A Fine Parent Blog
We're a community of 110,819 smart, dedicated parents who believe that Great Parents are Made, Not Born. We're passionate about becoming better people, and better parents. We're committed to raising happy, well-adjusted kids. And we're doing it the slow and steady way.
A Fine Parent Blog
2y ago
It was the Monday after a weekend of having guests in the house and the messy aftermath was demanding my attention…as was my 3-year-old daughter. She wanted me to watch her dance, draw with her, play blocks; it seemed to be even more urgent now that there was a load of laundry to hang out and vacuuming to be done.
As she continued to ask for my time and as I continued to attempt to finish chores, I realized that neither one of us were getting what we wanted and the mood was becoming quite tense. I was at my breaking point when, suddenly, I had an ‘aha’ moment.
Why can’t we just mak ..read more
A Fine Parent Blog
2y ago
Coming home from work at six in the evening, I stared in dismay as I stepped into my daughter’s room. Her school books lay untouched and her room looked as though a cyclone had recently touched base.
“What is this?” I tried (unsuccessfully) not to shout. “Didn’t I call and tell you to finish your school work and tidy your room before I returned?”
My 11-year-old daughter looked confused.
“Oh, yes…,” my daughter said, looking around the room as though someone had just shone a light on it. “I didn’t remember…” she said softly.
What am I doing wrong, I thought? Why is it so diffi ..read more
A Fine Parent Blog
2y ago
As my two-year-old son was playing on a crowded playground, he made a quick dash to climb up a ladder. I instantly sucked in a deep breath as he lumbered his way awkwardly up the steps. The urge to jump in and help him was strong…but I held back, only staying close by in case something went terribly wrong.
As he made it to the top of the ladder and turned around to give me a smile, my heart skipped a beat with pride; I was relieved that I had held back and allowed him to figure it out himself.
It is a natural instinct for parents to want to protect their children from adversity. Wh ..read more
A Fine Parent Blog
2y ago
How was your day?
What did you do at school?
Sound familiar? Certainly, we’ve all been there and reading this may give the sudden realization of how automatic these conversations have become. If you are anything like me, the go-to “check-ins” leave little room for elaborating past the normal script after a long and tiring day of school and work.
It’s not that these conversations are bad or wrong. Rather, they may leave us questioning how much we are missing out on by simply remaining in the conversational status quo.
But…what if we could shift our min ..read more
A Fine Parent Blog
2y ago
We are now just three weeks away from the Positive Parenting Conference and there is so much goodness to share this year! One masterclass that is a must-watch is with someone with whom many of you are already familiar: Julie King.
Julie’s book, How to Talk When Kids Won’t Listen: Whining, Fighting, Meltdowns, Defiance, and Other Challenges of Childhood, is a thorough and extremely helpful follow up to her earlier gem How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen. Both of Julie’s books give very practical ideas of how to connect with our children and make them feel heard (which, in turn, makes m ..read more
A Fine Parent Blog
2y ago
If you’ve been following along with the past few weeks of mini-series articles to prepare for the 2022 Positive Parenting Conference at AFineParent.com, then you have probably felt the energy leap off your screen! The conference literally has something for everyone, regardless of what your family structure looks like, who you are parenting with, and how many children you may have.
Take, for example, our next highlighted masterclass expert Janine Halloran. As the Editor-in-Chief and a writer for AFineParent.com, I was so excited to have early access to the Social Skills Masterclass. Janine is a ..read more
A Fine Parent Blog
2y ago
Some days, I seem to have endless patience with my kids: I can tell them seven times to put on their shoes without rolling my eyes once; I can look at that spilled cup of water and calmly remind them that we all make messes, but we have to clean them up, too; I can take a break from writing every few minutes to read the same book over and over again.
And other days, I’m one thrown toy or one lost sock away from a complete parental meltdown.
But that’s pretty much all of us, right?
In the Managing Our Triggers Masterclass, author and social worker Dr. Carla Naumburg opens up about her book How ..read more
A Fine Parent Blog
2y ago
There’s a moment in our lives as moms when dreams—especially the wildest and most audacious dreams blooming in our heads—become meant for our children, not for us.
Google “follow your dreams,” and you’ll get hundreds of thousands of results—all suitable for framing or available as a stencil for your baby’s nursery wall.
“Follow your dreams, believe in yourself, and don’t give up.” -Rachel Corrie
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you have imagined.” -Henry David Thoreau
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” -Walt Disney
“Don’t ..read more
A Fine Parent Blog
2y ago
In less than a month, the fantastic and free Positive Parenting Conference 2022 will be available to parents and educators once again! As a member and writer for the AFineParent Academy, I was thrilled to be given early access to the Non-Anxious Parenting Masterclass with Dr. William Stixrud.
Dr. Stixrud is a co-author of What Do You Say? How to Talk with Kids to Build Motivation, Stress Tolerance and a Happy Home. He is a clinical psychologist, has a doctorate degree in educational psychology and is a faculty member at the Children’s National Medical Center.
I found this mastercla ..read more
A Fine Parent Blog
2y ago
Very soon we will have the opportunity to delve deep into the world of positive parenting— that’s right, the Positive Parenting Conference is right around the corner! One really powerful masterclass this year is with Dr. Larry Cohen and focuses on his book The Art of Roughhousing: Good Old-Fashioned Horseplay and Why Every Kid Needs It.
I imagine many people have a preconceived idea of what roughhousing is and how to do it. “Just wrestle!” Right? Or maybe, “That sounds dangerous.” Dr. Cohen’s grounding and encouraging spirit will not only open your eyes to the many varieties of roughhous ..read more