Gigi's Thimble
Hi! I'm Amber. I'm a quilter. I'm an author. I'm a pattern designer. I'm a runner. I started quilting a few months after I got married. I'd say my design style is traditional with a hint of a mod. I love happy quilts and fabrics. I think when you make a quilt it should be an enjoyable, creative process and I think the finished quilt should make you smile.
Gigi's Thimble
1w ago
Hello friends! On November 30th, I shared a free pattern (on my blog) for an Uneven 9-patch quilt and today, I want to share my finished quilt! (Click HERE for my original post about starting this project.)
I wanted to make a 2-color quilt for my king-size bed using these two fabrics I designed. The cream fabric is called Seeing Stars for the Hush Hush 4 low-volume collection for Riley Blake Designs. And the green fabric is called Sketchy Leaves for my Feels Like Home collection with RBD.
I worked on the quilt top throughout December 2024 and finished it right a ..read more
Gigi's Thimble
1M ago
Introducing...my United quilt! This is one of the most special quilts I own! Many hands went into making it. It was completed in 2020 so this blog post is long overdue! Keep reading to hear the story behind this quilt...
I am sure you would all agree that 2020 was a rough year for humanity. At the beginning of the year, people started to realize we had a terrifying worldwide Covid-19 pandemic on our hands. Then, a few months later George Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis, MN. police officer. Riots ensued and cities across the country burned. All of t ..read more
Gigi's Thimble
1M ago
Hi friends! Happy New Year! I am so excited for 2025! I love a fresh start and am looking forward to some fun things on the calendar this year! I don't know if you've noticed but I now have an "Events" tab at the top of my blog with some of the said things on my calendar! Check it out if you're looking for trunk shows, classes, and retreats you can do with me this year!
Today I want to share a quilt I started back in July of 2023.
I just finished it last month and finally have some pictures to share!
This is my United quilt pattern and the th ..read more
Gigi's Thimble
2M ago
Anyone else feeling like they need to finish a few projects before the end of the year? I've got about
3-1/2 quilts to bind so I'll be watching all the Christmas movies for the next two weeks while I try to get those finished! I watched Haul Out the Holly on Netflix while finishing the binding on my Feels Like Home quilt. It was a cute movie about a town that is over-the-top festive and a girl...who is not!
I hosted a quilt-along for this pattern in August and September and enjoyed making it alongside some of you. I always love seeing the different colorw ..read more
Gigi's Thimble
2M ago
Hi there! I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving holiday if you live in the USA!
We did things a little differently this year and went out to eat in Deer Valley, UT.
It was a winter wonderland there, as you can see. We had a great time, relaxing and spending time with friends.
Over the last couple of days I have been writing instructions for a new project I am going to start soon.
I've talked a little bit about it on Instagram...
I've been wanting to make another 2-color quilt. I made a green and white Irish Chain quilt a few years ago, ended up selling it, and ..read more
Gigi's Thimble
2M ago
Hey there! I'm so excited to announce that I am partnering with my local go-to quilt shop, The Quilter's Lodge, to bring you some fun events in 2025! I love The Quilter's Lodge! It's big, it's beautiful, and it's full of gorgeous fabric, useful notions, and TONS of inspiration! They even have an awesome retreat center that I've stayed in before. It was so fun and nice having the fabric store at our fingertips during our stay!
Keep reading to find out what we have up our sleeves!
First, I want to officially invite you to a trunk show!
DATE: F ..read more
Gigi's Thimble
3M ago
Hello! Today I want to share a quilt that I actually finished a couple of months ago. I got some pictures of it in September but I'm finally blogging about it! It's a free pattern that I designed for the Riley Blake Designs website called Family Ties.
You may recognize it because I shared the original version (using my Feels Like Home fabrics) HERE.
I loved making the original version so much that I decided to make another, bigger one from my stash!
I am not much of a purple person but when I spontaneously put some purples together with some warm brown ..read more
Gigi's Thimble
3M ago
I'm so excited to share a new quilt pattern with you today!
It's called Scrappy Holidays and it's available just in time for some festive holiday sewing! I love working on Christmas quilts when it's cold (and preferably snowing outside)! It's so cozy and sort of nostalgic in a way!
Scrappy Holidays finishes at 68" x 84" and is scrap-friendly.
The skill level is intermediate because there are some little pieces on the stockings and stars. Plus, there are some different triangles throughout. BUT, it's really not too bad, I promise!
When you make a stocking, (I think ..read more
Gigi's Thimble
4M ago
Join me in the "From Our House" Quilt-Along with Riley Blake Designs!
It starts today!
It's a classic Log Cabin quilt with a modern twist!
Each Friday until December 6th a new block (or two or three!) will be released on the Riley Blake Designs blog. Several Riley Blake designers will be sharing alternate 6" blocks (in addition to what you see in the pattern) so you can pick and choose your favorites!
I designed a scrappy heart block that I'm calling, Love You.
Click HERE for the free pattern!
From Our House features low-volume fabrics from ..read more
Gigi's Thimble
5M ago
I loved the backing fabric from my Dawn's Delight quilt so much that I immediately wanted to use the leftovers in another quilt. It's the black floral fabric I circled below and the biggest square I could cut from the leftovers was 4". So what's a pattern that you can basically use any size square for? The classic Trip Around the World pattern! I had never made one but now I'm obsessed and would love to make more!
I mocked up a Trip Around the World quilt with my Electric Quilt software and asked a friend if she wanted to join the fun. I told her my goal ..read more