Raising Lifelong Learners Blog
Hi! I'm Colleen, gifted specialist, educational consultant, author, speaker, and homeschool mom of four gifted/twice-exceptional kids. I help families like yours trust themselves to embrace the adventure of a delight-directed approach to education with lessons, challenges, tips, classes, and a community of like-minded kids and their parents.
Raising Lifelong Learners Blog
1w ago
When we talk about gifted children, it’s easy to imagine young prodigies excelling well beyond their years in academics. But what we often don’t consider is that these advanced abilities can come with unique challenges that aren’t always visible on the surface. One of the most common and sometimes bewildering aspects of raising a...
The post Understanding Asynchrony in Gifted Children first appeared on Raising Lifelong Learners ..read more
Raising Lifelong Learners Blog
3w ago
Homeschooling is a unique journey for every family, and the path to success varies for each child. One essential skill that can significantly impact a child’s academic and personal life in a positive way, is building their confidence. Here, we explore how the six C’s—Connection, Collaboration, Content, Critical Thinking, Creative Innovation, and Confidence—can set the...
The post Developing Confidence in Differently Wired Kids first appeared on Raising Lifelong Learners ..read more
Raising Lifelong Learners Blog
1M ago
Homeschooling is an incredible journey where we, as parents, have the unique opportunity to tailor our children’s education to fit their specific needs and interests. One of the essential skills we can nurture in our kids is creativity. Let’s explore the significance of creativity in education and how we can foster an environment conducive to...
The post Embracing Creativity in Homeschooling first appeared on Raising Lifelong Learners ..read more
Raising Lifelong Learners Blog
1M ago
One of the most vital skills you can cultivate in your homeschooling journey is critical thinking. In today’s fast-paced world where information is constantly bombarding us from every angle, having the ability to question, analyze, and form independent conclusions is not just an academic skill, it’s a life skill. What is Critical Thinking? Critical thinking...
The post The Role of Critical Thinking in Homeschooling first appeared on Raising Lifelong Learners ..read more
Raising Lifelong Learners Blog
2M ago
When we hear the term “content” in the context of education, it often conjures up images of textbooks, standardized tests, and memorizing facts and figures. But let’s think beyond that traditional perspective. Content isn’t just about what our children learn—it’s about how they learn, how they engage with the material, and how they apply it...
The post Rethinking Content | Transforming Education Through Homeschooling first appeared on Raising Lifelong Learners ..read more
Raising Lifelong Learners Blog
3M ago
In the ever-evolving landscape of homeschooling, one constant remains critical: communication. It’s the backbone of personal development, educational success, and building strong, resilient relationships. Whether you’re new to homeschooling or a seasoned veteran, let’s explore the invaluable art of communication and how it can transform your family dynamic. Imagine your home as a bustling hub...
The post Nurturing Communication Skills in Your Homeschool first appeared on Raising Lifelong Learners ..read more
Raising Lifelong Learners Blog
3M ago
Let’s look into the idea of collaboration and its vital role in homeschooling. Inspired by insights from Dr. Kathy Hirsch Pasek’s influential book, “Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells Us About Raising Successful Children,” we’ll dive into one of the six key skills that help children grow into successful, contributing members of their communities over the...
The post Raising Successful Children | The Power of Collaboration in Homeschooling first appeared on Raising Lifelong Learners ..read more
Raising Lifelong Learners Blog
3M ago
Let’s talk about sleep. You know it, you sometimes wish for it, and your kids might even fight against it. However, the importance of sleep cannot be overstated, especially when you’re raising neurodivergent homeschoolers. We’re diving deep into why sleep is crucial for our neurodivergent children and how we can help them—and ourselves—get the restful...
The post Overcoming Sleep Struggles: Tips for Neurodiverse Families first appeared on Raising Lifelong Learners ..read more
Raising Lifelong Learners Blog
4M ago
Eek! Halloween is almost here — are you and the kids ready for it? I have to admit that I don’t really love the whole go-outside-in-the-cold-night-for-candy thing, but I love helping the kids get all dressed up, decorating, and making fun treats for them. Because they’re kids. And they love it all. With all the...
The post Spooky Halloween Boo Bark | Recipes for Kids first appeared on Raising Lifelong Learners ..read more
Raising Lifelong Learners Blog
4M ago
As homeschooling parents, we understand the myriad challenges and responsibilities that come with educating our children at home. Balancing parenting duties, household chores, and the task of providing a comprehensive education can often feel overwhelming. But amidst the rigorous schedules and academic curriculum, there is one essential element that we must not overlook—play. Incorporating play...
The post Why Play Matters | Unleashing Lifelong Learning Through Play first appeared on Raising Lifelong Learners ..read more