Valentine’s Day: 5 Years Later
Medical Mommy Blog
by Mars
2y ago
Many of you may remember that Valentine’s Day has a special meaning for our family. It is the day that we brought our little one home 5 years ago after a 6-month hospitalization, which was the result of a premature birth at 26-weeks. Reflecting back, I can remember the flurry of emotions that day. The excitement, the worry, the gratefulness… all of it bursting at the seams underpinned with our constant faith that brought us to this day. This was probably the single most emotional day I have had in my life to date. Even more than my wedding day or the day Emerson was actually born. What sets it more
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The First Month…
Medical Mommy Blog
by Mars
3y ago
The first month of a new year is always interesting to me. It’s the time for planning out your year and trying to recuperate from all of the holiday activities. This January has been no different in that respect. However, it also almost always feels little long… Transitioning back to work and our son back to school while still in a pandemic has been tough. With the COVID numbers being as high as they have been, my company made the decision to have all non-essential workers work remotely, which I am grateful for. However, Emerson still has to go to school and my husband still has to physically more
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September is NICU Awareness Month!
Medical Mommy Blog
by Mars
3y ago
Well, it’s been a while since my last post, and there has been so much happening in the last year! Between being a wife and mom, trying to have some level of self-care, and the general managing life through the pandemic, it’s been challenging. However, I could not let this month go by without sharing a few thoughts about the NICU and driving awareness around that experience. While your baby may leave the NICU, the NICU never really leaves you. I’ve learned this over the past 3 and a half years as Emerson transitioned home from the NICU after his 191-day stay and we settled into our new normal more
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Celebrating Emerson
Medical Mommy Blog
by Mars
3y ago
August has been a huge month of celebration for us. Emerson turned 3 on August 7th, and even though we are still living through a global pandemic, we were able to make his birthday special and memorable. We celebrated with a professional photo session with Warped Vision and drive by birthday parade with local friends. This birthday was special for a number of reasons, but most notably, being a marker of the point we have reached in Emerson’s development. Not only is he trach free, but he is also eating most of his calories by mouth and working on drinking out of a cup. He is talking more and more
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A Huge Milestone
Medical Mommy Blog
by Mars
3y ago
It’s official. Emerson is trach free! Three weeks ago, we went in for the procedure to start the trach removal process, and after spending two nights in the hospital, we came home trach free. The days leading up to the procedure were filled with a flurry of emotion. I was excited and nervous, but hopeful for the best. We knew there was a chance that Emerson might need a more extensive surgery to remove the trach depending on the condition of his airway and his body’s ability to heal. Going into the hospital on July 7, exactly one month away from his 3rd birthday, Emerson was completely unbothe more
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Preemie Mommy Reflections & Amazing News
Medical Mommy Blog
by Mars
3y ago
My journey to motherhood was quite different than my expectations. No baby shower, no feeling the baby kicking at night, no making it to my third trimester, no gorgeous maternity photos. Instead, it was filled with anxiety and uncertainty, ironically, a lot of what we are experiencing in the world right now. It was only by the grace of God that I remained hopeful and steady throughout, even when I had a moment or two of breakdowns where I just had to let it out. Even today, my experience as a mother differs quite a bit from many others. Mine is filled with trach changes, putting g-tubes back i more
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The Celebration Continues
Medical Mommy Blog
by Mars
3y ago
March 2020 has been a complete whirlwind. I always look forward to March because both my husband and I celebrate our birthdays: his is March 7th and mine is March 30th. This year, we could have never planned for what this month has become: A month of quarantine and social distancing due to COVID-19. The social distancing hasn’t been too much of a shock to our family because we spent so long in the NICU (191 days). I’ve seen memes going around that say how NICU families are made for this type of thing, and it’s true. I remember many times where Emerson was in isolation due to being sick and eve more
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The Day You Came Home…
Medical Mommy Blog
by Mars
3y ago
Today is a special day to many, but extremely special to us. Yes, it’s Valentine’s Day, however, it’s also the day that Emerson came home from the hospital two years ago. I will never forget that day. The excitement, nervousness, and relief I felt all at once. This day was the culmination of the first 191 days of Emerson’s life coming to an end and the beginning of our new normal at home. Grateful doesn’t begin to express my feelings for him coming home. Today, it is an honor to have him experience his first trip to Disney to celebrate bringing him home. Watching him enjoy the Disney Juni more
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At Their Own Pace
Medical Mommy Blog
by Mars
3y ago
Development can be a sensitive subject. Some parents (I think moms in particular) measure their success as a parent in terms of how their child is developing. So I tend to cringe any time I hear questions asked about development (ex: are they walking yet or why aren’t they walking yet). The thing about development is that while you can certainly help with your child’s development, at the end of the day, they develop at their own pace. Having a micro preemie, one of the things I heard a lot was that I should expect him to be behind developmentally, but that he would likely catch up. Now that my more
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Welcome to 2020!
Medical Mommy Blog
by Mars
3y ago
Whew… time flies! I know it has been a while for my last post, but you would not believe all of the things that have happened between my last post and now: Emerson being sick Travel for work Emerson being sick Travel for work Emerson being sick… Okay… I think you get the point. Fall 2019 was filled with weeks of Emerson being sick due to catching some sort of respiratory virus. We were in and out of the doctor’s office with him on almost a bi-weekly basis. It sounds grim, but the positive side of it is that during this cold/flu season, we have not had one time where we had to take him to the more
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