Little Little Prem
Follow along the journey of Nicole as a preemie mom with advice and tips on dealing with premature baby, taking care of the baby and more! Little Little Prem is a small local business, owned by Nicolle Grosskopf.
Little Little Prem
2y ago
Baby Seth was welcomed into the world born at 39 weeks weighing 3.95kg, But little did they know their baby would become very ill a few days after taking their baby home.
We couldnt have been more excited when we saw those two lines on our pregnancy test! We were very fortunate to fall pregnant within a couple of months after deciding to try for a baby. My pregnancy initially was smooth sailing, but after our 12 week anatomy scan and tests, our OB called us in to let us know that I had some abnormalities with my blood tests and my hormone levels. We had to be prepared to potentially go into ..read more
Little Little Prem
2y ago
Dawie was born FULL TERM at 40 weeks and 1 day Via C – Section. But little did they know that their baby would spend 104 days in the NICU…..
1. Genevieve tell us about the day you found out that you were pregnant?
We have been trying to get pregnant for a few years and I had a miscarriage during hard lockdown, so we decided just to let go and let God. We knew His timing is always perfect.
I did not have any signs of being pregnant, but there was just this little (Godly) voice in my mind one day, telling me to take a pregnany test (which I dreaded as I had so many negatives before). I took a t ..read more
Little Little Prem
2y ago
Advice on buying gifts for a premature baby.
This guide has been put together by Ex Preemie mom and Business owner of Little Little Preemie since 2019. Simply giving some guidance out of experience and collaborations with NICU nurses.
You might be thinking should I even be buying a gift? YES! Full term babies get showered with gifts and cards when they are born and so should Preemies!
Sadly, so often preemies were forgotten of.
Well-meaning friends and family feel like they need to delay getting anything for the parents of preemies ‘just in case’ …
But Parents of premature babies need su ..read more
Little Little Prem
2y ago
Alex was born via emergency C-Section on 7 December 2020. His due date was 25 December. Mandy went into labor and rushed to hospital. Alexander was born at 17:48. If Mandy waited 1 more hour, he wouldn’t be here. She had no amniotic fluid and he came out bone dry. At 2 weeks premature, he only weighed 1.9kgs. His saturation levels wouldn’t stabilize and he was taken to NNIC that evening and put onto oxygen.
https://www.backabuddy.co.za/champion/project/baby-alexander – DONATE TOWARDS HIS BACK A BUDDY FUND HERE
Mandy was discharged after 3 days ..read more
Little Little Prem
2y ago
Saige Kimber was born on the 6th of October.
I was 26 weeks pregnant when I had an emergency c-section due to a low amniotic fluid.
She was born weighing 650g ‘micro premature’ and later dropped to 550gwhich is the size of a block of butter & just taller than a pen.
She was born with an open duct in her heart and could not breathe on her own, so she was on a ventilator and had to be fed through a tube that was inserted through her nose to her stomach. I spent 4 months (18 weeks, 134 days, 1216 hours, 192,960 minutes) in Garden City Hospitals Neonatal ICU with Saige.
I spent d ..read more
Little Little Prem
2y ago
God made me so that you can see, small things are strong too.
Our journey with Lené started a few months after we got married. Soon after wanting to start a family we found out that i have PCOS, and really struggled with infertility. A year and a half later, on the 14 of April 2017 we found out that we are expecting.
It was a rough journey from the start. At 11 weeks I started bleeding really bad and was hospitalised for a week. Just before my release, the bleeding happend again so i stayed a few days longer.
On the night of 22 September 2017 my water broke on the Farm where we live. It is ..read more
Little Little Prem
2y ago
I don’t often talk about this, and I honestly haven’t told many people about this either. I don’t even think many people know that Seth was in the NICU. I’m not sure if it’s because I still have terrible anxiety about Seth’s health, or if it’s because I sometimes feel like I’m not a real “NICU mama” and our story doesn’t deserve sharing.
Either way, this is it
When Seth was born, he had jaundice. The paediatrician tested his bilirubin levels and felt that we needed to stay in hospital an extra night to monitor Seth. He was monitored overnight and the paed had felt like he would recover a ..read more
Little Little Prem
2y ago
Born at 33 weeks – wow, what a surprise...
Everything about this pregnancy was a surprise.
With Covid in our midst, we decide that we will rather “wait for Covid to be over” – much like the first 21 days of lockdown that we had… Uninformed like everyone else, we believed that Covid will be over soon! So, life happened and soon we realized Covid is here to stay. We decided to take the leap of faith and soon I fell pregnant.
Due to the fact that I have had a miscarriage before, I was super nervous for our first scan. I was so delighted to see my gynaecologist again, who delivered my son ..read more
Little Little Prem
2y ago
Baby Seth was welcomed into the world born at 39 weeks weighing 3.95kg, But little did they know their baby would become very ill a few days after taking their baby home.
We couldnt have been more excited when we saw those two lines on our pregnancy test! We were very fortunate to fall pregnant within a couple of months after deciding to try for a baby. My pregnancy initially was smooth sailing, but after our 12 week anatomy scan and tests, our OB called us in to let us know that I had some abnormalities with my blood tests and my hormone levels. We had to be prepared to potentially go into ..read more
Little Little Prem
2y ago
Dawie was born FULL TERM at 40 weeks and 1 day Via C – Section. But little did they know that their baby would spend 104 days in the NICU…..
1. Genevieve tell us about the day you found out that you were pregnant?
We have been trying to get pregnant for a few years and I had a miscarriage during hard lockdown, so we decided just to let go and let God. We knew His timing is always perfect.
I did not have any signs of being pregnant, but there was just this little (Godly) voice in my mind one day, telling me to take a pregnany test (which I dreaded as I had so many negatives before). I took a t ..read more