The spiritual journey is a wild, nomadic journey, but I don't believe we have to walk this path alone. As a community, we exist to move beyond the boundaries of doctrine & dogma and into the loving expanse of Divine Union, spiritual freedom, and existential wholeness.
3M ago
Let's rap about what it means to be a mystic. No, we're not talking about middle earth or fairies... it's the direct experiential knowing of oneness with God beyond thought or theory. Mystic is the realization of the union, the 'religion' is the way that realization finds its form; in my case, through the Way of Christ, or, the spirituality of Jesus.
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*** For 1:1 spiritual direction, email Luke@LukeBricker.com
*** Let's hang on social: https://instagram.com/the_spiritual_nomad
*** Luke Bricker is an ordained minister and S ..read more
8M ago
I received a DM asking how to be a good husband, father, business owner, etc. while pursuing the spiritual path. Here's my thoughts about living a spiritual life with relationships, roles, responsibilities & expectations...
New Book KOANS OF CHRIST available now: https://a.co/d/j78yfzo
Sign up to receive my weekly email: https://thisiscurrent.org
For 1:1 spiritual direction, email Luke@LukeBricker.com ..read more
1y ago
Joseph Campbell famously made popular the Hero's Journey, which is the spiritual journey. While it is more intricate that this, it can be seen in 3 phases (not always sequential, but usually): - Departure (from the known) - Initiation (in the unknown) - Return (contribution to the once known with unique experience, wisdom, and maturity gained from initiation) Each of us, if we accept it, are on a hero's journey. But many don't accept it. Or they begin and out of fear retreat to the known. But if you are on the spiritual journey, you are being called to become the fullness of who you are, not s ..read more
Alan Watts appeared in a dream and gave advice from the Bible | The narrow path isn’t what you think
1y ago
Alan Watts appeared to me in a dream and began to speak about a popular passage in the Bible where Jesus talks about the wide road that leads to destruction and the narrow road that leads to life. Alan encouraged me that the narrow path is supposed to be unique, unknown and insecure at times... it's a narrow path! It's not going to be familiar. The familiar path is the wide path. And that path requires you to betray your True Self, i.e., destruction. Trust your unique path and flow with each season as it unfolds.
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1y ago
Many Christians use the language of being “born again” but clearly don’t embody the true essence of spiritual awakening, which is the true mystic meaning of being born again. Enlightenment comes from being born from above. Jesus understood this, religious people usually don’t. P.S. this isn't a new idea; The contemplative Christian tradition has known this for hundreds of years.
Sign up to receive my weekly email: https://thisiscurrent.org
For 1:1 spiritual direction, email Luke@LukeBricker.com
Let's hang on social: https://instagram.com/the_spiritual ..read more
1y ago
For those who are on the path of spiritual evolution (i.e. "deconstruction"), this video is for you. I'm an open book, feel free to comment or email me with any further details. Happy to help however I can.
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*** For 1:1 spiritual direction, email Luke@LukeBricker.com
*** Let's hang on social: https://instagram.com/the_spiritual_nomad
*** Luke Bricker is an ordained minister and Spiritual Director at Current Collective. Current is a non-dual spiritual community that holds space to experience the Divine through mystic ..read more
1y ago
Many people in the Western world look at virtually everything from an "exoteric" perspective, meaning from a broad, surface level understanding. Much of Jesus teaching calls followers to have "ears to hear" - implying an esoteric meaning to his teaching; esoteric being under the surface, hidden, or with special knowledge. The controversial teaching in Matthew 10 of Jesus telling his followers that he did not come to bring peace but a sword is one of these kinds of passages. Sadly, it's also the passage the esotericists use to justify violence and war. It's a verse I continue to see Evangelical ..read more
1y ago
Someone I work with for Spiritual Direction told me they were feeling lost and asked if I ever feel lost... yeah. Of course. In this video I share something similar to what I shared with her.
*************** Sign up to receive my weekly email: https://thisiscurrent.org
*** For 1:1 spiritual direction, email Luke@LukeBricker.com
*** Let's hang on social: https://instagram.com/the_spiritual_nomad
*** Luke Bricker is an ordained minister and Spiritual Director at Current Collective. Current is a non-dual spiritual community that holds space to experience the Divine thr ..read more
1y ago
In this episode I talk about the spiritual truth that there is nothing out there, no physical New Earth, no utopia, that will ever satisfy the Soul. The spiritual path, the life path, is one that leads you back within. Learning that everything is a mirror and not removing obstacles from life but transcending all obstacles. Our work is to surrender and open ourselves up to be instruments of God. If we're bound up and restlessly searching out there for wholeness we will never find it. Because what you seek is already within. The gam of life is to wake up to that truth and participate in the on-g ..read more
1y ago
In this episode Ben Howes joins me for a conversation about his conservative Christian upbringing, deconstruction, psychedelic awakening, his journey into Vedanta, and non-dual spirituality.
Ben is an extremely gifted graphic design artist. Check out his work here: https://howesdesignservice.com/
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*** For 1:1 spiritual direction, email Luke@LukeBricker.com
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