2/8/2025 It Can Get Tricky
Unfolding Journeys
by Bluediamond
3d ago
       I've been trying to get this car registered for awhile now. When I get money up, something comes around and takes it. In the mean time I was getting quotes on car insurance on the net. The come on was 20 or 40 dollars per month. Nope, what I got was 160 down and 137 per month. My answer was no.  This was going on for weeks, since my car got repossessed. It was relief when this happened because I couldn't afford the 350 per month payment.  2 weeks ago I get a call from State Farm it was Jordan and not Jake. He said 88.50 per month and no down-payment. I said ..read more
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1/31/2025 Boil Water
Unfolding Journeys
by Bluediamond
1w ago
         Got this from Reddit. You can't  see your reflection in a pot of boiling water. When you take it off the fire and it cools down, you once again can see your reflection. In a state of anger, alot of damage can occur either physical or emotional.  This loss of control can wreck your life for the next hour and up to years into the future. Make your decisions when your at peace with yourself and your environs. Anger is pure destruction. Also there is no such thing as righteous anger. I got angry once and I felt it as being suffocated. It was not pleasant ..read more
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1/29/2025. Always a Delay
Unfolding Journeys
by Bluediamond
1w ago
        Since the move, I've been under some financial pressure. I took a delivery job, last year. So I asked Spirit the other day for a at first 5 dollar cash tip to which in 5 secs I bumped it to 10 dollars. Well that day I got a 4 dollar cash tip. Plus 2 tickets for no insurance or registration. Registration you have to pass a safety & emission test. Not cheap for an old car. So the next day I wound up getting 27 dollars in tips but it goes on a card that I didn't get yet. So there was a 24 hr delay between the ask and the delivery. Plus it was 27 and not 10 dollars ..read more
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1/19/2025 Attitude
Unfolding Journeys
by Bluediamond
3w ago
        We come here as creators. To create our life for the good or the bad. Many lessons are woven throughout our creation. Trial and error helps us in picking events , things and people into our life. When doing this, we should always listen to our mind and heart. Alot of times when acting from ego we pay a price. Ask yourself, was the price worth it. Keeping a journal keeps the magnifier on you. Hopefully you will shape your life into something more rewarding. You become more greatful, confident and giving. These are traits that you take with you when you die. You are f ..read more
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1/06/2025 The Who, The What & The Where
Unfolding Journeys
by Bluediamond
1M ago
     Doesn't really matter. What matters is you and your relationship to God.  There is that at the top of your list. Everything else comes after that. Is there a time of reckoning coming ?  My answer is yes and it is coming soon. It is something I feel. The date I do not know, nor the how. It's about being put to the test. This test is important when it comes to our future. It will be a dividing line. Those who commune with Divine Spirit will know where that line exists and where to step. The amount of time you spend with Divine Spirit does not have a bearing on how l ..read more
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Dec/31/2024 There's Always More Learning to be Had
Unfolding Journeys
by Bluediamond
1M ago
        So on Dec 25 , I got an unexpected present. It's unwrapping occurred inside of me. A nasty cold. So I figured that I screwed up somewhere along the road.  So I've been trying to live in the moment on a consistent basis. Since covid the end of 2019, I haven't  taken sick. I wear a mask in stores and use hand cleaner. I also have a hook to open store door handles. I think I messed up in applying hand sanitizer on a consistent basis. That mistake has messed me up for the week.         It was February 2019. I'm in a home depot and ther ..read more
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Dec/25/2024 Jesus
Unfolding Journeys
by Bluediamond
1M ago
          Born on this day so as to deliver a message. That there was a better way to live one's life. Prior to that it was power is right. It's  mine and I will take it. Eventually it all comes down around them. Build on good foundation and label that love. It will stand for eternity.  So Jesus said love others as I have loved you. This was his main message. Very simple. It's easy to love those who love you but give love to those who do not return it. Doing this will help that other person eventually  soften their outlook on life. It's like water smooth ..read more
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Dec/18/2024 Be Aware
Unfolding Journeys
by Bluediamond
1M ago
        I'm at a parking lot sitting in my car, a bald headed  guy with a military type jacket on stops by my open window.  He says how you doing, I say ok I guess. He says yeah me too. I do some beer and a little weed. I say I do God. He pulls out 2 dollars, says can I help him out a little bit more, to get something to eat. I said I would like to but.  He interupts says God pointing upward. I nod the affirmation. He says cool I can respect that and quickly moves on.        What was this about?  From 75 to the 80s, I would always hel ..read more
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Dec/9/2024 It Starts With You
Unfolding Journeys
by Bluediamond
2M ago
         You are where it's at. As the day starts, you start in with making choices. What to wear,what to eat and what to worry about.          I say before you get out of bed, think on 3 things that you are greatfull for then a quick contemplation 5 to 10 min. Then think on how you would like your day to go. May not work out that way but do it everyday. When things don't go our way, don't lash out. It makes things worse, I can attest to this greatly. If you wanna scream go outside and do it. May be good for your emotional body. So if a person ..read more
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Dec/4/2024 A Junk Yard Dog
Unfolding Journeys
by Bluediamond
2M ago
       In this case it was a car battery, from a auto salvage yard. A new car battery was 160 dollars. Paid 45 for this one. Glad I got it.  Calling around town , it took me 10 tries. The other day the battery hesitated twice slightly, before turning over. From experience,  I learned to replace it. After hesitations in past I didn't take action. I got 2 more months. Then out on the road it would drop dead. I learned I didn't want that experience again. Did research on internet about the battery. Checking on used batteries and new ones. I found that Auto Zone had a ..read more
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