Bodhi Addiction Treatment & Wellness Blog
Bodhi Addiction Treatment & Wellness believe we are all connected and it's their responsibility to empower individuals to become who they were meant to be. Blog from Bodhi Addiction Services and Wellness Drug Rehab in Santa Cruz CA.
Bodhi Addiction Treatment & Wellness Blog
1M ago
If you’re taking the brave step of getting sober, you might notice trouble sleeping as one of the first hurdles on your recovery path. Alcohol Withdrawal Insomnia is one of the most common symptoms, and it can make an already challenging detox process feel even tougher. But here’s the good news-it’s temporary, and there are ..read more
Bodhi Addiction Treatment & Wellness Blog
2M ago
Methamphetamine (meth) is a highly potent and addictive synthetic stimulant drug that once started is very difficult to quit. The short-term effects of meth, such as increased confidence, more energy, and a need for less sleep, make it desirable. However, long-term use of meth causes significant destruction to health, mental health, cognition, and personal relationships.  ..read more
Bodhi Addiction Treatment & Wellness Blog
5M ago
Adderall is a prescription stimulant drug that has been very effective in the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). As a stimulant, Adderall has come to be misused by students as a aid to increase focus and stamina. As a highly addictive stimulant, someone may find themselves chemically addicted to the drug. To learn about ..read more
Bodhi Addiction Treatment & Wellness Blog
5M ago
Methamphetamine (crystal meth or meth) is a highly addictive and harmful substance that stimulates the central nervous system. Meth is associated with about 25% of emergency room visits, mostly within the 26 to 44-age bracket of users. To learn more meth addiction symptoms and its effects on the mind and body, please read on. Learn ..read more
Bodhi Addiction Treatment & Wellness Blog
7M ago
Most people are familiar with the affects of cocaine on the nose and the damage to nasal tissues and cartilage. However, cocaine also causes damage to the mouth, teeth, and jaw by something called coke jaw. So, what is coke jaw?
Some Basic Facts About Cocaine (Coke)
Cocaine, also known as coke, is a powdered substance derived from the coca leaf. Cocaine is a strong stimulant that speeds up the central nervous system. The effects of cocaine on the central nervous system and brain include increased heart and breathing rates. As a recreational drug, cocaine provides several desired effects, such ..read more
Bodhi Addiction Treatment & Wellness Blog
7M ago
When seeking rehab options for a substance use disorder you have two basic options: residential rehab or outpatient rehab. While each of these treatment options has unique benefits and features, this article will focus on outpatient rehabs. So, what are outpatient treatment programs and is it the right choice for you?
What is an Outpatient Treatment Program?
Outpatient treatment programs are a widely used option for individuals seeking to overcome a substance use disorder. The outpatient option is best for those with an emerging or mild substance problem. It offers comprehensive treatment elem ..read more
Bodhi Addiction Treatment & Wellness Blog
8M ago
Not everyone with depression shows it on the outside. Some people experience a form of “high functioning” depression, which is more internal than external, more hidden than visible. Thankfully, there is effective treatment for high functioning depression.
What is High Functioning Depression?
Most of us are aware of what depression looks and feels like, at least to some extent. When we think of depression we visualize someone who is sad, withdrawn, and not interested in their usual activities anymore.
However, depression is a complex mental health condition that presents in a variety of differe ..read more
Bodhi Addiction Treatment & Wellness Blog
9M ago
Cocaine remains a popular recreational drug in the U.S., even as cocaine overdose deaths steadily increase. For those who have made the decision to stop using cocaine, the recovery journey starts with cocaine detox and withdrawal.
Cocaine Statistics
Cocaine use in the U.S. continues to rise, as do the overdose deaths related to cocaine. In the year 2000 there were 3,544 cocaine overdose deaths, but by 2016 that number had nearly tripled to 10,000. In 2021, the number of cocaine deaths ballooned to 24,486. Sadly, in 2023 21.2% of all drug overdoses involved cocaine.
Signs of Cocaine Addiction
C ..read more
Bodhi Addiction Treatment & Wellness Blog
9M ago
A mental health challenge may be standing in the way of your ability to experience a full and productive life. If so, it is time to seek the support and compassionate treatment you deserve. Mental health disorder treatment features a comprehensive program that fosters authentic healing. Learn about the types of evidence-based and holistic treatment options provided by Bodhi Mental Health rehab in San Jose.
Signs of Declining Mental Health
Someone who is experiencing a decline in mental health will begin to display signs and symptoms of distress. These might include some of the following:
Impa ..read more
Bodhi Addiction Treatment & Wellness Blog
10M ago
Adderall Withdrawal and Addiction Treatment
In recent years, Adderall has become one of the most widely abused prescription drugs. With its powerful stimulant effects, Adderall has found favor with students and young professionals. Adderall provides a swift boost in energy and mental alertness, and reduces the need for sleep. In this article we explore this potent drug and what to expect in Adderall withdrawal and treatment.
Adderall Overview
Adderall is a prescription stimulant composed of four types of amphetamines. The drug has a legitimate pharmacological profile for treatment of attention ..read more