Council of Love
Get to know me, learn about the experience that totally changed my life, and how I can help you to transform yours! I am a spiritual thought leader, teacher of life mastery and personal development, and a high-frequency catalyst. The Council of Love is God's sacred alliance composed of angels, archangels, enlightened saints, the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies, and ascended masters.
Council of Love
17h ago
But what happens with joy … when you’ve walked that path together and then you start reflecting it to one another, then it starts bouncing all over the place. Before you know it, you’re levitated to the ceiling. Now, that’s joy! – doing what’s possible. St. Frances more
Council of Love
17h ago
Part of being human, part of being this collective, on this planet, at this time of intergalactic shift, of intergalactic ascension, of intergalactic awakening, is the awakening to the full capacity of who you are. Grener of Ashira of Neptune more
Council of Love
2d ago
My beloved friends, my brothers and sisters, this is victory. And it is ours. Embrace the change; it is what you have waited for, what we all have waited for, and it is now. Jesus more
Council of Love
3d ago
… the forgiveness I ask you to extend is to yourself: to forgive yourself for all real or imagined grievances, to forgive yourself for all the perceived wrongs and failures you have, or believe you have committed throughout time. Jesus more
Council of Love
4d ago
I give you my joy, I give you, not only the golden elixir, or my bubbles, I give you my golden heart… that we will always be united in heart and united in joy. Archangel Gabrielle more
Council of Love
4d ago
You are activators. You are wholeness activators. You are fulfillment contractors. You are bringers of light, holders of Love. You are vessels and conduits and halion engineers. There is nothing that you are not capable of creating or doing. Serapis Bey more
Council of Love
6d ago
Often, I have asked of you, the Mother has asked of you, to stand back in magnificent discernment and be the observer. But it is always paired, always paired with also being the participant. It is where you act from … the depth of your heart, your infinite wellspring of love. St. Germaine more
Council of Love
1w ago
The changes that are taking place upon your planet, as lightworkers, love holders, as Gaians, is very rapid. And so, you have need, my beloved friends, to be in a place of great clarity.…because these are the cornerstones of your future which is your now. Archangel Uriel more
Council of Love
1w ago
While the focus has been so much on landings and populating the planet, our ships will also be used as vehicles to assist many in travelling to the various places they yearn to visit. Once they understand and know – oh, my goodness! Such places as the Pleiadian sector, Xeres, X-Xeres, and CeeCeeCee will become more