What happens to your motorcycle after a crash?
Utah Bike Law » Insurance
2y ago
Oftentimes after a motorcycle crash your beloved motorcycle is not in any shape to be ridden home or anywhere else.  With or without your knowledge, your motorcycle will be moved by a tow yard.  Wondering what happens to your motorcycle after a crash?  Read on ..read more
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Biking 101: Utah’s Motorcycle Laws 2017
Utah Bike Law » Insurance
3y ago
It's midafternoon and you're cruising down the highway on your new motorcycle, loving the feel of the fresh air whipping across your face. You're lost in your thoughts and the gorgeous Utah scenery when suddenly; you hear a siren behind you. It takes a moment before you realize that a police car ..read more
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Motorcycle Profiling: It Happens More Often Than Not
Utah Bike Law » Insurance
3y ago
There are many different kinds of profiling that we hear about mostly in the press. There are so many different areas of profiling it is hard not to see an end to profiling. One area that is not as “popular” or well-known is motorcycle profiling. This happens all the time and no one is really ..read more
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Motorcycle Attorney Fees – What You Need to Know.
Utah Bike Law » Insurance
3y ago
Motorcycle Attorney Fees – What You Need to Know. Every injured motorcyclist that has had the misfortune to be involved in a motorcycle accident has probably complained that their attorney's fees for handling the motorcycle injury case were too high. As a practicing trial attorney I agree—sometim ..read more
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Motorcycle Rider Dies After U-turn Crash
Utah Bike Law » Insurance
3y ago
On Tuesday, a 23-year-old motorcycle driverdied after being in a collision of State Street in Salt Lake City, UT. The crash occurred on Saturday June 16, 2018 around noon time. What Happened Marcos Villagrana, the motorcycle rider, was driving down State Street in South Salt Lake when an SUV made ..read more
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Utah Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Utah Bike Law » Insurance
3y ago
SALT LAKE CITY — Utah lawmakers passed a bill Wednesday to require motorcyclists under age 21 to wear helmets. Lawmakers facetiously considered an amendment to allow an exemption to the law but only if motorcyclists are registered organ donors. It may sound like a joke, but it would send a “s ..read more
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Motorcycle Riders Express Frustration
Utah Bike Law » Insurance
3y ago
Yesterday, local Utah bikers gathers outside of Caesar's Motorcycle Parts & Service to discuss the outrageous amount of motorcycle deaths this year. Twenty-five people have been killed in motorcycle crashes in Utah. That is a higher number of deaths than most previous years in Utah. If the trend ..read more
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How Injured Motorcycle Riders in Utah Get Shafted
Utah Bike Law » Insurance
3y ago
You are riding your motorcycle. You are in a crash. It is not your fault. You think you have good insurance coverage and you will be treated fairly if you have to go to trial—think again! Motorcycle Insurance in Utah Does Not Have Personal Injury Protection Motorcycle coverage in Utah does not ha ..read more
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Utah Bike Law » Insurance
3y ago
Do you see posts on Facebook asking what motorcycle insurance everyone has and asking for a referral for “cheap” motorcycle insurance. Here is what you need to know about “cheap” motorcycle insurance. #1 – Never decline uninsured motorist coverage in order to reduce your premium. Uninsured cov ..read more
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Do Not Buy Cheap Motorcycle Insurance – Get Motorcycle Insurance You Need
Utah Bike Law » Insurance
3y ago
Hello fellow Bikers! George Tait here with Utah Bike Law.  Motorcyclists aka bikers ask this question at the beginning of every motorcycle season—where can I get the cheapest motorcycle insurance? You know that is not really the question you should ask. The question you should ask is where do I g ..read more
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