Tales of Travel and Tech Blog
Hi! I'm Deb. Welcome to my tales of travel and tech. I created this site because so many people asked me to share my travels with them. So many women confided they newly had or would soon have the freedom and time to travel. They were intrigued by my travels. They wanted to hear where I went, what I did, and how I pulled it off. So this site is for them, and for you if you're in those..
Tales of Travel and Tech Blog
6M ago
On a long flight or any flight, do you wish you had easy access to the things you need or wish to use? Do you feel you’re always bending over to dig through your under-seat bag or get tired of having your carry-on on your lap? If so, or if you simply enjoy convenience, I have a possible solution for you. It’s the Tray Organizer by Serenity Organizers — a tray cover that’s an organizer for access to what you most want when you’re flying.
I must say up front, that I have not tried this flight-convenience organizer first-hand and haven’t yet provided one to my trusted parents-of-young-chid ..read more
Tales of Travel and Tech Blog
6M ago
A soft place to sit. That’s what I get to tell you about today! For the first year of my many-year travels, my response when asked what I missed was “a soft place to sit.” I don’t expect that wish will be a necessary anymore, thanks to a new item in travel — inflatable ergonomic Evolution Cushion by Cabeau!
The bottom of the Cabeau Evolution soft inflatable Cushion. The top is solid black.
The Cabeau Evolution Cushion packs rather small, as you see in my hand. I don’t know the weight yet, but it’s not enough to bother me to pack and it’s well worth the packing impact. Plus, it’s well protect ..read more
Tales of Travel and Tech Blog
6M ago
For years I have been going to Las Vegas once or twice a year (when home) to attend CES or the Travel Goods Show. These are business trips though, and I’m typically too tired to go out for pure fun at the end of the day.
There’s one thing I almost always end up doing though…
Dinner at the Peppermill. Or, as it’s officially named, the Peppermill Restaurant & Fireside Lounge. After all, whatever else you do, or don’t do, you need to eat. So it’s nice to make it a reasonably-priced, friendly, comfortable meal and experience.
I came upon the Peppermill because it was on my walking route betwee ..read more
Tales of Travel and Tech Blog
1y ago
Getting sick is especially bothersome when you’re traveling. But of course, illness happens and there are plenty of good, easy ways to deal with that. For now, let’s talk about ways to prevent illness. This page covers some online info and books that I know to be excellent and helpful. Each comes as an ebook too, so you can take it with you as you travel.
Hint: Everything pretty much comes down to eating real food over fast and processed foods. This is often called Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB). This sets you and your body up for its best health so you can minimize illness and maximize opportu ..read more
Tales of Travel and Tech Blog
1y ago
Mastering Diabetes:
The Revolutionary Method to Reverse Insulin Resistance Permanently in Type 1, Type 1.5, Type 2, Prediabetes, and Gestational Diabetes
October 18, 2022
by Cyrus Khambatta PhD (Author) and Robby Barbaro MPH (Author)
foreword by Neal Barnard MD
It comes as Kindle, Audio, or Paperback.
The post test appeared first on Don't fear travel (Tales of Travel and Tech ..read more
Tales of Travel and Tech Blog
1y ago
Shopping for clothes? Do you absolutely love to shop at Amazon? Here are some links that may speed up your search.
(These are affiliate links that help support this site but don’t cost you extra.)
Women’s Skechers at Amazon
This black “Skechers Women’s Microburst One up Fashion Sneaker” appears to be the closest to the shoe I wore for over a year of travel. It worked for me as an everyday shoe and even passed at a couple of weddings, but had the comfort of a sneaker for all of my walking. With the right shoe like this you don’t need to carry a sneaker and shoes. (I have not seen this shoe in p ..read more
Tales of Travel and Tech Blog
1y ago
Have you ever sent an email…then wished you hadn’t?
Oh No! That email wasn’t ready!
When composing an email, most people work from top to bottom.
So you likely do this:
Click/tap New Message
Enter the recipient(s)
Maybe add a Reply-To address
Enter the email subject
Compose message
Add attachments
Perhaps select or type your Signature
I suggest you do NOT create an email in that order.
Think about it…
It’s always easy to get distracted, especially when traveling.
While traveling, you’re likely working on an iPhone/Android, maybe a tablet — a smaller screen than when working on a deskt ..read more
Tales of Travel and Tech Blog
1y ago
The post appeared first on Tales of Travel and Tech ..read more
Tales of Travel and Tech Blog
1y ago
The post appeared first on Tales of Travel and Tech ..read more
Tales of Travel and Tech Blog
1y ago
Four unhelpful mystery texts
When you’re traveling you are likely to make many, many new acquaintances. Some because you befriend them at that juncture or might want to travel with them. Others might be tour guides or info resources for wherever you are or may decide to go in the future.
If you don’t add that person to your Contacts app immediately — and time/politeness doesn’t always lend itself to doing so — a little while later you might not have any clue who that person is. You might not have their name, know their county… You may likely have no context for the text messages. All you may ..read more