Miss Mandala Blogs
Miss Mandala Blog
by Shopify API
3y ago
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5 Reasons I LOVE Doing Commissions (and why they are more than just dogs and baby portraits)
Miss Mandala Blog
by Nadezhda Raskina
3y ago
Every artist online has some sort of commission horror story, but I think commissions are underrated. I had my reservations when starting offering commission work. What if the customer doesn’t like my work? What if I can’t paint what they ask me too? I can’t paint a portrait to save my life… so what would people even ask me to paint? But my commissioned painting happen to be some of my favorite things I’ve done and I’ve learned so much throughout the process.      1. I Get to Experiment with New Color Palettes   When I started painting all I used were pinks and purples bec ..read more
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How I Manifested $300 work of Art Supplies
Miss Mandala Blog
by Nadezhda Raskina
3y ago
Do you ever say to yourself.... why does everything cost money? Last month I was shopping almost everyday to buy supplies for vending music festivals. I was spending so much money on art supplies and I felt like the more stuff I bought the more I needed to buy. I was shopping so much I didn't even have time to paint. I went to Home Depot to buy a piece of wood to use as a display, and I was in the wood section (which I dont frequent often). I have seen Lowes and Home Depot selling wooden circles but they were very thick and quite pricey ($10 for one circle). I even thought about buying a jigsa ..read more
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FAQs with Miss Mandala
Miss Mandala Blog
by Nadezhda Raskina
3y ago
Frequently Asked Questions How long have you been drawing/painting mandalas? I have been painting since August of 2017. I have been really inspired by Pop Art and Visionary Art since 2016 when I started going to a lot of music festivals. Have you taken any art classes? I did take a Beginning and Intermediate Drawing class at the New Orleans Academy of Fine Art, but that was after I had already sold a few pieces. Most of my style came from seeing artists on Instagram and kind of piecing together techniques from each person that I really like. Who is your biggest inspiration? I love Mara Dias Ma ..read more
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