re today’s lucky visitor” pop-up
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by Agnė Augustėnė
3M ago
The “Congratulations, you’re today’s lucky visitor” message is commonly associated with online scams and fake ads for a good reason. Learn how to deal with these types of pop-ups if you see them. What is the “Congratulations, you’re today’s lucky visitor” pop-up? The “Congratulations, you are today’s lucky visitor” pop-up is a common scam message that should never be trusted. The scam works by impersonating a legitimate company such as Walmart or Google. It displays a message designed to trick users into completing a short survey in exchange for a valuable prize – an iPhone, a new Samsung Gala more
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