Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox
Daily reflections by the (r)evolutionary theologian Matthew Fox of the Creation Spirituality tradition, for all Social and Environmental Activists, Mystic Explorers, Justice Makers, Cosmic Thinkers, Earth Keepers.
Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox
3h ago
Three days ago, we honored the 20th anniversary of Sister Dorothy Stang’s martyrdom among the peasant farmers living in the rainforest, and committed to defending it against forces of greed that are trying to kill it in order to get rich quick by establishing cattle farms. The peasants, when they buried Sister Dot, said “we […]
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Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox
1d ago
A criticism has arisen among a few responders to the DM that I should not use the language of “spiritual warriorship” because it has the word “war” in it. To eliminate that word would be to erase a lot of spiritual teaching over the years deriving from indigenous, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian Scriptures and teachings. […]
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Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox
2d ago
The purpose of our daily meditations have been, from the beginning, to assist one another to pray the news. Not just watch the news. Or avoid the news—which is certainly a temptation at this moment in history when there is such an overload of bad news every day. One must protect oneself from too much news and […]
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Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox
3d ago
On this day twenty years ago, a 74-year-old white-haired North American woman was gunned down by hired assassins on a dirt road in the jungle of the Amazon. Why? Sister Dorothy Stang was a member of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Lamur, whose charism is to work with the poor. For 40 years she doggedly worked […]
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Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox
4d ago
We are considering the role of the mystic in a time of unraveling of order and therefore a time of despair. And how the mystic lays the groundwork for the spiritual warrior or prophet in all of us. “The prophet is the mystic in action,” observed William Hocking. Yesterday we considered John of the Cross’s poem on […]
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Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox
5d ago
There is considerable despair in the air these days. And for obvious reasons that do not need renaming here. T.S. Eliot offered the mystics as medicine for despair when he said, “the mystics—or else despair.” Why did he say that? What is he telling us? Clearly he believed that the mystics bring hope. What I mean by that is […]
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Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox
6d ago
February 3, 2025: Deepening Our Spiritual Warriorhood with John of the Cross & OthersA reader asked, “How can we sustain ourselves in such trying times?” As we wrestle with our call as mystics, prophets and spiritual warriors, Matthew suggests the Four Paths as a spiritual tool. He cites St. John of the Cross as a […]
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Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox
1w ago
The fact that Russell Vought, the newly voted-in Director of the OMB, is a fierce Christian Nationalist cannot be underplayed. And that he is a prime architect of Project 2025. Isabela Dias, in a Mother Jones article called “The Bureaucrat Who Could Make Trump’s Authoritarian Dream Real,” cites Vought in a podcast last year telling Heritage President Kevin Roberts, […]
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Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox
1w ago
Ours is a time for spiritual warriors—that is for sure. Every citizen who gives a damn about honesty and caring in our government and democracy should be on deck contributing what they can to resist and oppose the dismantling of our government that is going on now under our noses. We were warned. But 76 million Americans chose […]
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Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox
1w ago
Yesterday I received a response to my DM on “What a President Would Say if He Were the Anti-Christ” and I want to share it here. This is unusual for sure, but so is our situation in America at this moment when a coup is underway in our government—a moment far more incendiary than January […]
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