How To Protect Yourself from Bad Freight Brokers
TrueNorth Blog
by Maddie McElhenny
2y ago
Freight brokers play an essential role in trucking by matching you as a carrier or driver with shippers to haul freight. Generally speaking, they come with a distinct set of benefits and challenges. Most brokers are committed to fair deals in which the shipper pays a competitive price, the trucker receives adequate compensation, and the broker fee is reasonable compared to industry averages. Unfortunately, there’s a handful of brokers who are untrustworthy and unreliable. Whether their behavior is intentional or unintentional, it makes working with them especially challenging. Here’s how you more
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Spotted Lanternfly and Trucking: 8 Ways to Stop the Spread
TrueNorth Blog
by Maddie McElhenny
2y ago
Curious what the Spotted Lanternfly has to do with trucking? If you are doing business in an area where the Spotted Lanternfly is present - whether picking up or delivering a load or simply driving through - you have a responsibility to help stop the spread of this invasive species. This article examines what the Spotted Lanternfly is, why it’s dangerous to the United States, what regulations around it exist, and the actions that carriers and truck drivers must comply with to minimize its risk. What is the Spotted Lanternfly? Lycorma delicatula, more commonly known as the Spotted Lanternfly more
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What is a UCC Filing and Why is it Important to Freight Factoring?
TrueNorth Blog
by Maddie McElhenny
2y ago
As an Owner-Operator or carrier with your own authority, you may choose to work with a factoring company, where, for a low rate, you collect your accounts receivable - or revenue - faster. It is standard that each factoring company you work with file a Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) financing statement. A UCC is a type of lien, or a right for the factor to own or collect some collateral. In this case, in the trucking industry, collateral typically equates to accounts receivable, or collections, both of which are the revenue you are owed for hauling freight. While the UCC is an essential docume more
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What You Need to Know about Operation Safe Driver Week
TrueNorth Blog
by Maddie McElhenny
2y ago
As we gear up for Operation Safe Driver Week, let’s take a look at what this safety initiative is all about, why the focus on speeding is critical (both to safety and to save you money), and how to best prepare for it. What is Safe Driver Week? Operation Safe Driver Week is an initiative by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance in an attempt to increase roadway safety by decreasing the number of commercial motor vehicle (CMV)-related crashes, deaths, and injuries throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico caused by unsafe driving behaviors. This year, the focus is on speeding - a major factor in more
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Trucking and Taxes: How to Fill Out Your W-9 Form
TrueNorth Blog
by Maddie McElhenny
2y ago
Managing a business requires a lot of paperwork, and tax forms are not always the most user-friendly. If you're a trucking carrier bringing independent contractors on board to drive for you, you must collect an accurate and timely IRS Form W-9, or more commonly, the W-9 form, from each contractor who is paid $600 or more in the tax year. The form's purpose is to ensure taxable income is reported correctly at the end of the year. Though the IRS offers detailed instructions for W-9 completion, it can be a complicated process. Here's what you need to know to fill out your W-9 correctly to stay c more
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Tomlinson Talks: Growing Your Own Kind of Carrier
TrueNorth Blog
by Maddie McElhenny
2y ago
We last sat down with Mike in September 2021 and learned about his experience in the trucking industry and the many ups and downs that come with forging your path as an Owner-Operator. We talk about how Mike had achieved something that many Owner-Ops dream of - growing his fleet. And while it can be rewarding, it can also be daunting and risky. So what exactly is behind Mike’s success in owning and operating three trucks?  Today we sit down with Mike again and interview him on what this expansion has looked like for him and his business. We learn about how he grew his fleet, the brand he more
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5 Ways to Nourish Your Noggin for the Long Haul of Life
TrueNorth Blog
by Maddie McElhenny
2y ago
There is no check engine light for your brain. You know that your truck runs best on a steady supply of optimal fuel, fluids, clean filters, and some TLC. And your brain is no different. Here are 5 ways you can enhance brain performance for the daily drive and the long haul of life. 1. Use It Watching television, Netflix or TikTok is a spectator sport compared to reading. When reading a story, the brain creates a picture in our imagination instead of watching the picture that's already created for you on a screen.  A reading practice, whether a book, newspaper, or magazine, wi more
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14 Documents to Keep in Your Truck for DOT Compliance
TrueNorth Blog
by Maddie McElhenny
2y ago
It may not be your favorite part of being an Owner-Operator, but managing paperwork is a serious responsibility. You are required to have up-to-date documentation at all times - including for you as the driver, for your truck and trailer, and if applicable, for your motor carrier. There are severe consequences to getting caught with missing documentation, including excessive violations that can severely impact your carrier’s Compliance, Safety, and Accountability (CSA) score, Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP) score, and ultimately ruin your business and career. The first step is knowing more
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What to Do if Your Truck Breaks Down on the Road 
TrueNorth Blog
by Maddie McElhenny
2y ago
Breaking down on the road can be a scary and stressful experience. It can be hazardous to you and others on the road and costly and time-consuming. As with most things in trucking, sometimes it’s all about how you handle the situation in the aftermath. Here are some things you can do to minimize your chances of having a breakdown, as well as how to handle it if you do breakdown, including staying safe and finding service. Preventing Breakdowns The best option is to do everything possible to prevent the breakdown from happening in the first place. However, with road conditions and part failure more
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9 Steps to Get Your Own Trucking Authority
TrueNorth Blog
by Maddie McElhenny
2y ago
Entrepreneurs launch their own businesses for various reasons, but certain themes are consistent across the board. This group is hardworking, innovative, and willing to take on a little risk in exchange for independence.  As an Owner-Operator, you can run under your own authority or lease onto a carrier. Each option comes with its own set of benefits and challenges, from the level of risk to earning potential to backend support. Running under your own authority can be very rewarding. More independence, opportunity, and income are just the beginning. But there’s a lot to do before you can more
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