Nurse Nacole
My name is Nacole. I'm a nurse who loves nursing & promotes nursing awesomeness. My mission is to encourage as many prospective nursing students, current nursing students, and nursing professionals in the promotion of nursing excellence by providing resources and suggestions.
Nurse Nacole
1h ago
Category: Critical Care Nursing
Patients with acute hemodynamic compromise or acute hypoxia on the ventilator should be bagged manually on 100% oxygen. Tension pneumothorax, increased iPEEP and accidental extubation are the most life-threatening concerns more
Nurse Nacole
1h ago
Category: Critical Care Nursing
When a patient's condition suddenly deteriorates during mechanical ventilation, a systematic approach should be applied to assess for life-threatening conditions. The first step in evaluation includes assessing the patient and vital signs more
Nurse Nacole
2d ago
Category: Critical Care Nursing
A potential complication of positive pressure ventilation is the development of iPEEP. iPEEP is the accumulation of end-expiratory volume and end-expiratory pressure that occurs when exhalation cannot be fully completed more
Nurse Nacole
3d ago
Category: Critical Care Nursing
Positive pressure ventilation has a direct impact on the lungs. Whether delivered as a set volume or set pressure, invasive positive pressure ventilation forcibly distends the lung. It can be injurious causing volutrauma and barotrauma more
Nurse Nacole
4d ago
Category: Critical Care Nursing
Propofol's ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier rapidly and distribute into peripheral tissues is responsible for the rapidity and short duration of its clinical effect. Propofol can precipitate hypotension by increasing venous capacitance more
Nurse Nacole
6d ago
Category: Critical Care Nursing
Intubation, mechanical ventilation and paralysis are a significant cause of pain and anxiety for patients, and analgesia and sedation are required to promote patient comfort and patient-ventilator synchrony more
Nurse Nacole
1w ago
Category: Critical Care Nursing
CPAP provides constant positive pressure throughout the respiratory cycle, whereas BiPAP alternates between higher pressure during inspiration (IPAP) and lower pressure during expiration (EPAP more
Nurse Nacole
1w ago
Category: Critical Care Nursing
PEEP increases intrapulmonary and intrathoracic pressures and may affect pulmonary and cardiovascular physiology. Potential adverse effects of PEEP include decreased cardiac output, lung overdistention and pneumothorax more
Nurse Nacole
1w ago
Category: Critical Care Nursing
During acute respiratory failure, lung volumes are typically decreased. The application of PEEP increases functional residual capacity, improves oxygenation and decreases intrapulmonary shunting more
Nurse Nacole
1w ago
Category: Critical Care Nursing
Regardless of the ventilatory mode chosen, PEEP is often used during invasive mechanical ventilation. PEEP refers to the maintenance of positive airway pressure after the completion of passive exhalation more