Fig Tree & Company Blog
At Fig Tree & Company, we produce over 150 quilting, sewing, children's patterns, and thematic booklets. We focus our quilting designs on classic patterns with fresh and innovative methods so that they are accessible to every level of the sewer.
Fig Tree & Company Blog
5d ago
Our garden in Spring is filled with vines and flowers and bees [our neighbors are beekeepers], so it felt only fitting that they be memorialized in a sweet Springtime quilt. Work on each type of block as its own little section and before you know it, your vining garden will emerge! …… QUILT SPECIFICS All the blocks are made with my standard SEW & FLIP METHOD of piecing which means no templates, paper piecing, or anything complicated. Finishes at 23″ x 66″Block size: (10) 7″ finished blocks Pieced by Cynthia Bird Quilted by Susan Vaughan [@thefeltedpear] Pattern is available via PAPER or PD ..read more
Fig Tree & Company Blog
5d ago
Welcome back to our final week, Week 4, of our Valentine’s Day 2025 MYSTERY SEW ALONG! And the best part? It’s no mystery anymore! Many of you already figured it out… all you smart quilty ladies & gents out there… and you were right. Heart blocks in a chain for the win! This week, you will be making the additional (6) large four-patch blocks needed [to combine with the (6) that you have already made) and then working on your final assembly. With no sashing between our blocks, and no points to match up, this part should go together fairly quickly for you. Our Valentine’s Mystery quilt is FR ..read more
Fig Tree & Company Blog
1w ago
AGATHA’S OAKS Acorns are at the very top of my favorite autumn motifs and I have created several favorite acorn projects over the years. Not to mention leaves… of all kinds, shapes and sizes. I love creating with them! This time I wanted something a bit more sophisticated and timeless that would be a part of my late harvest & soft autumn vibe in the house. In my opinion this pattern works starting in early August all the way through Thanksgiving and is the perfect backdrop to any autumnal decorating. Filled with soft greys, charcoal blacks, my signature warm butterscotchy oranges all set o ..read more
Fig Tree & Company Blog
2w ago
Welcome back to Week 3 of our Valentine’s Day 2025 MYSTERY SEW ALONG! This week, you will be making an additional (22) small 4-patch blocks, then assembling your feature heart blocks. We are so close you guys! This is my favorite part of the process… when we finally start to see where all the parts we have been making are placed. So TA DA… here is our featured block, HEART ON A CHAIN! It is a super simple block but I think it creates something kinda wonderful when we finish it all up next week! …… SCHEDULE …and in case you missed it, here are our previous blog posts for the Valentine’s Sew Alo ..read more
Fig Tree & Company Blog
2w ago
Welcome back to Week 2 of our Valentine’s Day 2025 MYSTERY SEW ALONG. I am so happy to see so many of you are joining us! Last week, we made a set of sweet hearts and this week we are making a whole bunch of four-patches. Once we have these components, we can start to put the blocks together – next week! Keep on schedule with us and you will be good and ready. …… SCHEDULE This week, you will be making (30) small and (6) large 4-patch blocks. …and in case you missed it, here are our previous blog posts for the Valentine’s Sew Along: …… WEEK 2 We are providing you instructions in TWO ways – both ..read more
Fig Tree & Company Blog
3w ago
Welcome to Week 1 of our Valentine’s Day 2025 MYSTERY SEW ALONG! …… SCHEDULE This week, you will be making (13) heart blocks that will later be joined with a few more units for your final blocks. …… FABRIC PULL TIPS If you read carefully through the INTRODUCTORY BLOG POST, you will be able to find lots of info about what kinds of fabric you might want for each portion of the project, as well as total fabric requirements. Here are a few [more specific] helpful hints… MAIN BLOCKS: ACCENT BLOCKS: I have seen many great fabric pulls, but don’t worry too much about the whole quilt right up front. W ..read more
Fig Tree & Company Blog
1M ago
Welcome to your fifth installment of our 2024-25 FIGS & FRIENDS program! I love the interplay of these soft peachy pinks mixed in with citron and olive tones. The resulting color combo feels artsy, unique, and trendy all at the same time. Mixing some of my favorite coral and citron tones from my brand new PORTOFINO collection with Ruby Star and others was so much fun for me, and I love the scrumptious palette that was born as a result. And if you’re new around here or want more information about the FIGS & FRIENDS program itself, scroll to the bottom for answers to some FAQs! …… COLLEC ..read more
Fig Tree & Company Blog
1M ago
PECAN BLOSSOMS The first of my AGATHA ROAD accompanying patterns, PECAN BLOSSOMS, definitely has my heart and will go down as one of my all time favorite design creations. Once in a while a pattern will feel so unique and so very much “me” and this is definitely one of them. Its definitely a blend of inspiration sources for me but based firmly in my newly found admiration of cross stitch. As I researched and perused hundreds of examples, I was once again completely drawn in by the wonderful images in vintage cross stitch samplers [I do see a trend happening in my design brain]! Quickly this bl ..read more
Fig Tree & Company Blog
1M ago
Like so many of you, I cannot wait for that time of year when all the orange and black decorates my home. All the ALL HALLOWS EVE quilts come out to play, and each year I am itching to add in a few more to my ever-growing collection. I love the moody vibe they create in the house! For me, retro Halloween is all about soft, romantic prints and classic-feeling vibes. I don’t know about you, but orange is at the very top of my list of favorite colors, especially when it is paired with autumnal shades of greys, creams, and soft blacks. Seriously… orange is the best color especially during that tim ..read more
Fig Tree & Company Blog
1M ago
Happy Valentine’s Day… or at least Happy Planning for Valentine’s Day! We wanted to get the new year kicked off right – and one idea came to mind immediately – a SEW ALONG with our favorite peeps…that means you! We’ve decided to keep this one a bit of a mystery, but not to worry. We think you’ll love this scrappy, beginner-friendly pattern. You know it will have pinks, reds and creams AND that it will have hearts… but that is about it. Will you join us? The sew along will last 4 weeks and will begin on January 15, 2025. We will have a weekly blog post sharing that week’s assignment and free pa ..read more