Steve's Comics Blog
Steve posts reviews and musings on the various comics he has read and collected over the years. Steve is Journalist, father, husband, reader, writer and comic collector.
Steve's Comics Blog
2y ago
Robin: The Bronze Age Omnibus hardcover DC Comics Creators: Gardner Fox, Mike Friedrich, E. Nelson Bridwell, Frank Robbins, Denny O’Neil, Elliot S. Maggin, Bob Rozakis, Cary Bates, Gerry Conway, Jack C. Harris, Paul Kupperberg, Marv Wolfman, Mike W. Barr, Ernie Chan, Sheldon Moldoff, Chich Stone, Ross Andru, Gil Kane, Irv, Novick, Dick Dillin, Rich Buckler, Bob Brown, Mike Grell, A. Martinez, Al ..read more
Steve's Comics Blog
2y ago
Amazing Spider-Man by Nick Spencer tpb Vol. 15: What Cost Victory Marvel Comics Creators: Nick Spencer, Federico Vicentini, Ze Carlos, Mark Bagley, Carlos Gomez and Alex Sinclair Release date: November 2021 Got something a little different this time: I want YOU to tell ME what you think of Nick Spencer’s recent run on Amazing Spider-Man. I like Spider-Man, but I’ve never been a regular reader of ..read more
Steve's Comics Blog
2y ago
Whispers tpb Image Comics Creators: Joshua Luna Release date: June 2014 Welcome back! As promised, here is a trade I recently enjoyed from Image Comics. I picked this trade up a few years ago with no foreknowledge of the story at all. If memory serves, this was an impulse buy to fill out an order for the free shipping; something with a price tag that made it worth a chance at the time. The cover ..read more
Steve's Comics Blog
2y ago
This post is dropping the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, so I thought it might be appropriate to do something a little bit different. Instead of a single comic, trade or story arc, I’m going to briefly recommend a number of genre-related items that might have made very small posts on their own. Several are genre-related shows and films currently streaming, just in case anyone out ..read more
Steve's Comics Blog
2y ago
Ghosts Scholastic Graphix Creators: Raina Telgemeier Publication date: 2016This is not an original graphic novel I discovered on my own. My 10-year-old daughter came across the book in her school’s library. She was intrigued by the title and cover, borrowed the book and read it. And she loved it. So much so, that she bought her own copy of the book at the next school book fair. She read it again ..read more
Steve's Comics Blog
2y ago
The Tick: The Naked City trade New England Comics Press Creator: Ben Edlund Release date: July 1996, according to Wikipedia, but mine is the second edition version, dated May 1998This trade was a very fun read, and I was glad to finally read the Tick’s “true” comic origins as this volume collects the first six issues of the Tick’s comic adventures. Note, I did not say this volume includes the ..read more
Steve's Comics Blog
2y ago
Lost in Space: Voyage to the Bottom of the Soul trade paperback Bubblehead Publishing Creators: Bill Mumy, Michal Dutkiewicz, Thom Zahler and John P. Severin Publication date: October 2005We’ve been looking at some continuations of the “Lost in Space” television program in comic book form. Four weeks ago, I wrote about a couple hardcover collections based on some unproduced scripts written for ..read more
Steve's Comics Blog
2y ago
Lost in Space (1991) Innovation Creators: David Campiti, George Broderick Jr., Bill Mumy, Matt Thompson, Mark Goddard, Miguel Ferrer, Kevin Burns, Terry Collins, Karen May, Robert M. Ingersoll, Peter David, Eddy Newell, Mark Jones, Michal Dutkiewicz, Peter Murphey, John Garcia, Barb Kaalberg, Dan and Dave Day, George Perez, Joe Dunn, Shane Glines, Jim Key, Scott Rockwell, Vickie Williams Release ..read more
Steve's Comics Blog
2y ago
Irwin Allen’s Lost in Space: The Lost Adventures American Gothic Press Creators: Carey Wilber, Holly Interlandi, Kostas Pantoulas, Patrick McEvoy, Marshall Dillon, Steve Stanley, RC Aradio and Jenn Pham Release date: September 2016 and February 2017Irwin Allen’s Lost in Space: The Lost Adventures was a six-issue limited series based on two unproduced scripts for the television show’s ..read more
Steve's Comics Blog
2y ago
SHAZAM! The World’s Mightiest Mortal Volume 3 hardcover DC Comics Creators: E. Nelson Bridwell, Don Newton, Gil Kane, Kurt Schaffenberger, Dave Hunt, Joe Giella, Bob Smith, Steve Mitchell, Frank Chiaramonte, Dan Adkins, Larry Manlstedt, John Calnan, Adrienne Roy, Cory Adams, Milt Snapinn, Ben Oda, Gaspar Saladino, John Costanza, Todd Klein, Shelly Leferman, Philip Felix, Albert DeGuzman, Jean ..read more