What is Spiritual Ascension and When Will it Occur?
Alex Marcoux Blog
by Alex Marcoux
2M ago
What is spiritual ascension, and is humanity currently facing it in mass? Most agree that change is in the air; many feel we are on the brink of something radical. We are. I hear people suggest that we’re waiting for a mass ascension. But is it ascension? And will it occur on September 1, 2024? The post What is Spiritual Ascension and When Will it Occur? appeared first on Alex Marcoux ..read more
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Messages from Mother Mary and Yeshua on the Ascension
Alex Marcoux Blog
by Shauna Kalicki
2M ago
Could September 1, 2024, be the ascension? When given a message from an Autist about the ascension, Medium Shauna Kalicki brings in messages from Mother Mary and Yeshua. The post Messages from Mother Mary and Yeshua on the Ascension appeared first on Alex Marcoux ..read more
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Fear is a Weapon in this Spiritual War to Stop the Ascension
Alex Marcoux Blog
by Daniel
2M ago
At a time when humanity faces the greatest unknown, an ascension, or planetary shift in consciousness, Ethereal Autist Daniel warns that fear is a weapon in this spiritual war. What is fear? Fear deals with the unknown and the known. It keeps humans stagnated. Fear involves the knowledge of struggle, impending pain, change, or even the fear of oblivion. It is a state of mind, a state of being that involves two different things. One thing is survival, the instinct we have to avoid death or to stay away from danger. The second is the flight or fight response. The survival part is intact for a re ..read more
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Am I being Tested by God?
Alex Marcoux Blog
by Daniel
3M ago
When faced with challenges, humans typically ask, “Am I being tested by God?” It’s time to change this. As Daniel indicates in this blog, when the notion of being tested emerges, infuse peace into it and recognize your worthiness. Infuse peace into the feeling of being tested. Daniel and Connie Many feel we are being tested. We are not being tested. I mean the feeling of being tested that so many humans go through. It is the same thing as having an experience of having a reality that is not a reality, but because they believe it is a reality, it is their reality. One of the most common quest ..read more
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Dead Game II: Birthing Pains Precede New Earth
Alex Marcoux Blog
by Daniel
4M ago
In Dead Game Part I, initially published in Gods in the Game, Daniel shares that the 3D game is ending. He said that when humanity was ready for more messages, he would share more. This divine pep talk reminds us of the larger plan at play. This scenario is not designed to invoke fear or indicate failure or punishment. It's a gentle nudge, a reminder of what we already know in our hearts to be occurring on some level. Trust in the process, for it is leading us towards a higher consciousness. Here is Dead Game Part Two. Daniel: New Timelines and Different Earths This is going to happen fast, bu ..read more
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Are we going through a spiritual ascension or consciousness shift?
Alex Marcoux Blog
by Alex Marcoux
5M ago
Are we experiencing a spiritual ascension, an awakening, or a consciousness shift? Many names. Do they mean the same thing? No, and it's important to know the difference. Most agree that change is in the air; many feel we are on the brink of something radical. We are. I hear people suggest that we’re waiting for an ascension event. But what is occurring is not exactly an ascension, and while some may suggest it is semantics, there is a difference between what is occurring and ascension, and what I learned in the channelings for Gods in the Game made it worthwhile to mention. What is Spiritual ..read more
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The 5 Waves of the New Children
Alex Marcoux Blog
by Alex Marcoux
6M ago
Whether you call them New Children, Indigo Children, Crystal Children, Rainbow Children, Diamond Children, or Gold Children, these Starseeds or Star People play a role in humanity’s spiritual evolution. Some may refer to them as “the 144000” or Lightworkers, but all of them are here to usher in the  New Earth. Revolution precedes every evolution. We are living in a time of spiritual evolution. A revolution precedes every evolution. That uprising has been occurring through natural disasters, wars, diseases, food crises, coronavirus, vaccines, and other catastrophes and will continue until ..read more
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What is Spiritual Sovereignty?
Alex Marcoux Blog
by Alex Marcoux
7M ago
What is spiritual sovereignty, and why does it matter? You are on the journey of awakening and remembering and claiming your sovereignty, which was hidden from humanity eons ago. You will not fully awaken if you don't claim it. What is sovereignty? Now Available Sovereignty is one’s inherent power to be sovereign. It is your supreme power to own your life (thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and perceptions) and understand that you have the choice and free will to choose not to be influenced by others and manifest your life for your highest good. It is determining what is in alignment with your Div ..read more
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Introduction | Gods in the Game: Messages on the Awakening …
Alex Marcoux Blog
by Alex Marcoux
7M ago
The following is the Introduction of Gods in the Game: Messages on the Awakening and Consciousness Shift. May this post serve as an excerpt of our book. I invite you to read it with an open heart and mind. Introduction “I have said, ye are Gods.” —Psalms 82:6 (KJV) Some say it is blasphemy to think you’re God. It’s blasphemous to think otherwise. This book is not for everyone. It is not a spirituality book for beginners nor a prayer book. It is not visionary fiction. It’s not solely a spiritual memoir, but you may call it a spiritual memoir “plus” the insights of higher-dimensional beings. T ..read more
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The Real Reason for the Rise in Autism
Alex Marcoux Blog
by Alex Marcoux
7M ago
Why has the autism rate increased? The simple truth is it’s a mystery to the medical community, which can’t be solved by the head, only by the heart. Why has autism risen? Contrary to humanity’s current belief, I learned many years ago that autistics have a higher intelligence and expanded awareness. Many have gifts and skills, like telepathy, traveling inter-dimensionally, unconditional love, advanced psychic skills, and gifts that remain a mystery to us. My work has always been to seek out and reveal hidden truths to help humanity heal. Over the years, I have captured and discerned messages ..read more
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